11 - Sandwiches and Strangers

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Previously in: L*O*S*T:


I knew Tristan was an off character but maybe he has the secret of why I have this power. Why I can look into other peoples memories. Why I keep seeing this mysterious guy in school or in memories.

Maybe Tristan has answers to my questions. Maybe Tristan has the key to me having this power...
Maybe Tristan knows who I really am.



I set my keys down on the table. The house reeked of cigars and cigarettes.

Mom's been smoking again.

She hadn't left a note and the stench was stale. Seems like she's gone for a while. She hadn't cleaned up either. Leftovers from last night sat on the table, untouched. The blankets and pillows in the living room were everywhere, covering furniture or beside fallen objects as if it had knocked them over and empty, broken beer bottles lied on the floor as if it was dropped.

I hung my coat over the back of a dining room chair and threw my backpack on the couch. I walked over to the fridge and opened it, hoping to fix myself a small snack. Nothing. Mom didn't go grocery shopping either. I grabbed my wallet from my backpack and my coat again, planning to go to the nearby corner store to grab a sandwich. I was just about to leave when I heard a familiar song go off.

Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?

"Caught in a landslide, no escape from reality."

I loved that song. I rush over to backpack, opening each pocket to look for my phone. Each lyric teased me.

I'm just a poor boy.

I need no sympathy.

After I had opened up my last pocket, I found my phone. I open my cell phone and quickly answer the call.


"Hey, Jenna!"

I recognized that perky voice. I held up my keys to the light. It dangled in my face, clanking together.

"Hey, El. What's up?"

"So, the dance is tonight..."

I paused. I had totally forgot. I almost drop my keys as I came to the realization that it was tonight. I check my watch. 2:30. Ok, I had 4 hours to get ready. Damn. This sounds so cliché. I laugh quietly to myself. I nod off for a moment. I've always dreamed about this kind of thing. I go to the dance looking fine as hell, get sweeped off my feet by my "prince charming" and we live happily ever after. Why doesn't that sound right when I think of it?

"Jenna? Are you still there?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sorry, I-I totally forgot about the dance tonight."

"Well, Tristan told me that he and Felix were carpooling and offered to pick us up tonight around 6."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Should I come over? We can totally do each others make up and hair!"

"Um, maybe I should go to your house. I wouldn't want to hassle you, plus, I don't have much make-up around here."

"Alright then. See you at 3!"

She hung up before I could protest. Great. I have to eat, get dressed and finish all my homework in less than two hours. I shove my phone in my pocket and put my coat on. I finally got out of my apartment.

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