Do Two Brains Think Alike?

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Harry's POV

I was laying in my bunk staring at the wooden board above me. "Does she know? I mean I'm really not trying to make Niall jealous. Or am I?" I thought. I've been thinking about this the past few days. Or months. I just can't get it out of my head.

Niall's POV

Lexi was laying in me arms fast asleep. I couldn't help but think of what Harry was doin. I know he doesn't like her like I do. Maybe he's not sure. I'm not sure what's in that head of his. He could be thinking of things that he is WAY to young for. I know the Lex is the one for me. She doesn't have anyone else, there to love and hold her. To take care of her. But that's why it was MY idea to take her in our lives. Or my life. She was just... I fell in love with her the first time I saw her. Hurt with tears streaming down her face like burning, hot water. But her brown eyes sparkled. When we made eye contact she tried to smile but it made her cry even harder. At this time she was sitting on the pavement in front of this huge two story house, next to the road. I was walking by, when I saw her. Her clothes were torn and she had bruises on her face and legs. I'd tell you the whole story but it's to hard to explain.

Lexi's POV

"Don't touch me!" I screamed as Jake started to back me into a corner.

"I thought you loved me Lex. Huh? Why don't you love me!" Jake swing his hand across my face. My cheek stung with pain.

"Your just like them. Your just like my parents! Your what they want! they don't love me! You don't either!" I screamed at him. I kicked my knee up and hit him in a weak spot.

"Ah! That hurt!" He leaned down hold the spot groaning in pain. I took the chance to run out of my room heading towards the stairs. But I was blocked by my mother and father.

"Why do you do this to me? Can't you just except that you have a child with good grades and-" I was stopped buy my mother. She slapped the other side if my face.

"Shut up! You've never appreciated the things we gave you!"

"You didn't give me anything! You never showed me that you loved me or cared! You treated me like crud!" I rammed into my mom causing her to fall down the states taking my father down with her. I ran down the stairs, stepping on them anyway I could. I heard my father groan in pain."Oops." I said with anger but kinda glad I stepped there. I ran through the door. I forgot there were roses bushes in front of our house so I tripped on a root and stumbled through the thorny bushes. I laid on the ground, feeling the blood drip down my faces. I sat up with pain and sat down on the curb. I looked across the street. There, was a blonde guy with blue eyes and a beautiful smile. I was crying really hard. His smile faded and he ran across the street, towards me. He sat in front of me and put his hand on my hand. He told me it was going to be ok. He picked me up bridal styles and took me over to a big guy. The blonde said something to the guy and started to move down the path. My vision started to fade and I soon passed out.

"NIALL!" I woke up at the scream of my own voice screaming his name. I sat up so fast I hit my head on the board above us... Again."Awe. Frick that hurt!" Niall sat up. Next to me.

"You ok, Princess?" There was still sleep in his eyes.

"Yeah I just had a weird dream. But I'm fine." He leaned towards me and kissed the place were I hit my forehead on the wooden board.

"Ok. Go back to sleep. We have a long drive to the airport."

"Airport? Why are we going there?"

"It's the end of the tour, remember? Your coming home with me." Niall laid back down, turning away from me. I took the blanket off me and hopped to the floor. I walked to the little bar/counter and looked at my phone. I had over 1,000 notifications from Instagram. I opened my phone doing the password, and went on to Insta. I went on my profile and saw I had 4.7m followers. I only had one picture posted on my page. It was my favorite picture of the selfie the boys took. I had so many comments on it. There were questions like,"Are you and Niall dating?" and,"Is it really official?". I skipped all the hate ones that I didn't really care about. And there were good comments, like people saying they love me or we make a good couple. I decided to fix my hair not caring about my face and take a cute selfie. A took a selfie of me smiling and turned my head side ways a little. I posted it and already got 1,000 likes and comments. I read through everything then set my phone down. I can't believe people actually like me. There's more positive comments than negative comments. I checked the time on my phone. It was pretty light outside. It was 7:07pm. It was a little cloudy. I could see a huge British flag waving in the wind. Long drive, my butt. I ran over to Nialls bunk, stood on the tip of my toes and shook Niall.

"What?" He groaned.

"Don't have to be so harsh, jeez."

"Oh sorry, Lex. I'm just tired."

"Aren't you always. But I understand. Were in London. Were almost to the airport." Niall turned over and grabbed my hand. I pushed myself up into the bunk and laid close to Niall.

"You said you had a weird dream? I think you mean bad dream. Cause I know you haven't been sleeping very well." He's right, I haven't. Bad dreams full of more and more bad memories or hurt.

"It was when we first met. I dreamt of everything that had happened before we met and after when you carried me in your arms." I said looking down at our hands intertwined.

"I'm sorry. At least there's a good ending." Niall always tried to make the negative a positive. He looked on the bright side. But, only when I was down or something bad had happened. "If your parents were dead. How would you feel?" Why was he asking me this?

"Umm... It wouldn't matter to me. Why should I care for them if they didn't care for me? I wouldn't even attend to their funeral. Well if they have one."

"What do you mean?"

"We don't have a lot of family members. And, I'm the one that says if they get a funeral or not. Why do you ask?" He's never talked about my patents. And he knows I don't like to talk about them.

"I don't know. Just curious."

"Oh. I've always been curious too."

"About what?"

"Everything. If everything is real. If it's happening or if it did happen."

"I guess two curious minds think alike, huh?" Niall said, and gave me a peck on the lips.

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