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Artwork by jamieravenheart. A huge thank you to her for doing this

The news of the Mayor's request spread throughout the town of Greenville: kill the fairy of the Moors with the promise of a great reward. Not many were willing to venture towards the woods after what had happened today. The men told wild tales about trees that came to life, destroying their vehicles and a winged green woman that had magic. Most of the people thought they were crazy. A few believed them. But others remained cynical.

The Mayor decided the only one who was brave enough to venture into the woods was the peasant boy. He would kill the fairy. Once that was done, he could proceed with his plan to expand his town and create a shopping mall. Once-ler's mother had told  the Mayor about her son's ambition to become a successful businessman. Oh yes. If the price was high enough, the young man would be more than  willing to kill the green winged demon. He had been very generous to the  young man: he paid him handsomely to pass him information, even got him  a job to work in his office and became a mentor to teach him about the  world an empire in the business world.

He summoned Once-ler to his office. He had come up with a plan to try and sway the young man to do his bidding.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" asked Once-ler.

"Once," said the Mayor. "How'd you like to get a head start on that business empire you mentioned?"

Once-ler's blue eyes lit up upon hearing this. He had been wanting to get started for quite a while. Fiora had allowed him to gather the tufts from the  Truffula trees with the promise of never doing any harm to them. He had created his first Thneed-yet no one seemed interested in buying it. Business was almost dead.

"That'd be nice," he said hesitant. "I guess. But what do I have to do?"

"Oh, let's just say it's a task that will guarantee you a lot of money.  Enough to keep you afloat for a year if you fail within that time." He  paused for a bit. "You see, I've had plans to create a few buildings on a  property, but I haven't been able to do so because of that annoying  little Lorax. And now that this...fairy has become Guardian, it's hindering my plans even more."

"Her name is Fiora," Once-ler said.

"Whatever,"  the Mayor replied dismissive. "The point is, I need to get rid of her.  My intuition says she won't be swayed by any deals."

Once-ler looked more confused. "I'm not sure what you're trying to say, sir."

"I want you to kill this fairy."

Once-ler's eyes widened at this request. His stomach immediately sank into a pit.  He felt bad enough for spying on her and her home. He had heard about  the terrible battle that occurred today. But another part of him wanted to get ahead with his business, but to murder Fiora?

"I don't think I can do that, sir," he said.

"Why not?" the Mayor asked.

"It's just...she's been kind to me all these years. She's...well, she's my friend."

The  Mayor arched an eyebrow. But still, he could find a way to turn a friend against another. After all, being in a position of power, he could manipulate everyone around him. All it took was a little green and things would go his way. After all, it took him many years and bribes to proceed with his business plan to get the mall approved, but there were many environmental lawyers that wouldn't accept his bribes.

"How much would you do it for?" the Mayor said. "I'll pay you three times what I've been giving you."

Once-ler quietly thought about how much money he needed for supplies, building permits, and a lot of things he needed to start his business. He could hear his conscience saying otherwise. He couldn't do it. Murder someone so innocent.

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