Lunch and Improvement

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My dad and I did the greens until I was confident in myself that I could get down with limited falls and at least a couple of turns on toe side. By the time I was ready to move on, it was already 12:30 pm. That was the time my dad told the boys to meet us for lunch at the Outlook Lodge. I wanted to go to that lodge because if you sat in the back by the window, there was a breathtaking view of the lake framed by the mountains. We started to make our way to the lodge.

When we got there, I could tell the boys had beat us because I could see their gear outside. I popped off my snowboard and headed inside with my dad. I began to look around the small lodge when I heard my name. "Haylee, over here, Haylee," Shawn called. I saw them at the table next to the big window that I like.

"Hey guys," I said with a smile on my face. I took off my heavy, and hot, snow jacket, mittens, and helmet. I hung my jacket over the back of a chair and sat down. I reached for the backpack Shawn brought, taking out my sandwich, Gatorade, and pretzels. I sat back in my chair and started to eat. "Where did you guys go?" I asked. Dad left to go to the restroom and maybe get some food.

"We went up the to do a few blues to get used to the snow and then we goofed off in the terrain park for like an hour," Shawn replied. "What about you?"

"I just stayed on the greens with Dad, you know, to get used to the whole snowboarding thing, "I said, "but so far, I am doing a lot of falling, catching my front edge, and belly flopping, I will for sure be sore tomorrow."

Ali laughed. "What?" I asked. I was feeling a little defensive, to be honest. 

"It was a lot of front edge catching for me when I first started, that's all," he replied. 

I stared at him for a moment. He stared back at me. Neither one of us wanted to back down and look away from the other. I took a bite of my sandwich. He ate a pretzel. I blinked. He blinked. 

Clap! We both looked away from each other and looked at Shawn. "Hello, I'm here to ya know," he said, looking the both of us strangely. "Bro, come on I brought you with us so WE could chill, not so that you could... act strangely with my sister."

"Right, well she started it!" Ali whined. 

"Gimme a break," I said, finishing my sandwich. My dad came back to the table with some french fries. "Thanks Dad, your the best"

"Yeah yeah, don't you forget it," he jokingly responded. "Oh, and Ali make sure you help yourself." Ali opened his mouth to speak. "Please have some, I got them for everyone and do NOT try to pay me back. You have bought things for Shawn on numerous occasions and you are our guest." Ali closed his mouth.  The table was silent for a moment. Then we all stuffed ourselves with the fries before they got cold.  

It was about 1:15 by the time we finished lunch. We put on all of our heavy jackets, our helmets, and our gloves. We left the lodge, throwing our trash away on the way out. Walking over to our we made a plan. We would split up, as we had before, and at 2:45 we would meet back up, and ski together until 4:00. 

As I was feeling confident in my ability to do the easiest slopes, I decided to try a different lift, with access to harder runs. As we near the top of the lift. I start to prepare myself to get off. The chair slows and I stand up with my free foot on top the board. I slide forward in a fairly straight line, and gently drag my toe into the snow, turning myself right. "I did it!" I happily exclaimed. 

"Good job!"Dad said, sharing my small victory with me. I scoot forward and sit off to the side to strap in. I start down the slope, slowly but surely, and started to make my way down.  I start to get a rhythm, but it is quickly interrupted as my front edge catches and I face plant in the snow. I pick myself back up, brushing snow from my body. I sit down for a moment. "Are you okay?" Dad asks. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just need a minute to rest." I gather myself up, stand, and continue down the hill. I manage to make it to the bottom without out taking any more major spills. I was out of breath. Snowboarding was proving to be a lot more work and exercise than I had initially anticipated. I was not out of shape, I was just using muscles I don't normally use since generally I only use my legs.

 We did a few more runs from the same lift and then waited at the bottom of the lift. It was 2:45 and they boys would be showing up any minute. They were taking forever so my dad and I did one more run and then found them at the bottom.  We go on the lift, and this time, I managed to get off without falling or crashing into Ali. 

We strapped up and started down the slope. I still was not that fast, so naturally, I was always the one to bring up the back. First, my dad led the pack and stopped to let the rest of us catch up or take a little rest.  Then Shawn would lead. We continued down and each time we stopped, a different person would go first.  

When it was my turn things were going smoothly, I was making turns the way I had wanted, and then, I caught my freaking front edge again and did a huge belly flop. I flipped around so I was sitting on my butt, and Shawn speeds up right before stopping right before he hits me, spraying and covering me completely with snow. "Hey!" I say to him, "What was that for?"

"Haha one zip to me," he laughs.  Ali stops fast in front of Shawn, covering his legs in snow. "Hey! Not fair!" Shawn complains to Ali.  

"Sorry not sorry bro. Two one to me," Ali laughs. My dad comes up behind all of us and stops, covering all of us. 
"HEY!" we shout in unison.  

"I believe I win," my dad jokingly says to us. "Okay you guys get up, it's 3:45 meaning we have time for one more run."

We get up and continue down to the bottom. Once back at the top, I sit next to Alistair to strap my board on to my free foot. "Better than you thought?" I asked him.

"Well you were going to be, but then that last face plant, I'm not so sure," he says with a smirk on his face. 

"Whatever, I know you thought I was better than you expected, " I say to him scowling. 

"If that's what you want to tell yourself," he says laughing. I jump up and start down the slope leading down to the bottom of the lift we take down to get to the base. "what the..." I hear Ali's voice behind me. We make it to the bottom of the lift and get in line. Shawn and my dad decided not to take the lift down and to instead, ski down the double black under the lift. I didn't want to go with them because I was still new on the snowboard, and Ali was also not confident in his ability. So Ali and I got on a chair together and began to ride te bottom, watching Shawn and my dad as they went. 

"So what's up, how has it been," Ali asks, "We haven't really talked in a while."

"It's been pretty good I guess, how are you doing?" I say to him. 

"Pretty good, I am pumped for basketball season." Oh yeah, how could I forget about varsity basketball? How could I forget he was annoyingly good at everything? I hate people like that. Most of the time.  

"Yeah I am looking forward to soccer season, though I am on varsity this year, so I am not sure how much playing time I will get," I say to him, slumping my shoulders slightly. 

"I'm sure you will be fine. Good job today, you actually did improve a lot."

I squealed on the inside. "Thanks, you were looking better too," I say to him. We got to the bottom, got off the lift, and took off our snowboards. Shawn and my Dad had beat us down, so I walked over to them. Together, we walked to the car and put our stuff in the trunk. We all piled in the car and started back to the house, tired from a long day of skiing or snowboarding.

Note: Yay! Chapter three! I hope you guys enjoy this chapter and have been enjoying the story so far! Thank you to everyone who has read, voted, or commented, it means a lot. Please feel free to comment what you think.  Don't forget to vote if you liked it!

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