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You two arrive at the door. Knock knock you knock on the door. "Sweetie you made it uhh who's this?"
"My boyfriend kaneki kaneki this is my mom"
"Nice to meet you ms L/N"
"Nice to meet you to kaneki"
You head to the back and greet your sister. "Oh you have a boyfriend yea now shut your yap hole he's sacrificing his birthday here at your party" "okay"your sister responds he walks in "um Y/N who's this" "oh yea kaneki this is my sister Jenny Jenny this is my boyfriend kaneki"
"Hi Jenny how I'm old are you turning?" "17 how old are you?" "Actually today's my birthday too!"
"That is not what I asked"my sitter stares at him
"Uh I'm 18 today"
"What's with the eyepatch?"
"Oh I'm uh my doctor gave me it I uh got hurt in my eye."
My mom approaches him with my dad and introduces him
While I just sit around and wonder what happened to your room after you left.
Mom approaches "let's sit down"
"So kaneki what are your goals for the future."
"Get a good job as a writer and buy a house."
"What school do you go to?"
"Komi university of Japan"
"Any thing we should know like medical records of any thing?"
Just then my sister comes swooping in and grabs kaneki's eye patch off his face. My mom screams and kaneki looks at me and covers his eye but I know he is crying. Blood starts driving from his hand. "HE IS A GHOUL?!?"
My father yells "DID YOU KNOW THIS?!?" My mom says "I'm calling the CCG" I respond to my father"yes I knew!""My daughter dating a GHOUL?!? My mom drops her phone and it breaks. "HE EATS OUR KIND AREN'T YOU AFRAID HE WILL KILL YOU!" " no because I have his trust and it is not like he chooses this life he is forced upon it" "WHAAA"
"He was a human once but now he's not and I bet you would have accepted him then but now you can't that's like not liking someone because they don't want to die but they have to be different to survive." You call kaneki and he doesn't come so you go inside and see him "Kane.."
"Your dads right I am a horrible being"
"No your perfect and that's why we're together isn't it"he cheers up and stops crying but you can still see blood marks on his face. You both leave.

New life kaneki x reader fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now