Third Person P.O.V~
Deep in the cold, godforsaken snowy woods, two couples runs in the woods to find safety. But from whom? From blood-sucking creatures known as vampires. The man carrys a little girl as they continue to run from the beasts who are catching up to them.
The little girl clutches onto the man's jacket as the couple continues to run. Suddenly, the woman trips over a root and falls over. The man quickly returns to his lover as she struggles to get up. He puts the little girl down for a moment and helped her up. He return to his child and carried her.
As soon they were ready to run again, the horrifying creatures surrounded them both ways. The woman stand close to her lover as he contemplates on how to get his family out of danger. He then gives the child to his wife and whispers something in her ear.
The woman complies and on cue, she runs in a different direction and into the bushes. The man quickly took out two guns and shot both of the vampires. The creatures growled in pain and went full on to the man.
The woman runs as she carrys her child close. The child was too tired and weak to keep her eyes open, but notice the tears that stream down the woman's cheeks. The little girl wanted to know why she was crying and why they were running for so long.
The woman yet again trips over something and falls over, letting her child slips out of her grasp. The woman lays on the ground, but sits up as she curses to herself. She finds her child laying on the ground weakly and she quickly returns to her tired child. As soon as the woman picks up her child, the creatures showed up, surrounding them.
The woman, terrified, she tries to run, but ends up being blocked by the vampire. She slowly backs up until her back was against the tree. She put her child down and hid her behind her protectively. The child, however, fell to the ground as the woman scream out her name.
She could feel the woman's cold bare hands, stroking her cheeks, but then been suddenly ripped away when the vampires took hold of her. The child eyes close slowly, but sees the creatures hundles up around the woman, barely seeing her. She could hear the woman scream in agony and the child's eyes fully closed, now unconsious.
Zero's P.O.V~ (age 10)
Ichiru and I walk our way back home from training. Yagari-sensei stated he had an assignment to do, so we finished up early. I look over at Ichiru and he had an upseting look on his face.
"Everything alright Ichiru?" I asked. He looks at me and changes his emotion.
"I'm fine brother." He says happily. I didn't believe him. Kaito always say very rude things to us during training, mostly at Ichiru. He calls him weak and pathetic even though it's not Ichiru's fault.
"Don't let Kaito words get to you." I stated and he just shakes his head.
"They didn't," he said, "So no worries." I gave him a smile and smiles back at me. Suddenly, something didn't seem right at all.
I got a good whiff of the air and it was quite strong. I then suddenly realizing what it was.
"Zero, you smell that?" Ichiru asked me and I nodded.
"It's blood." I stated and Ichiru gasped. We looked around, wondering where it's coming from. I heard Ichiru gasped again and I looked at him.
"Brother look." He said, pointing at something. I followed his direction and my eyes widened in shock. A man crawled out the bushes, completely injured. He covers his wound that's located by his stomach, but blood continues to pour out.

Just Me & You (Zero & Ichiru Kiryu Love Story) Vampire Knight Fanfic
FanfictionI love them...I love them both so very much. But there can only be one.....who's it going to be?