Chapter Four: Bieber vs Beadles

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Briana: Justin calm down ok?


Briana: justin...relax, just go up to her and simply ask her if she's cheating on you.

Justin looked mad and a little hurt. I felt kinda bad for him. He clenched his fists and started to walk towards the door. I put my hand on his shoulder.

Briana: justin...yelling at her will get you nowhere.

He continued to walk out the door holding the magazine. Jasmine was talking to paris, janie, and chaz. Ryan, and adrian were in the pool and christian was running over to me.

Justin: (mad) Jasmine!

Jasmine: yea babe?

Justin: wanna tell me something?

Jasmine: i dont know? Do i?

Justin: you should!

He held the magazine in front of jasmine's face.


Jasmine: justin...i...i...thats not true!

Justin: (sarcasium) really? (mad) thats the guy i saw you with that day you were "visiting your mom" and you told me it was your cousin! I HOPE that isnt your cousin!

Jasmine: werent supposed to see that.

Justin: just go away!

Jasmine: i love you!

Justin: i think youve said enough jasmine.

Jasmine: but josh, i mean ju--

Justin: --did you just call me josh!!

Jasmine: no! No! I meant justin!

Justin: jasmine we are done! Go away!

Jasmine: but jus-

Justin: --go away now!!!

Jasmine walked through the gate and called someone on the phone. I turned my attention to justin, he had a few tears streaming down his face. I think ryan and adrian didnt notice anything that just happened. Paris, janie, and chaz stood there, not knowing what to say. Christian had his arm around me and kept nugding me, basically saying "lets get out of here and go in the pool"

Briana: justin i--

Justin: (crying) c-can i just have a few seconds alone please?

Christian nudged me and whispered in my ear.

Christian: (whispering) c'mon babe? Now do you want to swim?

Paris, chaz, and janie all ran and jumped into the pool. Justin ran into my house.

Christian: we are the only people not swimming, c'mon bri bri!

Briana: uhmm...ill be right back, i need to use the bathroom real quick!

Christian: hurry back!

I knew i didnt have to go to the bathroom, i just needed to make sure justin was ok. I walked up the stairs and into my house. There was no sign of justin, so i walked upstairs to look around up there. I looked around and listened for anything. I heard some sniffling and light talking comming from somewhere down the hall. As i walked closer i realized it was comming from my bedroom. The door was open and i peaked my head in real quick. Justin was sittin on my bed, facing the wall, and crying and talking to himself.

Justin: (crying) why did i have to become famous? What is famous! What makes me different from everyone else? I shouldnt have dated jasmine! I belong with briana, shes the most amazing, down to earth girl i know! But she's with christian, of course! I wonder if she felt the same thing i did when i kissed her?


Justin turned around quickly and looked at me with red, puffy eyes.

Justin: BRIANA! much did you hear?

Briana: that doesnt matter...are you going to be ok?

Justin: i guess so?

Briana: ...d-do you really think im down to earth?

I was standing in the doorway still, while justin was sitting on the end of my bed.

Justin: to be honest, yes, you are the most amazing, down to earth girl i know

Briana: justin...

I blushed a little and tried to turn my head to refrain justin from seeing me blush.

Justin: you look cute when you blush.

Briana: thanks

Justin stood up and walked over to me, he put his hands around my waist and moved me closer to him. I stood there, stiff.

Justin: whats the matter?

Briana: i have a boyfriend!

Justin: but we have a connection!

Briana: i know we do, but christian was there when i needed him and you just ditched me! You ditched all of us!

Justin: i thought my friends would be happy for me!

Briana: we would have been if you didnt cut yourself off from us! We talked you ONCE in 2 months!

Justin: i was busy!

Briana: making out with jasmine!

Justin: no, i was starting my career!

Briana: if i was lucky enough to be in your position, I would put my friends first!

Justin: well maybe my friends are jealous!

Briana: of what! I saw you looking at me and christian! Admit it justin your jealous of christian!

Justin: yes! I am jealous of him! Hes dating the girl that i think i might just love, and that ive been friends with for 5 years!

Briana: you just c--wait...did you just say you loved me?

Justin still had his arms around my waist, and our fight finally started to calm down a little bit.

Justin: yes, briana i love you!

He leaned in to kiss me but i turned my head to the side, so he kissed my cheek.

Justin: whats wrong?

Briana: boyfriend...

Justin: (huskily) christian doesnt have to know...

Briana: yes he does! I- i cant cheat!

Justin cupped his hands around my face and kissed me, right on the lips. At first i tried to pulled away but then i got caught up in the kiss. I put my arms around his neck and he moved his hands to my waist. He pushed me up against the wall, and pressed me up against the wall. He pulled apart with a smile on his face. my smile instantly turned into a frown and i ducked under justins arm and started to quickly walk out of the room.

Justin: briana! Wait! Whats wrong!

Briana: i--i dont know--i dont know what im doing right now...

Justin: can i ask you something?

Briana: no justin! I dont know what just happened!

Justin: did you feel the sane power and passion i did in that kiss!

Briana: yes, but i cant! Im with christian!

Christian: BRIANA! HOW COULD YOU!!!!

Im so tired and so sick! I just wanted to update for you guys! Sorry it sucks. Forgive me. Comment please! Love you!

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