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Time to learn how to be an elemental!



"Alright!" Nixie announces, clapping her hands. "Time to begin some basic training!"

"What kind of training?" Zeph asks.

"Well, all of you still need to learn how to control your powers. So, that's our main objective for today."

"We're going to be staying in a wind barrier for the day," Ciro says. "There's still no signs of the scientists in the area, but it's much safer to practice here."

"The wind will block anything from leaving and entering," Ciro explains. "So if your element goes out of control, it won't fly off into the wild. And if those crazy scientists find us, we have time to run before they find some way to get through the barrier."

"Now," Aiden starts, "when starting off, you might find it hard to summon your powers."

"Unless you find something that fuels it," Zeph remarks.

"True. We already know the fuel for two of you: Ash and Zeph."

Thalia puts a finger up. "Fluster and," she puts another finger up, "anger."

"Anger really helps in battles," Thalia continues. "Fluster, not so much."

"Well," Ciro comes in. "Now that I think about it, their fuel comes from their personalities."

"What are getting at?"

"Well, from inferring and observing the four, Zeph has an 'angsty teen' vibe while-"

"Hey!" Zeph yells, blowing a gust of wind in their direction.

Ciro continues. "While Ash has a shy vibe to him."

"He's been shy since I've known him when were kids," Lea says. "Even being around me for so many years hasn't changed him."

"Same case for Zeph?"

"Hanging around happy me hasn't switched gears for her," Nia responds. "But that doesn't mean I don't still love her!"

Zeph glances at Nia, a second before she is tackled down by the crazed girl.

Ciro chuckles. "Good to have two happy people in your group to keep balance."

Thalia claps to get everyone's attention. "We've gone off topic. We need to train."

"Are you sure we're capable of teaching them?" Aiden asks. "Our only task was to retrieve the elementals in this world who recently had their discovery. Shouldn't we complete this task and let The Professionals teach them?"

"But I want to be the teach them. I'm better than The 'Professionals'."

"No, you're not," Ciro remarks.

"Like you're any better!"

"Maybe I am."

"Are you sassing me?"

"So what if I am? I'm just making a point. The only people better and stronger than The Professionals are the high ranks: The Royals and The Lords."

"The Professionals are not that close to The Royals. There are other classes more powerful than them then just The Royals and The Lords."


"You know, that doesn't mean us lower ranks are weaker and incapable of tasks that The Professionals do!"

"Can't you just agree to take these four to the Elemental World so we don't have to baby them anymore?!"


Thalia stomps a foot on the ground, shaking the earth. She raises her arms, growing vines under Ciro, which cling onto his body. Ciro tries to slip out of the grasp of the vines, but they tighten their grip on him.

"Thalia!" he yells. "This is getting you nowhere!"

Thalia grows more vines around Ciro, forming a cage around his standing prison.

"We're just wasting our time," Aiden mumbles. He puts his arm out, aims for the roots of the vines, and shoots a couple flames out. They hit them, causing the vines to retreat back into the ground while others perish.

Thalia winces while Ciro wiggles free.

"Thanks, man," Ciro says.

"Damn it, Aiden!" she yells. "You know how it hurts me when you hurt my element!"

"Well I'm sorry that I used a harmful way to stop the conflict," Aiden says, annoyed. "You two need to stop arguing. Seriously, so time-consuming when you argue with someone, Thalia."

"Ciro was the who aggravated me, starting-"

"That means nothing. You were the one who proceeded the argument."

"I wasn't going to let this idiot have the last statement!"

Aiden balls his fist up and glares at Thalia, sending a heatwave her way. "You are being silly, Thalia. Act like a fucking role model."

Thalia raises her hands in defense. "Fine. Fine. If you need mle, I'll be right here with my real family."

As she talked, she shrunk to the height of the blades of grass that now surrounded her. She thinned and turned into a periwinkle.

Ciro walks close to where Thalia stood, looking ready to stomp the purple flower.

Aiden sends a couple flames his direction, catching the bottom of Ciro's pants on fire. Alerted, Ciro falls backwards while attempting to blow the fire out.

"What the heck was that for?!" he exclaims, ridding the last dancing flame.

"Do you know how badly you can injure her if you did that?"

"She has the healing element. If she got any injuries, her element will heal her."

"But not all injuries can be healed."

"Like what?"

"I'm just trying to tell you that you could've possibly murdered Thalia if I didn't stop you."

Ciro lets out a 'hmph'. He raises his left knee and rests an arm on it. He sighs and says, "We are idiots, aren't we?"

Aiden nods. "Well, maybe you and Thalia, and me sometimes. But not Nixie."

Aiden stares past Ciro, watching Nixie teach Nia different techniques with a handful of water. He watches as Nixie forms a small rain cloud above Zeph. He could hear Zeph yell something like, "That's the second time this week!" He chuckles at the statement.

Ciro turns his head to see what had Aiden's attention. "You're right," he says. "She's not ludicrous. She follows orders and gets things done."

"She must've known that we were gonna waste out time."

"She has known us for a while now. Guess she can predict when shit goes down."

"Should we just stay here or..?"

"I think she can handle them. Heck, she can probably teach the other ones better than I can."

I had fun creating this chapter, especially the argument. I like when ideas like that pop into my head then I smoothly write it out.

I hope you enjoy the book so far!


much luv, cya in the next chapter!

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