Chapter Three - My First Time

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 I woke up early in the morning to find Jeff still asleep. He's a heavy sleeper for a guy with no eyelids. Honestly, I don't even know how he sleeps.
I gingerly tapped him on the shoulder. "Wake up," I said. He jolted awake and sat up.
"What?" he asked.
"Time for breakfast." I went into the large closet and got dressed then went downstairs for breakfast.
"Hey (y/n)," Masky came up to me. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"Can I have some strawberry crepes and some Earl Grey tea?" I asked politely.
"Of course. I'll go inform Master. It'll be about thirty minutes."
"Okay, thank you!" Masky walked away and disappeared into the kitchen.
"So," Toby approached me while occasionally twitching. "Have you killed anyone?"
"No, but I almost killed Jeff."

"I call bullshit."
"No, it's true," Jeff confirmed. He raised his chin to show the cut on his throat from my blade. He also showed Toby the massive gash in his palm.
"Damn, no wonder Slendy recruited you," Toby twitched. "If you could do that to Jeff of all people, I can't imagine what you're capable of doing to someone not nearly as skilled as any of us."
"Well thank you," I said, flattered by his compliment.
Toby turned to Jeff and asked, "when are you taking her out?"
"Wait what? Why? What are you guys talking about?" I asked, confused.
"Well you can't just become a proxy by sitting around," answered Toby.
"Oh true."
"Yeah. Smells like breakfast is ready. Come on, (y/n)." Jeff took my hand and led me to the large dining room table and sat in between him and Clockwork. Slenderman brought exactly what I asked for and sat it in front of me. I thanked him and happily dug into my food. I can't even put into words how delicious it tasted. The tea was brewed just right, with a small amount of milk and sugar added to it. Just the way I like it.
Jeff and BEN stuffed their faces with a delicious looking pizza that just the sight of made my mouth water. "Want some?" BEN offered. "I can see you eyeballing it," he chuckled.
"Sure, thank you." I took a bite and now I understand why they were eating it like animals. It was literally the best pizza I have ever tasted. And I'm not exaggerating, either.

I spent most of my day playing video games with BEN and hanging out with Clockwork and Jeff. Around nine o'clock in the evening, Jeff took me into our room. "So, get dressed real quick and then I'll tell you what we're gonna do," he said. I got dressed and put some combat boots on then left the bedroom to find Jeff waiting patiently by the door. "So here's what's gonna go down," he said, "you're going to stay close to me, meaning you'll have to keep up. I'm going to pick a house and show you how to break in unnoticed. Once we get inside, it's simple. I want you to kill the victim however you please, just make sure you aren't seen. Understood?"
"Yes, understood."
"Alright, then let's go."

We found a rickety old house, standing alone at the end of the street. Whoever lived there didn't seem to concerned with the appearance of their home. The paint had almost completely chipped off, the siding was so full of holes that there was barely any siding left, the grass hadn't been cut in at least a year, and there were so many tall weeds that the lawn looked like a mini jungle. I wish I was kidding.
Jeff and I walked around the house, looking into every window to find where our victim's bedroom was. We eventually found it. "Okay, let me see your knife," Jeff demanded. I hesitantly handed him my KaBar and he showed me what to do. "Okay," he said, "give me your hand." I let him take my hand and he placed the knife in it. "What you're gonna do is slip your knife in the lock like this and then gently twist it." He guided my hand to where I needed to put the knife and then twisted my hand so I knew the exact motion. I heard a click, confirming that the window unlocked with ease. Jeff quietly slid the window open and climbed through. "Be careful," he whispered. I slowly pulled myself up and slipped through the window with ease.
"What do I do now?" I asked in a hushed tone.
"Kill him," Jeff said in a sadistic manner. I quietly crept towards the man with my KaBar in hand.
I poked the man in the cheek with my blade, intentionally waking him up. "Hey honey, how ya doin'?" I asked before I pulled him up by his thinning hair and sawed at his throat. A gurgling noise could be heard as I decapitated him. The further I got to the base of his skull, the more quiet and raspy his desperate screams were. Soon, I had his head in my hand and his body dropped to the floor.
"Damn," Jeff said. "I didn't expect you to be that brutal."
"Is that a compliment?"
"Of course it is." Jeff smirked, making his scars curve further upward. "Now let's get out of here."

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