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This might not be the best book in history, but I'm really proud of it. I just ticked off my 2012 checklist; to write a novel by the time I'm sixteen. Well guess what? I just did!!! A huge thank you to anyone who read this far. It means a lot.

I feel like I rushed  over the story, some characters  are underdeveloped  and Ashton and Julia/ Tasha's love story is not as elaborate  as I'd  have liked  it  to be. I wrote about a part of the world I've  never been to and I'm  quite  sure the Geographical  descriptions and laws are not accurate.

But I  think there is some laughter, some pain, some awkward  moments, some stupid people and a very interesting  protagonist  and antagonist.

Despite  my mistakes  I  think it is a good first book.

Thank you once again  for reading this.

Farewell, my birds, farewell, adieu, I happy am, if well with you.
(God I'm such a geek!)😄😄



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