Chapter Twelve Promise Me

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It'd been three days since I went to school last. 

Dad hadn't said anything about it, but I knew he was wrestling with himself on what to do.

It was the first time he'd have to man-up and parent me.

I think we both were waiting for the other person to do something.

I don't know if I was having withdrawals from my phone and the internet or if I was seriously this messed up from having Daniel cheat on me.

Then it hit me...

Did he really cheat on me?

If we were broken up and he hooked up with Rachel after I broke up with him, then that's not cheating. That's moving on and I'd been doing the same thing since my first break up.

Why was I so mad at him?

Because I loved him. And I hated myself for trusting another person, for giving into that idea of loving someone and then being crushed by it. This was why I had my motto, my rules, my wall.

Being pregnant had screwed that all up.

But what am I going to do?

It was Tuesday and on Thursday Daniel and I were supposed to tell his mom about the pregnancy. I had promised him we'd tell her, and I still planned on upholding that promise.

I spent thirty minutes finding my phone. When I did find it, I turned it on and then left the room to take a shower. I didn't want to be in the same room as it when it was on. The thought was overwhelming.

 I wanted to talk to my friends, I did, but what would I tell them? What would I tell Daniel? By now he should know that I know about his little "hook-up" with Rachel. The thought still makes me sick. 

I rinse out the conditioner and turn off the water. What has my life come to? Being pregnant and having the "baby-daddy" cheat, having your best friends telling you make it so much worse. What had I done to deserve this? I knew I hadn't been the best and most honorable person, but I was your typical type A person. 

Wrapping the towel around me, was when this all came through my head. I still had more questions than answers, but I had a good grip on how to get those answers. Talk to Daniel. I didn't want to, but for the sake of my baby I would.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through the text messages and calls.

Daniel Missed Calls (36)

Beth(any) Missed Calls (50)

Chris(tin) Missed Calls (49)

Text Messages: (158) Unread 

There is no way I can read all of these texts or listen to all of the voice-mails. 

I gave up and threw my phone down in haste. So much for calling Daniel: I chickened out.


After getting dressed and starting another movie, my dad knocked on my door.

"Yeah?" I asked as I rummaged through my bed trying to find the remote.

"A boy is here to talk to you." He opened the door and his expression said it all. Was Daniel at my house?

"A boy? Which boy? What's his name?" I drilled the questions towards my dad. 

"I don't know, I didn't ask. I assumed you'd know who he was. Who would be coming to your house during school hours?" I knew before really thinking about it: Daniel.

"Oh. Um... I don't wanna talk to him right now. Make him go away!" I hid under the blankets in an attempt to make all of this go away.

"You can't not talk to people, you can't ignore your best friends and you can't not go to school: talk to the boy and resolve this. Or I'll intervene." I cringed at the last part. Hell, I cringed during the whole part because of how right my dad is.

"Fine." I threw the covers off and crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'll send him up." He kissed the top of my head and left the room. 

Seconds later Daniel entered my room. He stopped in the threshold and knocked softly on the wood.

"You can come in." I told him, slightly annoyed.

"Oh, okay." He stood awkwardly at the end of my bed and stared aimlessly around my room. What was I supposed to say, exactly? 

"So, why'd you come here?" Since I hadn't read any of the messages I wasn't aware if he knew about the rumor.

"Well, for starters because you haven't been to school all week." I groaned, school was becoming more of a chore than it had before. Was that because I am pregnant or because I'm depressed?

"I'm aware I haven't been attending school. That's all?" I was growing tired of beating around the bush. Why couldn't he just admit that he had hooked up with Rachel?

"Why are- are you mad at me?" He looked genuinely shocked. Maybe he didn't know I knew. Still, he didn't have to act all innocent.

"Uh well kinda." Why am I dragging this out so long? It isn't like me to not outright and say why I'm upset. I blame my change of view on Daniel.

"Okay why?" He raked his fingers through his hair. 

"Because." I started out and then realized my throat was tightening and my eyes were filling with tears. I swallowed it all down and started up again. "Because you cheated on me. Or I dunno not even cheating but come on it is pretty shady to hook up with your ex's friend! Like seriously?!" Everything came out all at once.

"Woah what?" My fury got the best of me and I picked up a pillow and tossed at his face. I felt better even though he caught it a split second before it hit his face. Stupid jock.

"You. Hooked. Up. With. Rachel!" I said through clenched teeth. I grabbed another pillow and threw it at him. He didn't bother to dodge that one.

"No, I didn't. Look, she wanted me to sleep with her but I didn't! Why would I hook up with Rachel when I- ah forget it you don't care! You didn't want me until you thought that someone else might want me! Or because you found out you're pregnant. Either way, you're terribly selfish." I inhaled and slowly blew it out. 

"You're right." His face shown shock. "I am selfish. I only ever think about myself but so what? That's how I was raised. Daniel I didn't want to break up with you, but I was scared." What did Daniel do to have this effect on me?

"What were you scared of?" He took the few steps it took to me next to me. 

"Scared of loving you. Scared of someone breaking my heart." One tear slowly slid down my cheek.

"Ly, you don't have to be scared of that. I promise you I won't do that, ever." I wanted to believe him but I knew what that could do to me. So I just nodded and pretended I believed him. I didn't want to love Daniel, but it's looking like something of an epic battle.

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