Your Eye (edited version)

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You stand to your feet. Drenched in blood. You crack your knuckles and walk to the outside of the building. You stand by the door staring into the abyss that tokyo is.  Where are you kaneki. I must protect you.
     You jumped from the balcony signaling that you had avvepted your ghoulish side. A black and red appendage emerged from your back as you fell. It scraped the side of the building until there was so much friction that you wouldnt be hurt. Your kagune shortens until you landed safely.
     Unfortunately you aere spotted by seinor investagator Kotaro Amon. Isnt the guy kaneki was talking about before my mom called about the party? "Stop!" "tsk- dont be a pain Amon" "how do you know my name?" "that depends will you make this hard or easy?" he charged at you. Launching into the air he came down with one slice of his Quinke.
   It missed you by an inch. As you dodged his attack, you allowed your kagune to cut him. Tough it wasnt a peirce you would settle for it. "Move!" you screamed out towards him. I must protect kaneki!
    Your hair covered your normal eye. You realised. I have to kill him he saw my face! I need a mask! You cracked your knuckle as you ran toward him. "Your a monster!" he cut off your kagune as it swung at him. With that you hair moved. It was like slow motion. Blood and tears followed your hair moving past your face in a swift movement.
    He peirced your stomache. You fell to the ground. To your knees. You fell forwards.
I-I have t-to save K Kaneki I m must save Kaneki. He cant go through that again. That pain.
    Your eyes rolled back and your kagune cane out. But different. It was harder. And there were wings. Wings of hard blood. Covered in spines. Or what looked like a thousand tiny legs. "M-my fingers in a bucket? How many are there? C-count f-f-for naki!" you screamed as you peirced through Amon. You werent in control. After that it was a blur.
     You woke up on the floor in a puddle of blood. You had a massive headache. You had a Gigantic hole in your side. But even though you litterally had a hole in you, you some how felt full. It was the same felling you had after thanksgiving or a large meal.
You tasted blood in your mouth. Amon I killled him...
       You kept moving you didnt want the feeling of guilt to catch you. You wandered into your old apartment. Stumbling upon kanekis old mask. I still remeber when you outgrew it.... You grabbed it and ran to anteiku. I need to find him!
     You aproached the burning building. Whata happened to anteiku? Oh shit im covered in blood and everyone can see me. You ran into the burning bulding. As you sat atop the burning counter you struggled to put on the black mask. How the hell does he do it?
    Just then you felt another pair of hands fix it for you. You were scared but they did it so quick they must have done it before. As they fixed it you caught a glimps of their hand. Black nails? You heard a familiar voice. "Y/n why are you wearing my mask?"
     "Kaneki!" you cried burying your face into his chest. "Y/n..." "im sorry that you thought you had to protect me I miss you ken. I cant sleep! A-and "
"Your eye! How?! Is it becasue of me?!"
"No its my fault... I-I can protect myself though and I am going to protect you, you dont have a ch-" you wer cut off by the white haired male. Opening the zipper covering your mouth and kissing your lips.
     "I love you y/n"

                               ~the end~

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