Chapter Ten - A Blossoming Romance

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I woke up to find myself wrapped up in Jeff's warm embrace. "Good morning, darling," I said to wake him up. He groggily woke up and pulled me tighter.
"Mornin', babe. How are your nether regions feeling?"
"Gross! Don't call it that. And still a little sore but I'll be alright."
"Good," Jeff chuckled. I heard a quiet knock on our door.
"Who is it?" I called out.
"Toby. Can I talk to you guys for a sec?"
"Yeah, hold on." Jeff and I pulled ourselves out of our warm bed and got dressed. I put some shoes on, brushed my hair out, and then invited Toby in. "So what's up?" I asked.
"Well," he said nervously. He was twitching more than usual so I could tell something was up. "I like Natalie. Like a lot. I don't know, it's like whenever I'm around her my stomach drops." (For those of you who don't know, Natalie is Clockwork's original name.)
"Awe," I said. "Have you told her yet?"
"No. I don't know how. I don't have any experience with romance so I have no idea how to act about it. What should I do?"
"Well, start off slow. Maybe take her out somewhere like to the movies or even the park. Make it simple. Don't take her to a five star restaurant because that may seem like you're trying too hard to impress her. She won't mind what you do as long as you're together. Don't tell her you have feelings for her right away either. You want to leave her guessing for a little while. Just bluntly telling her you like her or even love her without any alone time outside of the mansion may come off as desperate. So before you take her out, just drop subtle little hints like Jeff would with me. For example, Jeff would say stuff like, 'I love the way you think,' he'd flirt, etcetera. Once you're confident enough that she picked up on at least a few of the hints, take her out to do something and tell her then. Not only is it romantic, but it'll allow her to get a feel of how you behave around her too."
"(y/n) (l/n), relationship guru, established last night when she got laid," Jeff teased.
"Boy, you better shut the fuck up." I playfully smacked Jeff's arm and kissed him right after to make up for it.
"Well then," Toby said. "I didn't want to know about that."
"There's your proof that sound doesn't escape this room," Jeff continued to tease.
"Ohmygod, Jeff. You're an ass." My face was a dark rouge at this point, due to Jeff airing out our dirty laundry (almost quite literally) to Toby.
"Jeff, please stop," Toby begged. "I really don't wanna know about what you two do in here. Remind me not to sit on your bed ever again. Please." Toby looked so embarrassed by what Jeff said that I felt bad. "Thanks for the advice, (y/n)."
"No problem! Keep me posted, alright? I wanna know everything." Toby left our bedroom and shut the door behind him.
"It's funny," Jeff said. "When I realized I had feelings for you, I turned to Natalie for advice and she said to do the exact same thing. And now the tables have turned."
"Woman's intuition," I said pointing to my head. "We know what we like. We know how to woo each other. Women are much more emotional than men, ya know? We're hardwired to love people and want to be loved. It's human nature."
"You know what else is funny?" Jeff continued. "Natalie told me she has feelings for Toby. She's too scared to tell him though. She knows he likes her too so she decided she's gonna let him make the first move and see how he handles it."
"I can't blame her," I said, "women like it when the man approaches her first. At least I do. I can't blame her for wanting to see how he handles the situation either. She wants to see if he acts mature about the situation."
"Good point. I love you so much."
"I love you too, Jeff. More than you can imagine."

The next day, Natalie asked for advice as well. "(y/n)," she said, "I consider you my best friend now and I hope you feel the same."
"Of course I do!" I said as my heart filled with joy. I've never once in my life had a best friend, or even friends at all for that matter. If I had never taken up Jeff's offer, I'd either be dead or wish I was. I would've continued living the same, dull life that I did before I came here. It would've been the same thing every day. Wake up, shower, eat, work, sleep. Repeat. And on weekends I'd do nothing but play video games because I had nothing better to do. And if I was depressed, I had to suck it up or see a doctor. I didn't have friends or family to confide in. I had no support system. I didn't have anyone there to be a shoulder for me to lean on when I needed it the most. Whoever thought that becoming a murderer would make you feel loved for once in your life? Definitely not me.
"Well, can I ask you a question then?"
"Always." I already knew what was coming. She was gonna confess how she felt about Toby to me. I could tell by the way she was acting; nervous, but not upset. Had it been something bad or a mistake she made, she would've most likely been nervous, yes, but she would've also been much more lethargic.
"I have feelings for Toby and he's been dropping hints here and there. I just want him to tell me how he feels and ask me out already. I can't handle it anymore; loving him but not having him."
"Well," I said, "you have to be patient. He's never been in a relationship before and I can imagine he's extremely nervous. He might even be completely oblivious to how you feel. Just give him time to come out of his shell. He'll have to eventually."  

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