Waking Up

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She's still breathing...

Make sure she does not stop...

I'm doing that...

I can't believe it. One little bullet. One bullet! How could one bullet knock her out?

She was shot in the head, Estonia. Not even Technology herself is invincible...

Lithuania? When will she wake up?

I don't know, Latvia. I honestly do not know...

What I'm worried about is Russia's return. He has been missing for two days now.

He'll be fine, Estonia. You'll see.

How do you know?

I don't know, but I know he will return alive.

What's strange about being unconscious is you can hear everything around you, but you can't respond. The only responses are your emotions. You can feel, but that's it, nothing else can be done. I heard the conversation which was being exchanged between the three Baltic States and wondered so many things: what happened to the Romanovs; were they dead; was Russia all right; what happened to me; was I all right; had Latvia's dream come true? Questions, questions, questions, they circled through my mind like hungry vultures.

Wait! Look! She's stirring!

Does that mean she'll wake up soon?

I don't know, but I think so!

No, look, it is only her facial expressions. She's dreaming.



What? I won't be waking up soon?! Hell no! I needed to wake up! I had to see the world and what was happening in it! I couldn't remain unconscious forever! To hell with that shit! I tried to break through the barrier of sleep, to open my eyes, but it was almost impossible. Note the "almost". I pushed through the barrier, becoming more and more frustrated when nothing happened. I had to get to the other side, the side of the awake and moving. I needed to know what was happening. The questions in my head couldn't remain unanswered forever! Could they...?

Look see? She's trying to wake up, I swear!

You have to be right, she looks like she's struggling. Either that or she's in extreme pain.

I wouldn't be surprised. After all, she did get shot in the forehead.

We have to help her.

No, Latvia, that is too dangerous. If we help her, she may die.


That's just how it works.

That doesn't answer my question.

Listen, she has to wake up on her own, is that understood?


NO! It's NOT fine!! I have to wake up! I HAVE TO WAKE UP! Wakeupwakeupwakupwakeup wakeupwakeupwakeup!!!!!!!!!

"Wake up!" I screamed, shooting up in bed, my eyes wide open. Immediately, I was met with a splitting headache which compelled the world around me to spin and my head to throb with a steady pulse. I fell back onto the soft mattress which had been underneath me. So much pain, so many questions... I had to get everything answered, but to no avail. The darkness to me once again.

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