Parents (edited version)

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   Your arrived at the slightly large house. You got out of the small car and rang the doorbell. You were expecting the house to be flooded with teenagers, considering how upset your sister was when you refused to have classic highschool partys when you were younger. But to your surprise it wasnt. Kaneki joined you at the front door while you waited for your mother to open it or to hear loud music.
      Kaneki had gone to park the car. "Y/n im going to go parl the car in case any of your sisters friends come and they need parking." he walks away. You wait a little longer before ringing the doorbell once again. Your mother answers. "Oh y/n welcome. Come help us set up."
       You finished setting up table cloths and setting out chips. "Hey ma I finished can I go see Airi?"
"Sure" you walked up the stairs and turned into the second room to the left. You sister sat ontop of her bed twiddling with her phone.
      "Hey Airi" "oh hey y/n" "happy birthday sis"you handed her the small package. "Thanks" she didnt look up from her phone while she took the small package. She looked at you. "Did you bring that guy you texted me about?" "kaneki?" "yeah him" "oh yeah hes parking the car." "cant wait to meet him" she said sarcastically. "Cmon hes giving up his birthday to be here" she didnt look amused.
   Walking downstairs you realised you hadnt told your parents that kaneki would be joining you. "Ma? Dad?" "we're down here y/n" you join them. "Is it ok that my boyfriends coming?" your mom nearly spits out her tea. "You have a boyfriend of course its ok i want to meet him! what does he look like? whats his name? whats he like?"
So many questions.. You pulled out your phone and showed them a picture. "Thats kaneki hes super sweet and considerate!" "hmm. He looks like a stick does he eat properly?"your father chimed in."whats with the eyepatch?" just then the doorbell rang.
      You opened it it was kaneki. "Sorry I lost the house." "its ok, come meet my parents!" he sat down "hi Im kaneki you can call me ken if you'd like" they shook hands. Your father asked rudely "whats with the eyepatch?" "I had a surgery recently and now my eye is sensitive to the light." "hm makes sense, well nice to meet you ken."
    As you all spoke your sister apeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh ken this is my sister Airi." Airi looked ken in the eye. "Ive heard so much about you" ken started looking nervous. " dont worry its been all good." he smiled "nice to meet you Airi im ken." he handed her a small box. Inside the box was two beautiful earings. "Thank you its beautiful" she looked me in the eyes "you better keep this one y/n" you laughed but she looked serious.
   Just then the party started and around 100 people showed up. As the party went on you felt more relaxed. Just then you heard ken slip in the kitchen. "Kaneki?" you realised his eyepatch had been torn. "Y/n my eyepatch!" "oh no!" thenkfully his eye was just normal then.
     "Okay theres only twenty minutes left then we can leave so just stay here and be careful. Okay?" "alright I'll try". A few minutes later you saw your mom enter the kitchen. Oh god.

Kanekis pov
"Oh hello Ms.L/n"
"Oh hello Kaneki. What are you doing in here and what happened to your eyepatch."
"I slipped and it tore so im in here because the lit is slightly dimmer."
"Oh dear im sorry that you eyepatch tore."
"Its okay"
"You know im an optometrist, can i see your eye?"
Oh no what do I say if she gets close it will activate
"Actually my doctor said to try and keep it sanitized so he doesnt want anyone else looking at it."
"Oh come on dear I just want a look I wont touch"
She starts walking closer.
But luckily for Kaneki the smell of food masked her delicous human scent. Oh god she smells like food I might barf
     After your mom left the kitchen. You rushed in. "What happened?" "nothing its fine. She smelt like food so it didnt activate." but just then his eye turned black and red at your smell. "Kaneki cover your eye. Were gonna go the partys over."
     As you walked out kaneki covered his eye and looked down. Your family handed you food wrapped tightly enough that it didnt smell. Kaneki held some it his freehand as you walked. Kaneki whispered "I think they like me!" he was so happy it was so cute.
       Just then your sister yelled "Kaneki you forgot your book" he turned around to go get his book. In doing so he revealed his black and red eye as he got closer your sister realised. She dropped the book and ran. Kaneki then realised what he had done.
      The ride back was utter hell. Kaneki was so sad with himself and he wouldnt talk. On your way back you picked him up a new eyepatch. "Am i really that much of a monster." he cried with his head on the steering wheel as you waited for the traffic to clear up. "No kaneki! Your not a monster your my amazing sweet perfect boyfriend!" he smiled a sad smile as you continued the drive. 
   "Anyways Airi always comes up with stupid things to make my family hate who ever i like so I bet they wont belive her." he frowned a bit bit the he smiled again. The rest of the ride was still akward.

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