Chapter 14

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What if

{Gerald's p.o.v.}

"Ya, i dont know man now days it's almost like nobody pays attention to what's real in life. It's more a get up and go style that we have." I said while taking another sip of Hennessy.

"Bro I couldn't agree more, you see the fake girls only look for the money and the fake men look for the fuck. I don't understand how people tolerate that human kind." He said laying back in his seat.

My showing got canceled because of the weather so me and an old friend of mine are kicking it back in my whip.

"Mhm. You know? I get the feeling that nobody actually gets what it's like to be famous. I mean don't get me wrong it's great and all, but once you get in, there's no turning back. It's a whole different world your introduced to once the fame hits you." I said with a buzzed mumble while kicking my legs up on the dash.

"I feel you man, I feel as if we're locked into a world where we are forced to do what everyone wants or else were the bad people. I'm rambling now, anyways bro how's your lady." He asked, folding an arm under his neck and head.

"She's good. Yeah... Yeah um when I first met her I didn't think much of her honestly until I got to know her these past few weeks. She's changed the way I look at things. I don't think of things as come and go anymore."

"Yeah she's a real gift man, but I better head back to my crib. Tomorrow?" He asked while opening the door.

"Ye man, see ya tomorrow." I called out as he walked to his car.

"What the fuuuck." I whispered as I stepped inside my tour bus. It was trashed.

"Sienna?" I called out while going to the back of the bus.

I opened the door to the back bedroom and found Skizzy and Sienna talking and drinking.

"The fuck is this?" I grabbed the wine from Siennas hands as she was about to down the whole bottle. I looked at Skizzy. "Out."

{Siennas p.o.v.}

"Um may I ask who you are first?" I turned away from the mirror and saw the Skizzy Mars standing beyond me.

"Come on, like you don't know me." He smirked while the words slipped past his lips.

"Skizzy, I'm Sienna." I said, holding my hand out. Apparently he doesn't 'roll' that way as he just stood there and stared at my hand.

"So why are you on Gerald's bus?" He asked as if Gerald were his brother.

I raised an eyebrow "because I'm his girlfriend.."

"Oh sorry ma'am." He said while he made himself at home.

"Eh emh." I cleared my throat while crossing my arms.

"Oh I'm supposed to do a little meet up with him but I'll wait."

" alright well I'll be over there." I said pointing to Gerald's room.

"Hey wait a second.." He said before I walked off.

I turned around and faced him. "Yeah?"

He stood up and took out a few bottles of liquor. " wanna have some fun?"

I honestly don't remember what happened after that.

I rolled over in bed till I hit Gerald.

"Babe scoot over its a king."

I scoffed "dick"

"Excuse me?" He said turning around.

"You heard me"


"Uh, you wanna fight mr?"

"Haha, no." He said going back to sleep.

"Oh and by the way, your gonna help clean that mess up." He added and fell asleep once again.

Young Gerald [ G-Eazy ]Where stories live. Discover now