14. Doubt

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The song, I just liked it when I heard it. 


Zion wakes up gasping. Tears running down his face as the dream replays in his mind.

He walks into his apartment excited to see Mike. He has great news that he can't wait to share with him. He makes his way to their bedroom, the door is open as it is always, but he hears noise from the inside.

"Love--" Mike says.

Who is he talking to? Zion wonders. "Mike, I'm home." He says as he walks inside the bedroom. His words are cut off when he sees Mike in their bed with someone else. The sheets tangled around them. They both turn toward Zion. His breath is knocked out of him and he is frozen on the spot. He wants to run away, but he can't. He sees Hunter not Mike. Am I dying? Zion asks himself as he clutches his chest. Then, Hunter morphs into Mike. This is a dream. Zion tells himself.

Why did I dream that? He asks trying to wipe the tears from his face.

"Why have you been avoiding Mike?" Zane asks over dinner.

"I haven't." Zion replies.

"Maybe you should talk to someone." Zane suggest. "It might make things better."

"I'm fine. I thought this was supposed to be fun." Zion says trying to change the subject.

"You are doubting yourself or the relationship. I've heard you up at night." Zane states. "I know you haven't been spending time with Mike lately."

"I..." Zion begins to say before his shoulders slump. "How do you know?"

"I'm your brother." If you knew you would be angry at me.

"Are you having nightmares?"

Zion nods.


"Mike leaving me. Mike being with someone else..." Zion shudders.

"Why?" Zane asks.

Zion shrugs his shoulder. Because that is what he did.

"You know he is not him."

"I know. It's just..."

"You don't have to tell me what else happened between you and Hunter..."

Zion's eyes widen and his heart beats nervously. How does he know?

"That is making you this doubtful, you weren't even this doubtful when you started a relationship with him, but talking to someone else might help you through what you're feeling. You shouldn't be afraid of letting someone else in. Does it have to do with them coming over for Christmas? Everyone got along great."

Zion nods thinking over what his brother has told him. He doesn't notice that Zane left until he is back and offering him his favorite dessert.

"Sofia made it."


"Now that the heart talk is over we are having a movie marathon."

"What movies?"

"Disney movies."

"Sometimes I think that you love them more than I do." He teases.

"I'm not afraid of punching you." Zane saying clicking play.

"You wouldn't dare."

"Do you want to test it?"

"I'll get Sofia on my side." Zion teases.

"She is my wife not yours."

"You know she doesn't approve of fighting between family."

"With no justification." Zane mumbles.

"There is no justification to hit your little brother."

"You are terrible." Zane states. "Next time, I'm not letting Sofia make you your favorite."

"She loves me. She will make it."

"You are lucky she does. Now watch the movie."

"Why do you love this movie? It really is a sad movie."

"Because of Zimba."

Zion shakes his head before he becomes engrossed in the movie. Both of their eyes are watery during the scene when Zimba's dad is killed. They are smiling at the end of the movie. 


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