7 - Familiar Face

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Previously in: L*O*S*T:


"Jenna. I don't care if your in school, come to work. Now."

He hung up the phone. I knew right there and then, if didn't show up to work in half an hour, I was going to get fired. But before I could take off out of the school, I heard an unfamiliar voice causing me to stop.

"Jenna. Who was that?"


Chapter 7

I turn around and I see a familiar face, staring at me. I instantly smile and she does too, coming towards me and pulling me into a tight embrace. I haven't seen this girl in forever! She hasn't changed at all. With her petite figure and bouncing hair. I wondered if she still danced.

"Skylar. Skylar Lewis."

I gasped as we hugged. We pulled apart and I spotted those beloved rose gold headphones she loves to wear and show off. It glowed a radiant colour, showing it has a strong memory behind it.

"Jenna! How's it been? Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in so long!"

I'm going to back track again. Skylar Lewis was basically my one friend during the summers of my childhood. Her cousins lived in my neighborhood. My mother always had me get groceries from this small gas station at the end of our street and they happened to be playing outside all the time. They lived in the houses as I lived in a small apartment.

The first one I met was Kyra. She was a bubbly girl with a bright personality. I don't remember too much about what she looked like because they had moved away around five years ago to the USA. The second one I met was Oscar. He was a little more "go with the flow" sort of guy and did things spontaneously. These people always greeted me as I walked to the gas station. Whether they had their other siblings over and they were playing outside their house, I'd always see them.

I had met Skylar the summer they moved away. I was hesitant, as I always am. But somehow, she seemed to crack me and we got to know each other better. I consider her to be a good friend of mine because even though I am closed off and very quiet, she always knew what would make me smile. We both sang together. One thing we had in common. I taught her how to play basketball and she taught me how to dance jazz and contemporary. We had a fun time in that one summer five years ago.

Now as I see her, standing in front of me five years later, all the nostalgia came rushing back.

"I've been good, Sky."

We laughed.

"You haven't changed, have you?"

She laughed. I always admired her for that. She was so loud and outspoken. She knew how to speak her mind.

"No. I guess not."

I smiled sheepishly.

"Um. I'm heading off to work right now. How long are you in town?"

"I'm just in town for a week. Then I'm going back to Salt Lake City. But I have an hour of exploring this nostalgic place! I'd love to come along to your job if you don't mind."


We exited the school and texted my mom to inform them that I would be taking the rest of the day off. We approached the entrance of the plaza where Timmies were and conversation started up again.

"So, what are you doing here? In Ontario? I thought your family moved to the states."

"Oh, we did. Its just that my YouTube channel had just hit 500,000 subscribers and we had to come back here for a YouTuber meet and greet before I go back and attend playlist live."

"Congrats Sky! On the 500k and Playlist live!"

Sky flipped her hair and we giggled. I missed times like this.

"How are your cousins?"

"Better than ever!"

She perked up. We soon arrived at Timmies and I told her to "order something". We both laughed as I hurried to put on my apron. I came in from the back where two big hands rested on my shoulders, causing me to jump.

"Jenna. Glad you could make it."

I held my hand against my heart and my breathing slowed down. Kyle laughed as he slapped the back of my shoulder.

"Sorry to scare you kiddo, get to work."

I put on my earpiece and walked up to a cash register. Skylar walked up after texting on her phone for ages and smiled at me brightly.

"I'll take an Ice Cap."

I rolled my eyes playfully and quickly punched it in.

"Still know how to dance?"

She asked as she began to pay with credit. I thought for a moment. Skylar was my only friend for a long time and when she and her family moved, I haven't made any friends in a while after. I lost all motivation to do anything.

"Um, no. I've been busy."

I said. She looked at me with a frowny face. Her signature frowny face that could always make me laugh. I turned around as my co-worker had finished getting Skylars Ice Cap. I hand it over and she smiled again. Then her phone buzzed, which caught her by surprise. She walked off as the next customer in line, ordered.

"Is that all, sir?"

"Yup. Make it quick."

I got the Tim bits and his black coffee ready in time. He huffed as I placed the Tim Bits down and held out his coffee. He snatched if from my hand and picked up the box. He left without another word. I rolled my eyes. Not my first encounter with a rude customer. By this time, Skylar came back, looking frantic.

"Hey, Jenna. I have to go."

"Aw, but I haven't seen you in so long!"

"Here's my number, we'll text, Okay?"

I nodded as she gave me a hug and ran outside. She headed into a car with what I assumed was her aunt. Then she drived away. It was a one in a million time I would meet a friend like Skylar. And I'm sure glad I did.

Hi guys.  Wow, this book seems sadder then I thought it would turn out to be. But, I'm trying to update as weekly as I can. This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends, ChoreoBella. She's been working hard on her books and I asked if I could feature one of her characters, Skylar in this book! Please check out her work and follow her!

Alright, my mushy authors note aside, I'll see you guys!

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~Nothing is Impossible💖~

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