It's Begun...

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The lot of us stepped into the ballroom, and though we were all used to the sight of the Winter Palace's grand hall, it was still a sight to behold. High ceilings, polished floors, golden chandeliers; the Russians know how to party with style. I looked around at all the people, not one of them was lonely: everyone had a partner with whom they were dancing or chatting. I stood on the throne platform next to Russia, my arm looped with his, listening to the Russian music which surrounded me. The whole scene was lovely, there was just one little problem.

"Would you like to dance?" Russia asked me. Oh yes, lovely, the one problem comes out of the blue.

"I would, but... I don't know how...," I admitted. Russia's amethyst colored eyes widened slightly, then softened along with his smile. He unraveled his arm from mine and took my hand within his large, gloved one.

"I will teach you," he said. He led me from the platform down the stairs, and onto the dance floor. "I am surprised you do not know how to dance. Normally, you know how to do everything."

"Not this time," I giggled nervously.

"I noticed," Russia pointed out. Then, he took both of my hands and guided them to their set places. My left hand went to his right shoulder, and the fingers of my right hand were interlaced with the fingers of his left hand. His right hand settle upon my waist, his eyes landing on mine, and his stature tall and proud. "Now, you take a small step forward with your right foot," Russia instructed.

I looked down at my feet to make sure I didn't step on his foot. However, the moment my head tilted forwards, Russia's fingertips gripped my chin lightly and tipped my head upwards so our eyes locked once more. "Look at me," he ordered. "Always look at me." He nodded for me to continue and take my step forwards. Timidly, I took a small step forwards, and as I did so, Russia took a step back. "Take a step forwards with your left foot," he told me. I obeyed, and he moved along with me. As he instructed me which way to go, Russia stepped along with me until I got the hang of it. Then, together, we danced happily.

It brought back a memory from long ago...

*988 C.E.*

"Tekh, do you know how to dance?" Russia asked me.

"How to dance? Well, not formal dancing, but yes, I suppose so," I answered.

"I will teach you," Russia announced, suddenly standing up on the snowy river bank.

"Wait, now?"

"Da!" Russia extended a hand towards me, his open palm anticipating the touch of my fingertips against it. I hesitantly rested my hand upon his and he grasped it gently. He pulled me to my feet and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Put your arms around my neck," he instructed. When I obeyed, we began to spin around slowly. We were having an awkward chat, which made us all the more giggly.

I began to feel happy, purely happy. So happy, in fact, that when we both calmed down from the giggling, I rested my head upon Russia's shoulder.

"T-Tekh?!" Russia gasped. "What are you doing?"

"I'm happy," I told him, closing my eyes.

Russia paused a moment before pulling me closer and resting his head upon my own. Together, we danced together until the Siberian sun set and the inky twilight ascended.

*1916 C.E.*

Russia and I spun around on the dance floor along with other dancing couples. I could feel Belarus glaring daggers into my head as she danced with Lithuania. Little Latvia was turning beet red as he danced with Olga, the same went for the Tzarevich Alexei, who was dancing with Ukraine. Both boys were about the same age, Latvia being fifteen and Alexei being thirteen. This had to be humiliating for them.

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