Natural Affections

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After we made our deal, Russia and I were the best of friends. It didn't matter if we didn't know each other very well, we liked each other, and that was all that needed to matter. Besides, how could one not like Russia? He was the sweetest little thing: shining, dark eyes, a beguiling smile, and a heart of pure gold, even if most of him looked to be made of silver. Russia was a grey child, for he always dressed in the dreary color, his hair always matching, and his skin blending in with the color scheme.

His two sisters, Ukraine and Belarus, accepted me as Russia's new friend, Ukraine more than Bela. Belarus was a silent little girl whose facial expressions could drive away an entire army of fully grown men. Holy shit that girl is TERRIFYING. I should know because she still scares the crap out of me, even if we are on good terms with each other. At any rate, I was accepted into their family as a sort of cousin, but, as time went on, Russia saw me as so much more. We did get to know each other, for we talked non-stop, and, let me tell you, Russia had a lot of personality hidden beneath that coat and scarf.

"I want to be a large country someday," he told me one day as we were sitting on the bank of a frozen river. I was tossing pebbles onto the icy surface of the small creek, watching them skid across the smooth, solid water.

"Oh? Well, that doesn't surprise me," I answered. "Every other country wants to be big and successful." I looked over at China, the doll, and remembered my friend China whom I had helped to grow. He had most likely forgotten about me by then.

"Those countries want to be big so they have power," Russia grunted. "I want to be big so those bullies won't be mean to me. I want them to stay away. That's why I want to be friends with Lithuania, because then I will have a partner to work alongside with." Russia looked from the river to me and smiled, saying, "But I have you, Tekhnologii! You will be my partner, da?"

"Yes, I will, but please, do not ask too much of me," I pleaded. "I'm not a miracle worker. The world is still a primitive place." I looked back at the ice. "Mankind will have to do their share too."

Russia covered my tiny hand with his own, his fingers curling around the side of my palm. "That is where I come in! We made a promise, da? I will keep mine since you have kept yours!" Russia was beaming. I remember that smile, for it's the same smile Russia wears 24/7, but that one smile was different. It was genuine.

I was surprised at how much manpower Russia's people had. He didn't have to overwork them, for they had so much strength. I remember overlooking one of the construction sites all those years ago and marveling at how well-built the men were. It seemed as though the labor was... fun? At any rate, I was impressed, and back when I was a kid, it was difficult to impress me.

That's just it: Russia has always been the only one who could impress me with ease.

He never asked too much of me, and if he wanted something done, he did it himself. I remember standing side by side with him, gazing at the country he was building. I could feel how proud he was that he was finally on track to becoming the great country he longed to be. My only hope was that he wouldn't forget about me like China most likely had. A promise is a promise, but they're hard to keep.

I'd like to tell you how much I cared about that boy, but I'd be going on forever without end. As a little girl, with the mind equivalent to that of an adult's, I naturally had an attraction for the opposite sex. Russia is a male, and I am a female, and so, by nature, I began to feel attracted to him. Now, you may be wondering if I felt this way with China. It was different with him. His metabolic age became higher than mine, so he was "older" than me. Russia and I were the "same age", so I felt nature's attraction for the boy. I noticed I was sitting closer to him, smiling more around him, and trying to get him to laugh more often. I had a cute, little crush... daw...

Looking back, I now realize it was more of a little-girl-spending-excessive-amounts-of-time-with-a-little-boy scenario. But back then, I swore I was in love with Russia. Then, one day, I found out he felt the same attraction.

We were taking a walk in the snowy forest, not speaking, but enjoying each other's company. We were looking around at the snow, the bare trees, and watching after the occasional scampering animal. I had butterflies fluttering about in my heart, for I was so glad at that moment. Everything was perfect: the scenery, the sounds, the company. Nothing bad could happen...

Ironically, just as that last thought went through my mind, the Tutonic Knights (you know him as Prussia) came out of nowhere.

"Hey! Fluffy asshole! You're going down!!" he declared with his scratchy high-pitched voice.

"Ah! Tutonic Knights!" Russia gasped. He jumped back, stepping closer to me. I could sense his trembling.

I knew the Tutonic Knights. He was an idiotic her who thought it was fun to pick on Russia. I strongly disliked him for that.

"Hey!! Who's your new girlfriend!" Tutonic Knights screeched.

"She is not my girlfriend!" Russia cried.

"She looks like it! Hey, sexy! Aren't you his girlfriend?!?!"

"No! Stop it!"

"Russia," I spoke softly, "it's okay, just ignore him."

"Ja! Listen to your girlfriend!" Tutonic Knights ordered.

"N-Nyet! She is not girlfriend of mine!" Russia's voice was breaking. The Tutonic Knights had hardly said anything, but Russia was already on the verge of tears.

"Russia, it's fine, let's just go," I said, reaching out and placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, don't listen to her! Come on, let's have a fight right here!!" Tutonic Knights shouted. He pulled a sword from his sheath and raised it high. "Eat my holy sword, loser!"

"No! I don't want to play!" Russia cried.

But Tutonic Knights wasn't aiming for Russia.


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