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Y'all must be confused as to what my name is, well shamika is just my new added name after running away from home along time ago. Real name is Angela married to the big super star Carl Williams, not so nice man, so I divorced him, y'all don't have to know why for now. so I now go by Shamika Angela Williams....

I'm at the hospital, im so impatient when it comes to my child so this cop lady who seems nice has had my baby for so long now it dont even make sense to me,some doctor known as Dr Jackson came by to tell me to wait a few more minutes before Benedict is out of surgery I said fine....I don't love Benedict at all, all we had was just a one night thing but I know him from way back so I do care about him since he got caught up in all of this.

Ofcourse I know what Carl does coz I'm the co -leader of the Robber Group along with my partner whom y'all got meet later on,but I'm more of a silent partner, only go rob when I'm really needed if not I chill but then Ben came to my place at the wrong time, Carl stole from us after finding out I was the leader of the group and my co-worker wanted him dead I said fine coz he aint nothing to me no more so we planned this but I didn't tell him to get Ben in all of this his my baby daddy for goodness sake.

When the cops came I wasn't acting when they said I was scared,of course I was scared, my cousin/the other leader sends crazy people to do his dirty work so who knows what could have happened to my baby or even worse kill Ben! I'm thankful whoever he sent wasn't so crazy...I got our my thoughts when the cop lady came with my baby boy, I took him from her and just hugged him tight, yep I love him like that, she asked about Ben and stuff and I gave her all I know then two other people came.

Cop lady introduced me, the ladies gave me skank look,when Ben's mother asked about her son and looked at me the way she did, I knew right there she remembers who I am,yep me and Ben were best friends before I moved and he moved after I did so I'm guessing she still blames me for it but I don't really care his son made that decision on his own, now she's stuck with me whether she likes it or not...they prayed, I made my own silent prayer, then the cop lady left soon as George came up?? Hold up that's George's wife? Damn! No wonder he didn't wanna cheat on his wife

Wonderful wife that is,but I don't blame him the girl is really sweet, he didn't see me coz he was dragged somewhere, tori girl checked me out, she wanted to say something but was beat by the doctor" hey everyone I got good news" Dr Jackson said,then kissed Tori? I guess they saw me starring " she's my wife- uh Ben is alive and well, but very weak you all need to just check on him then leave -right ma?" he said looking at Ben's mother she nodded

" can we see him?" she asked

" yes you can,i'll be discharging him tomorrow afternoon,now I got more runs to make -see you at home" he said kissing Tori, how sweet...just then George came back alone, making me raise my brow

" ey eddie,ma,tori " he greeted leaving me, he remembered me alright! " how's Ben -and who 's this?" he asked like he didn't know me,I looked at him hard

" let's get in and check how Benedict is doing" Ben' smother said dragging him inside Ben's room,i shook my head why does he let then drag him like that though? I will ask him coz we will meet up

" ay his taken, get your own man damn!" Tori girl said

" I got my own man darling, you need to loosen up a bit,youre about to get wrinkles " I smirked

" bitch, don't test me coz I will fuck you up,i will love my nephew like I'm suppose to but I will not tolerate your ass-his taken them looks you give him better end" she said seriously.just as I was about to answer her the cop lady came back

" what happened?" the cop lady asked

" ask this bitch over here" I rolled my eyes at Tori's statement

" uh- I gotta go!" I said then rushed out the door still holding my baby, I heard the cop girl shouting at tori I smirked....i'll talk to Ben some other time now I gotta get to my cousin's place.

I drove there, he doesn't live far from me though but since the hospital is far it took me a while to get to his place, i let myself in with the key I have then put my baby to sleep,my cousin came " worm!" he yelled making me shush him I'm not about to put this baby back to sleep like that nah

" boy shush-he sleeping stop yelling like you crazy! ....and what the hell was that? didn't I tell you to send a more qualified nigga to do the job?" I whispered yelled at him,he shrugged

" he did the job didn't he?" he smirked

" go put on some damn clothes -had cops in my house, I swear you stupid at times, those times being in jail for a year got in your head" I mumbled

" I heard that shit,i paid my debts let it go- I regret coming back here though, banks here are easy but still! " he said

" atleast we doing the money though- but I heard Q say some about the cops being onto us" I said,he raised his brow

" fo'real? ,why didn't no body tell me this shit? It's that bitch husband of yours damn!" he cursed

" ex-husband and he died remember, anyway all I'm saying is we need to be careful...on our next one please be the one leading them, you know cops are now following my ass coz of your clumsy ass" I said

" man whatever, if it wasn't for that baby daddy of yours maybe we could have done the job right- now get me some to eat in starving" he whined

" get a wife boy -i aint your wife nor maid" I snapped

" whoa chill -who messed up with you happy self?" he asked coming to sit by me on the island chairs

" remember Connel? Connel Smith? " I asked,he nodded

" the only dude who had the guts to leave your crazy ass yeah I remember him

" well I found him threw days after moving back here, I kinda asked him to look me a house around his area coz that's what he does now-but my plan was to lure him into my place to fuck -you don't need to know all that but still it happened we fucked I took a video and pictures so that I can blackmail with-" he cut me off

" you actually have a sex tape? Let me see-wait nah I'm good" he said disgusted, I smacked him upside his head

" listen that's not the point here dude, you know how he up and left at one point to come help you and Benedict with what got you in jail? " I asked

" they both played my ass and I paid for that shit alone,i could have been a basketball player " he cursed looking pissed

" chill out -as I was saying, yeah we fucked but then he left coz he had to go to his wife, I don't know her name nor care, I want my man back though, his mine, he didn't break up with me when he left so we basically together right?" I asked,he looked at me like I'm crazy

" you saying Connel got married? " he asked

" yes and they have a child together but you missing the whole point here dude,he seems to be all up in this girl, she seems really cool though" I said

" you know her" he asked

I shook my head" nah, but she helped me out today so she cool but she took my man so I'm gon get him back-one way or another " I smirked

" aight,cool get him,but I don't want to see that nigga nor Benedict, or Imma kill them both,they ruined my life " he whined

" stop being a baby about it then " I snapped

" ay chill out,we both don't want want this life, we doing what we can to survive, while they living their lives smooth it's bullshit but imma let it go coz I don't want no trouble" he said making me nod my head

" true -let it go...find you some girl then be honest with her about what you do, then she'll love you aight now let's eat that food where is it?" I asked feeling hungry

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