Chapter Twenty Three: I Love You

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I felt someone lightly shaking me and whispering me name. My eyes fluttered open and i saw christian.

Briana: *yawn* whats up?

Christian: we are here...

Briana: really? That was quick!

Christian: bri, you fell wasnt that quick.

Briana: *laughs* is justin here yet?

Christian: no but he cant be that far behind...

Christian opened the car door, hopped out and then helped me out.

Cathy: christian are you gonna hang here for a while?

Briana: can he stay for the remainder of the summer, like how it was originally planned before me and justins teen rebelion?

Cathy: of course...christian ill be back later to drop your stuff off.

Christian: Ok mom, bye

Cathy: bye

Christians mom pulled out of the driveway. I walked up the steps to the front porch, with christian by my side. Sure enough, me and justins luggage was on the porch.

Christian: what is all this stuff?

Briana: me and justins luggage...justin had someone his people pick it up at the airport and take it here.

Christian: oh...speaking of justin

I saw a black, hummer limo pull up on the side of the street. I figured it was justin.

Briana: (whispering) remember the plan!

Christian: got it

Christian slipped his arm around my waist and i rested my head on his shoulder. Justin stepped out of the limo, he looked extremely mad. I turned to face christian and kissed him, on the lips. Justin started walking over to us, on the porch as i grabbed the key to my house, out of my suitcase. The limo drove away as justin stepped onto the porch. I put the key in the door and opened it.

Justin: hey bri!

I am still kind of mad at justin, i dont know why he thinks its fine between us.

Briana: Uhhh hi...

Justin walked by christian and shoved him a little as he walked by.

Christian: well hello to you to justin

Briana: baby? Can you call adrian, ry, chaz, paris, and janie and tell them the party is back on?

Christian: sure can do babe!

Briana: thanks love

Christian went into the back room, to call everyone. I grabbed my suitcases and dragged them into the living room. Justin did the same. The air between me and justin was extremely awkward.

Justin: and christian are--

Briana: --back together....yea

Justin: thats

Briana: yea...

There was an awkward silence. I could faintly hear christian talking on the phone in the back room.

Justin: c-can i ask you something?

Briana: uhh sure

Justin: on the phone you said "i love you" to me. If you love me, why are you dating christian...

Briana: uhhh...look justin, i love you so much but--

Justin: --briana if this is about me "kissing" carla--

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