About Jaleryo's Ex girl

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It was so shocking that Harry and Jaleryo are friends! I still cant believe it!..
Its kinda bored here so We watched movies and ate popcorn.

We have bonding time together. It was fun and great! But it will be so fun if its Jaleryo. I miss him.

Help!!! Where am i?! Help meee!. Someone shouted.
Hmm Me and Harry look at the back and saw Jaleryo he's the one whos's calling for help.

Oh nooo! Jaleryooo!

"Jaleryo? Calm down! What happen to you?. I said

"Oh thank God! Miss. Please help me. Wait what? Who's Jaleryo?. Jaleryo replied.

"You! Youre Jaleryo! Are you crazy?!. Hmm! Wait what?! Did you just call me miss?! I said shockingly.

"Yes miss, i dont even know you.. Wait miss! Youre out of your mind! Im not Jaleryo! I dont want hereee! Help me to get out!. He replied.

"Harry! Call the doctor! Hurry!. I shouted harry go out quickly.

"Ok please calm down sir. I will help you please just stay in your bed." I said. I remembered.. Maybe he have an amnesia.

"Ok thanks miss, so what's your name? Your pretty." He smiled.

"Oh! Thanks! Im Alena Jane McCoughney. How about you?."? I replied.

"Actually im uhm.. Uhm . Its weird but I dont Know. I think I dont have a name.. Maybe you can just call me Javy. He said.

"Ooh! Great! Javy." I replied.

"Alena! Someone call me so I look at the back his voice is familiar to me.

"Uhm!?..... Ooh! Sorry! Doc!" i said

"So whats happening here, Alena?. He replied

"Doc, he have an amnesia Doc. He cant remember us! He even keeps yelling for help! Im so worried about him! He cant even remember me." I said sadly

"Ooh yes. Let me talk to him, ok? Just please sit down there alena and harry just keep quiet, ok? The doctor said.

So me and harry just sit there and Listen to the doctor. I cant believe he dont remember me! He forgot about us! My teardrop falls. Its so hard for me.

"Ok boy, do you remember anyone? The doctor said.

"Hmm, Yes doc!. Actually her name is.... Aller? Uhm. Alex?.uhm no no! ... Hmm! Ally!! Yes ally! I remember her! Ally! Yes ally!" Jaleryo replied.

"Doc! Ally!? That's his ex girlfriend! No waaay! Why her?! It should be me! He only remember his ex girl?! Than me?! His bestfriend?! Im so disappointed! Ugh!" I reacted.

"Huh? Doc! Whats happening? Jaleryo said

"Actually you have an amnesia because of an accident and youre name is Jaleryo. And that girl she's alena your girl-. The doctor replied.

"Alena?! My girlfriend?! Jaleryo said shockingly.

"Noo! Im bestfriend! You crazy bastard!" I reacted

"Oooh ! Im sorry alena! I dont really remember you! I only remember Ally!. He said.

The doctor said that Jaleryo will have some rest because he's body is still weak and the doctor said that Me and Harry should take care of Jaleryo. A few minutes Jaleryo fell asleep the doctor go out and before he goes out he said that he will be back when Jaleryo's awake. Because Jaleryo really need to have some rest. So Harry and me sit there in the couch.

Harry seems so quiet after what happen.My teardrop falls. Im going to hug Harry but when I look at him Harry looks sad and suddenly his teardrop falls. Hmm. Maybe he just remember about her girlfriend. Maybe he missed her again.

My teardrop falls after hearing her name! My heartbreaks! He only remember Ally! Than Alena! My teardrop keeps falling.
Alena did'nt know why im really crying right now. Maybe I should tell her the truth. Alena keeps staring at me. Im little shy because its the 2nd time she saw me like this. A guy crying.

Uhm alena? I want to tell you something. Its important. You should know about this." I said while my teardrop keeps falling.

Uhm, ok so what are you going to tell me? C'mon tell me! Haarrry!. Alena said. She's so curious about it.

Uhm about my girlfriend and why my teardrop keeps falling. Just because I heard someone's name and I remembered her. I said nervously.

Oh! Okay so whats with your girlfriend harry?. Alena replied.

Actually its jaleryo's ex girlfriend. I said nervously and my teardrop falls again.

Wait?! What?! No way! Harry?! Do you mean Ally?!!!! Alena said shockingly.

Yes alena, and it makes me sad because jaleryo remember her. I replied sadly.

Soo! Haarry! You mean that! Ally is dead?!!!  Because you said when the the two of us first meet you said that your grilfriend just died because of an accident! Right haarrry?! Alena said

Yes alena, after she met with jaleryo in the park something happen to ally. It was an accident. I replied sadly.

Oh no! No way! Ally?! I really feel sorry her. Ally shoulnt died jaleryo need ally now!. Alena said

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