Triple date

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Sierra's pov

The trip to Louisiana was super fun and i had a great time. when we got back everyone was exhausted Michaela stayed the night at Brooke's house and Taylor stayed with me at my house. it was about 2am when my phone started buzzing which meant i had a text, who on earth would text me this late at night. everyone that knows me well knows that i hate being woken up especially while I'm in a deep sleep.

opening my phone i noticed the text was from Aaron. huh wonder why he's texting me so late.

From Aaron: Hey Sierra!

To Aaron: Aaron...why on earth are you texting me at this hour do you know what time it is over here??

From Aaron: no actually i don't! but i have to tell you something! (:

To Aaron: Well its 2 in the morning!!! and what is it???

it took awhile before he answered so while i was waiting i was just looking at the wall think about Taylor! but my thoughts were soon intrupted by my phone buzzing.

From Aaron: okay well my mom thought it would be a good idea to go down and visit y'all! so we are kinda on our way but i don't want you to tell anyone okay its gonna be a surprise. would you mind if we stay at your house?

To Aaron: omg! that's so exciting and of course you can stay here i have 3 extra bedrooms so your welcome here. but Taylor is staying with me so can i tell him??

Aaron replied without anytime to waist. Dang that boy sure is a fast typer.

From Aaron: okay you can tell him but make sure he tell no one okay. we will be there in 2 actually 1 hour. gtg see you in a bit.

To Aaron: kk ill see you then. (:

after me and Aaron got done with our conversation i quickly turned to Taylor and woke him up

"Taylor babe wake up!! wake up!!"
i said while shaking him to wake up.

"Baby go back to sleep it to early"
Taylor said.

"Okay then i guess your gonna miss Aaron cause he is coming to town and will be here in 1 hour" i said before getting up.

when Taylor heard Aaron's name he quickly jumped out of bed.

"okay Taylor" i said "i need you to go get sheets for all the beds cause i know that when they all get here they are gonna be super tired and when they do get here I'm going back to bed."

Taylor laughed, gave me a quick kiss then went off.

*2 hours later*

*ding dong* i heard the door bell ring and quickly jumped up to get it. opening the door i saw Aaron, Dustyn, Johannah and Mrs. Becky.

"come in come in" i said gesturing all of them inside. "all of your beds are made cause i know it was a long drive here so if y'all want to sleep your rooms are all ready.

"Thanks Sierra! for letting us stay here" Aaron said before going upstairs.

"your welcome anytime now you all go get some rest!"

"btw sierra" Mrs.Becky said "its nice to see you again"

"its nice to see you too Mrs.B i missed you" i said.

soon everyone was asleep. i was excited to see how today was gonna turn out.


part 2 to this chapter is coming later. oh and IN BACK AND GONNA CONTINUE (:



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