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***saturday morning ****

Hakeem and I are getting ready to go back to the hospital, Lee got up at 5am saying we gotta hurry and go see Bree she's bored I'm like boy she ain't going no where, plus she had a surgery to get to at 8 and it's now 6am...soon as she gets better I'm really going to find whoever did this to my family. " Hakeem can you please get Cory ready? I already fed him and bathed him" I asked Hakeem as I was getting dressed...ain't nothing he haven't seen here" and stop starring and hurry up" I said smirking

" why you gotta get dressed infront of me man? " he mumbled

" I didn't tell you to come in here now did I? So please " I said

" whatever -ay Lee get your ass in here" he yelled getting out my room. I laughed coz I know they gon be fighting...Lee hasn't warmed up to me but his really trying and I really feel good about it.

" y'all want some to eat? " I yelled out for them coz I was going downstairs now done with everything I needed to do, even packed Cory 's stuff...

" I would like to have pizza-can I have pizza? And also get some for Bree?" Lee said coming downstairs followed by Hakeem with Cory

" it's still pretty early for pizza Lee,how about I buy you some pancakes with fries and some juice?" I asked, he shrugged

" aight! Let's go" he said opening the door, Hakeem chuckled making Cory giggle ,my phone rang

" i'll get yal in the car" I told Hakeem as I answered, he nodded" hey mom"

" Alexa!....i hope you're on your way - your grandma is looking forward to seeing you" she said making me sigh.

" I'm not coming ma s-"

" what do you mean you ain't coming?it's really important you be here Alexa..."

" I know but sometimes came up -let me talk to nana then" I asked

" Grandbaby? What is this about you not coming to the cookoff?"

" hi nana,Bree and connel were in some accident, im on my way to see them now that's why I can't come to the cookoff"

" oh baby, are they badly hurt? "

" Connel yes. Let me call you back nana I love you and I promise to see you soon as they get better or you can fly out here" I said

" I will baby girl, kiss my baby Bree with love, I wanted to see this new baby you got and my bad ass greatgrand son of mine "

" you will see them nana, tell everybody I love them and i'll see them some other time " I chuckled then hang up" this surgery " I mumbled then went to join Hakeem and the boys in the car to go to the hospital.

" can you please keep them company and look out for Cory while I go check on Connel? Shamika just sent me a message talking about him waking up " I told Hakeem, we've been at the hospital all day now...the kids are asleep except Cory coz his got his eyes wide open looking at us like we crazy....its 5pm already.

" aight....just don't be starting no trouble with Shamika ,shes really cranky " he says,i nodded then walked out Bree's room o go see my husband. Once I got in the room they all got quiet,i mean Shamika /Angela and George /Connel...

" uhm hey " I waved.

" what are you doing in here?-shouldnt -" shamika said only to be cut off by Connel

" Mika shush....hey Lexa,hows my Princess doing? And how are you?" he asked but lowly...looking like his in so much pain" mika can I have a talk with Alexa alone? - she'll call you once -" he got cut off by her..

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