10 - A Warning

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Previously in: L*O*S*T:


I wondered if there was anyone out there. Who was able to put up with me and my weird antics and shy personality. Someone who accepted me for who I was.

"Hello, Love."

Felix came up behind me and slithered his arm around my neck. A feeling I should be comforted by.


Chapter 10

Tonight was the night of the dance. I was scared, being very honest. I'm not a fan of social gatherings and loud music. Other than the fact that sweaty, skin-showing couples grind on each other through the night. I'm very glad that they have now closed off the bathrooms because I'm so tired of holding girls hair as they spew into the toilet. The punch they used last year was too strong and that made people get drunk. It was a hectic year that was. After I closed my locker, I proceeded to make my way to my first period class. A hand grabbed my shoulder, making my head spin.


"Oh, you scared me Tristan."

He laughed as he walked up beside me. He was just about a head taller than me and I uncomfortably held my books to my chest. I smoothed the bumps in my ponytail, running my hand through my golden locks, tucking one strand behind my ear. We slowly walked to class together, us having French together had its benefits. He was from Europe and spoke fluent French. It was a good lift off me.

"So, yesterday was unexpected."

"Yeah, it was."

The silence settled in again. This time, it was less uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry I put you on the spot yesterday."

"No, its fine. I'm glad, I kind of wanted to go to the Ball."

"Oh, ok. Did you have anyone else in your mind you wanted to ask?"

"Um, yeah. K-kind of."

Tristan rubbed the back of his neck, chuckling softly. He seemed to ponder off into space then we arrived at class shortly after our conversation abruptly ended. Mrs. Nickle was our English teacher. She was a young woman with a bit of attitude to her. She's got short blonde hair with an electric blue streak in the front. She wore a lip ring and coloured contacts. She was probably the coolest teacher in the entire school. She dropped a set of books on her desk as she stood at the front of the classroom. Everyone hushed as her intimidating presence overpowered the room.

"Alright class. Today is the night of the Winterball."

Her steel heels clack against the tile floor. The loudest sound in the room.

"There will be no 'funny buisness' going on and class will proceed the next day. I expect you all to be here and not hungover."

Her eyes lingered on some of the immature boys who sat at the back, laughing and slapping each others back. I roll my eyes as Tristan turns to me.

"I'll be right back."

He gets up, asks the teacher a question and then he leaves. Through the window of the door, I see him slip his phone from out of his pocket. It glowed a bright red. I looked down to his back pack which sat at the foot of my desk. I didn't think it would mean much, but I might as well look through it.

His bag was like a closet. It was as if he dumped all of his dirty laundry, overdue homework and garbage that needed to be thrown away, into this backpack. I dug out a few coins, a keychain, a bookmark and a not working Nokia phone. But at the very bottom of this bag. Something glowed between a crease of an old sweatshirt. Red flashed through my mind. It was warning me. But it was such a bright and vibrant memory. I had to look at it. I took out the old sweatshirt and threw out a few books before I could finally reach the object. It was a bow tie. A small and cute bow tie, sitting neatly at the bottom of his back pack.

It fit right across my hand. The texture was smooth and silky and the colour was a tar black. It teased me. Tortured me. Taunted me to look into its memory. But I knew I couldn't give in like that. I snatched it from the bottom of the bag and held on tightly as a force seemed like it was trying to pass through me. I was drifted back to a memory. A strong memory.

December 6th
9:10 pm

It was a hallway. The school hallway in fact. The 3rd floor corridor on the left wing. The view revealed a tall figure being pushed up against a set of lockers. He let out a gruff and groaned. Then another voice followed. It hushed him as a chuckle sliced through the silence.

"I told you to take the girl. Why'd you let your friend ask her?"

A deep gruff voice spoke. It sounded familiar. Exactly like the one in Tristans other memory. Tristan was held up against the locker and his oppressor had his back turned. His face was unknown, but he had jet black and unruly hair. His attire was formal and black. But Tristan wore a black and red attire along with a tar black bow tie. His oppressor was definitely shorter in size but seemed stronger than Tristan himself. He struggled against his hand.

"I was going to ask her. Felix got to her before me."

I heard someone chuckle. A deep and sinister chuckle.

"But you let him."

"I didn't mean to, I got nervous."

He let go of Tristans collar and pushed him against the locker. A clanging sound echoed loudly. Tristan groaned in pain as the mysterious guy began to pace closely in front of him. He seemed agitated. His hands twitched and he ran them through his hair.

"You're going to ruin everything Tristan. We need her to get us back to society. We don't belong here. You know that."

"I do know that!"

Tristan yelled, obviously provoked. The guy jumped back in shock. If only he turned around, I could be able to see his face. Tristan sighed and slammed his back against the lockers, sliding down until he sat with his knees to his chest. He covered his face with his hands and inhaled deeply.

"I haven't had a real friend in a long time. I like having one. I miss having one. If you weren't such an uptight dick than I wouldn't be so nervous right now."

Tristan paused and for a long moment, everything was quiet. The mysterious man brought his head up to look at Tristan, his back still turned to me.

"Nervous? No. You don't think she's a friend... Do you."

It sounded more like a demand more than a question. Tristan didn't answer.

"I thought I taught you better than this."

He walked away, leaving Tristan at the lockers on his own.


Questions swirled around in my head. I was confused and worried. We don't belong here? What did he mean... I knew Tristan was an off character but maybe he has the secret of why I have this power. Why I can look into other peoples memories. Why I keep seeing this mysterious guy in school or in memories.

Maybe Tristan has answers to my questions. Maybe Tristan has the key to me having this power...
Maybe Tristan knows who I really am.

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