Typical Mornings in Russia... for Us, That Is...

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(A/N: I'm saving the lemon for another time. I just felt like the moment between Russia and Tech was too sweet for a rough lemon. Don't worry, there will be a lemon. X3)

Russia awoke before the sun had risen fully from the horizon, as usual. He's a natural early-riser, so when he saw me lying beside him, eyes closed and breathing evenly, he wasn't surprised I was still asleep. I'm an early-riser myself, but Russia has always gotten up at the crack of dawn. He just can't sleep late, it's not in his nature. I can't sleep past eight o'clock due to constantly having to wake up at six am. At any rate, Russia didn't want to wake me up, but there was one little problem.

He was hungry.

Russia could really have gone for some kasha at that moment, but he didn't want to wake me up. I'm not a sound sleeper --I toss and turn at night-- so the position we were now in would certainly result in me waking up if Russia moved. He was still on his side, and so was I, but I was facing him now. My head still on his bicep (his arm was outstretched now), and his forehead had been pressed against mine. His other arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me to him protectively. It was such comfortable position that Russia could tell I would wake if he left to get food.

However, his stomach told him to wake his lazy ass up, so he sighed and did so. He lay in front of me, pondering how he was to keep me asleep as he moved his arm out from under my head. Then he decided, why shouldn't he just wake me up so I could get food with him? That was his ultimate decision.

With gentle lips brushing against my forehead, and a caressing hand lifting from its spot on a pillow near my head to stroke my hair, he woke me up.

"S dobrym utrom," he whispered to my fluttering eyes. (Good morning)

"Hmm...?" I moaned, my eyes half-lidded.

"Wake up, sonya," he cooed. (Sleepyhead) With the hand that had been resting by my waist, he combed my hair away from my eyes, tucking the tangled strands behind my ear.

"Why...?" I groaned, still not fully awake.

"Because," Russia pressed his forehead against mine, "I am Mother Russia and I said so." He pecked the tip of my nose.

I blinked. "Why are you being so sweet?" Russia wasn't normally this kissy-kissy with me, or anyone for that matter. As an answer, Russia leaned back, looked me in the eye and said nothing. Translation: I want something from you. I sighed and asked, "What do you want?"

"Food," he answered.

"Then get some, and stop with the puppy eyes."

Russia leaned forward, his smile becoming too sweet.

"Russia, no."

"Russia, yes."



With two strong hands, Russia grabbed my head and pulled it towards him, his lips landing on mine. His mouth worked against mine teasingly, making me wake up for sure. "Rus--!!" I cried, getting cut off by the two soft lips gently caressing my own. Then, he began to run his tongue against my lips, and I could tell he really wanted to enter my mouth, despite this gesture being a tease. To make him happy, I reluctantly granted his request and allowed his to explore my mouth.

I had never let a man's tongue make contact with my own, and at this point, I was wondering why. Russia's tongue explored every area of my mouth, leaving no spot untouched. He made the whole thing seem like a desperate attempt at love. He pressed against my lips like there was no time in the world. To remind him that the world wasn't ending, I pressed my hands against his shirt-covered chest and tried to push him away, but it was to no avail. As a final resort, I used the strength given to me as a spirit, and this pushed him away.

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