Element: Fire

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The fire crackled over the town, embracing the entirety of it, except for the center. In the distance, the sound of a crying baby grew louder. An image started to form, but the crying morphed into a blaring alarm.

A boy sits up on his bed, placing a hand on his head as he picks up his phone, blindly swiping the screen to stop the alarm. His eyes squint as the screen got brighter, showing that it was 5:46 am. He lets out a groan as he runs his hand through his hair. "Again, that same dream. Why do I keep having it?"

Sliding out of the grasp of his bed, he walks over to the bathroom, hopping into the shower. He continues to ponder about the dream, the same one he's been having for a week now.

Letting out a sigh, he gets out, wrapping a towel around his waist. As he walks past the mirror, he catches a glimpse of himself. He leans in, taking a closer look at his eyes. Usually they were gray, but now they had a red tone to them.

He knew he wasn't normal with his usual gray eye color and tinted red hair, but he never let it bother him.

"What the? Why?"

These strange occurrences leave the boy confused.

He shakes his head and goes back to his room, grabbing a pair of clothes and tossing them on. "I'm...probably just hallucinating again. Or I'm hella tired from almost pulling an all-nighter. Knew it was a bad idea." He shrugs to himself. "Oh well, just gonna have to pull through the day."

Going down the hall and stairs, he sits on the last step and slips his sneakers on. Hoping back on to his feet, he mutters under his breath, "Back to hell."

Before he leaves the house, he goes over to the kitchen, where he finds a brown paper bag sat on top of the counter with a note barely holding on.

Had to go to work early for restock today honey. Have a great day at school <3

Letting out a sigh, he grabs the bag. He nearly drops it when his phone vibrates in his pocket. Taking it out, a smile grows on his face.

Leaf: You haven't reached school yet, have you?!

He lets out a light chuckle.

Leaf: I'm outside of your house if you're still here.

Snatching his bag, he swings it over his shoulder as he opens the front door.

"Hey Ashton!" A girl calls out to him, waving. She skips over to him, her brown hair bouncing from the movement, showing glimpses of green highlights within it as she got closer to him.

Ashton smiles and walks down the front steps, meeting the girl face to face. "Hey Lea. You made it this time."

She rolls her eyes. "I know. You've been leaving too early nowadays."

"No, you've been arriving late. I usually wait almost half an hour for you here and then I have to jog to school to make it in time."

"I know. I'm sorry. Just been oversleeping a lot lately."

"That's not like you. You usually get here so early that I have to rush my morning routine so then you aren't standing out here for very long."

Lea wraps her arm around him. "You know I'm patient. You never have to rush for me. C'mon, let's start walking before we lose even more time."

They start walking as Ash slips out a small chuckle. "Whatever you say, Leaf."

Lea stops in her tracks. With her head down, in a low voice, she asks "Did you just call me leaf?"

Ash raises his eyebrow. "Yes..?"

She looks up at him with a few tears running down her face. "You know I hate that name!"

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