Chapter Two - First Kill

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     I woke up at about four in the afternoon. And I fucking deserved it after the shit that went down last night. I got out of bed and took a quick shower, then I got dressed ( . I played Zelda for a little bit until I got bored with it and decided to go shopping. After all, I have made my decision. I'm gonna take Jeff's offer. Why not? I have nothing to lose. And even if I did get caught by the cops, I'd probably get the death penalty. I don't have a problem with that as long as I got to live my life the way I want before hand. New life, new me. Well, kinda. I just want new clothes. I'm gonna dye my hair (f/c) too. Hell, I'm gonna get a tattoo while I'm at it. I have money to spare. Inheritance does wonders. I checked my to make sure everything I needed was in there and then left.

I decided to get my tattoo done first just in case I couldn't make it to the tattoo shop in time later. I decided to get on my back. It's gonna take quite awhile, but it's worth it.
After I got my tattoo, I went to the mall. I got some and then had my hair dyed and then I went home. I got home at 9:30 PM to find Jeff casually sitting on my couch eating popcorn and watching the news. "Look, it's me!" he said. The news was talking about all these murders in the area. They obviously didn't have a picture of Jeff but it was obvious they were talking about him, considering the MO they described. "So have you decided?" Jeff asked eagerly.
"Yes," I said. I paused to build up suspense. "I'll go."
"Yay!" Jeff jumped up with joy. God, for an infamous serial killer I never expected him to be so... enthusiastic. "I'll help you pack!" We packed all of my clothes and everything else important like my tv, video games, etc,. Everything that could fit in my car. If we had to make more than one trip, so be it. After a few hours, we managed to get all of my stuff to the Slender Mansion. I'll just sell the house and furniture. "Okay," Jeff said, "they know you're coming, but please be careful. I don't know how they'll act."
"Okay," I said cautiously. Jeff unlocked the door and guided me into the humongous mansion. I was greeted by the tall, faceless man from my dream. I don't know how to feel.
"Hello, child." His booming voice echoed throughout the halls of the mansion. "I take it you received my message?"
"You mean the dream?" I asked. I simply nodded his head. "What was it supposed to mean?"
"I was recruiting you," he said, "I see great potential in you and I wish for you to be a proxy of mine in due time. You're very strong and independent. Take into account that you survived Jeff and even had a knife to his throat."
"well, t-thank you, sir." I was flattered. I never expected to get a compliment like that before. He's not scary like you'd expect him to be. He actually seems quite caring.
"You're welcome, young lady. Jeff, would you please show her around and introduce her to everyone?"
"Sure thing, boss. Follow me, (y/n)." Jeff took my hand and led me through the foyer into the main part of the building. "This is the main hall," he said, "this is where we hang out most of the time unless we're busy." I felt something tug on my shirt and when I looked down to see what it was, I saw a small girl with bright green eyes and long brunette hair.
"Hi, miss, I'm Sally!"
"Well hello there, Sally! I'm (y/n)"
"Nice to meet you, (y/n)!" Sally hugged me then ran off to do whatever it is kids do. Jeff and I continued exploring the main hall and came across seven men and one girl, all of different... appearances.
"Guys," Jeff said to get their attention, "this is (y/n), our newest addition. Come over here and introduce yourselves." All the people walked over to me one by one, introducing themselves.
A boy around 19 came up to me first. He had a brown striped jacket on as well as odd goggles. He had hatchets strapped to his side, one old and one new. "I'm Toby," he said, "my nickname is Ticci Toby though because," he twitched, "I have Tourette's. I'm also completely numb to pain."
"Awe, I'm sorry to hear that," I said, "I hope you're doing alright. I'm (y/n), nice to meet you though, Toby!" Toby smiled and walked away to continue what he was doing.
Next there was a tall man dressed entirely in black and white stripes. He had long, scraggly black hair and a cone shaped nose which was also striped. "My name is Laughing Jack, just call me LJ," he said, walking away after he put candy in my hand. Okay then.
A man that stood around Jeff's height approached me. He was wearing a blue mask that appeared to have bottomless pits for eyes. Some sort of black goo was oozing out of them and frankly, I don't want to know what it is. "I'm Eyeless Jack. Just call me EJ. It's how we avoid confusion between LJ and I. I really enjoy kidneys too, so if you could ever get some for me that'd be great." Gross. But hey, to each his own. He left.
A short boy around 16 came up to me. He looked a lot like Link from Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, but quite a bit more demented. There was blood dripping from his eyes and every so often, it seemed as if he was, how do I put it, glitching? I don't know how else to describe it. "Hi! I'm BEN Drowned, but you can just call me BEN." He walked away and started tinkering with a beat up laptop.
Two men came up to me at once, one wearing a feminine mask with black lips and eyes and the other one wearing a dark hoodie and black mask with a frownie face stitched into it. "I'm Masky," said the one with the feminine mask.
"And I'm Hoodie," said the other one. They told me they were Slenderman's main dudes and left to go eat cheesecake.
The last person to approach me was the girl. She looked about my age (I'm 19 by the way) but there was something very peculiar about her. She had the face of a clock in one of her eyes and a smile stitched into her cheeks. "Hi! I'm Clockwork," she said, "I really look forward to becoming good friends with you. I think Jeff does too, if ya know what I mean," she giggled. "But anyway, I have to catch up on some things so I gotta go, but feel free to ask me anything if you have any questions!" And with that, she walked away.
"Well," Jeff said, "that's everyone." I don't think he heard what Clockwork said about him and that's probably a good thing. "I'll show you where our room is."
"Our room?" I interrogated.
"Oh yeah, about that.." he scratched his forehead and hesitantly continued. "It's gonna be awhile for us to fix up a room suitable for you so you're gonna have to bunk with me for awhile. I hope that's okay. I have an air mattress set up in there so you can take my bed."
"It's fine, I was just wondering. And I'll take the air mattress, it's not a problem, really."
"No, I insist." I came to the conclusion that he wasn't gonna give in so I just let it happen. He's actually quite the gentleman when you get to know him.
"Fine, I give up. Thank you, Jeff."
"You're welcome, (y/n)" He guided me to where our room was and unlocked the door. The room was actually quite large, featuring a walk-in closet. There was plenty of space for an air mattress, maybe two. The bed was made and looked like the sheets and comforter had just been washed. There was a large dresser in front of the bed, definitely big enough for me to set up my electronics on. Jeff and I put all my stuff away and went to sleep.

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