Fire Kingdom

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Dusk has fallen upon the world, creating a stage for the dancing flames of the Fire Kingdom.

The group trek through a smooth path fitted between two lava rivers. Rumbling came from the distant volcanos lined across the shore.

"It's so hot here," Nia says as she fans herself.

"I have never heard you complain more than me before, Nia," Zeph says.

"I'm surprised that the only place you ever complained was at your element's kingdom."

"Well, I haven't had anything to really complain about at the other kingdoms. Then again, I was hardly listening to half of the things being said."

Ciro walks up to the two ladies, coming inbetween them. "And that makes you a disrespectful person," he says. Quietly, he adds, "Your style blows me away."

Zeph stops, turning to face him. She punchs his shoulder and goes back on the trek. Ciro let out an ow before going to catch up with her.

The rest of the trek included silly comments from Ciro and many attempted attacks on him from Zeph and Thalia.


The king was found pacing in front of the thrones, his eyebrows furrowed as he was lost in thought.

Adien coughs an ahem. "King Haydn."

The king swings his head towards them. The furrowed brows raised above his flaming red eyes.

"Um, hello, your majesty," Ash shutters as he bows.

"A shy one," his warm voice says, radiating the air. "I like that."

"You do?"

"It is different. Different is good."

The king walks down the steps and continues. "Some elementals have stereotyped the elementals in the kingdoms. Such as earth being kind and caring. Now that I think about it, they say that about the other main, water and air. For fire though, they see us as the mighty ones, the destructors."

"It's not nice to stereotype anything."

"That is true."

The king was now face to face with Ash. Ash could now see the king's features clearly. The smokey look his hair took on, the brightness in his smile, the crinkles that lied upon his face...

"Even destructors can have a kind heart," Ash says.

"Another true statement." The king places a hand on his shoulder. "I like you. I am glad you made it to this world safely."

"I'm glad too."

Suddenly, Ash tumbles over in pain, clutching his chest.

Lea calls out his name and runs up next to him, wrapping her arms around him.

"What is happening?" The king demands.

"His heart," Thalia says above a whisper.

"What's wrong with his heart?" Aiden asks in a panic.

"The plant matter is gone!" Thalia exclaims. "The scar from the bullet is open!"

"What do we do?!"

"Lea! Try to do what you did last time!"

"I-I don't know how!" Lea shouts.

"Hold him up so his chest is out," the king instructs.

Lea adjusts Ash position. Ash yells in agony. "You're going to be okay, Ash," she whispered, taking his hand. "You're...You're going to be okay."

The king places his palm on Ash's chest. Ash screams in pain as a fire envelopes his heart, burning the scar close. Tears drip down Lea's eyes as Ash's cries echo in her head.

Eventually, his cries die down and he falls into a slumber.

The king takes Ash out of Lea's grasp into his arms and takes him up to a guest room.

After placing him on a bed, he walks out into the hallway where everyone was waiting anxiously. "Can someone explain to me why that had just happened?" the king requests as he closes the door behind him.

"The scientists had captured them early on," Thalia says. "We had rescued them but later they had soldiers chase us. They had managed to shoot two of them, Ash and Zeph. Ash's shot was a lot more fatal than Zeph's, puncturing his heart."

"What had healed him the first time?"

"Lea had, without even realizing it."

"The main healing element, earth."

"Well, fire and water can heal too," Aiden adds.

"So you were able to heal him?" Lea asks.

"Yes. I had closed the scar through something similar to what humans call cauterization, a method that humans use to heal their open scars with heat. Though, it caused too much pain for him, leaving him unconscious. He will prevail though. He has a strong soul."

That's it for this chapter.

More to be added soon..?

~Heart ♡

much luv, cya in the end! <3

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