Windpower: The Epilogue

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(In this chapter, Technology is no longer the reader, she is her own character, my OC.)

Branchport, New York State, United States of America, Technology's Residence, 2017

"Podsolnechnika, could you come here for a moment?" Russia called.

Tech turned from her desk in her room towards the speaker by her door. She leaned back in her seat and began a conversation with the computer system she had created. "Inc, does he really need me?" she asked.

"Not really, he just needs to ask you something, so you shouldn't waste your breath walking down there," the computer system replied. Inc (Interior Network and Companion) was Tech's invention, her companion of a few decades. He had a personality of his own, that idiot.

"Alright, I'm going down there," Tech finalized.

"Sure, don't listen to the computer."

Technology reached her bedroom door and opened it. "Inc?"



He obeyed.

"What is it that you want, love?" Tech asked when she arrived in her living room where Russia sat on her couch.

"China called me. He said your sister is going on a vacation with America to the beach along with England and Canada, whoever that is. He told me we were invited," Russia explained.

Tech grinned and fingered the two rings on her ring finger. "You know how I am with water."

"Da, you love it, and you are good at surfing."

"Yes, but I'll drown, I can't swim."

"Should I tell your sister that we are going?"

"I'll ask her first. Until we get answer, I'll be looking for my paddle board," Tech decided.

Russia grinned and stood from the couch. He walked over to Tech and wrapped his arms around her, kissing her forehead. "Let us hope there is enough windpower," he said.

"Why is that?" Tech asked.

"To help you keep your balance."


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