Eyepatch (edited version)

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It had been a month since your last encounter with kaneki. Your phone began to ring for the thirteenth time today. It was your friend Ryoko. He may have broken my heart but I cant break Ryokos.
You pick up the phone. "Y/n... Oh my gosh its really you! I thought youd never pick up! Erm uh listen i know that the only time you've been leaving the house is to go to school and that little shop Kaneki used to work at. I know your worried but im sure hes fine. You cant keep being hurt like this its not healthy. Y/n are you there? Hell-"
You hung up.
Its not unhealthy Ryoko just doesnt get it. Shes never been hurt the way I have. Shes never felt this pain I feel now.


School just finished. You put up your hood and pulled the strings tightly. Your hair had been going white from all the stress of school and the lack of happiness, you didnt need any rumors going around though. Dark circles had formed around the under side of your eyes. Well I guess I should visit anteiku it is the only place that makes me happy.
You sat down in a little booth. Swirling a mixer in the tea you had ordered. Though there was nothing being mixed. You rest your chin in your palm staring through the window. You had taken your hood down. Kaneki doesnt love me anymore. So whos love do I have. My mothers love is Artificial. My fathers love is nonexistent. My sisters love will never show. Kaneki was my everything. Now that thats gone what do I even have. I have Ryoko but she doesnt understand. And im pretty sure that she finds me annoying.
"Y/n hellooooo? Y/N!" "huh" you snapped out of your thoughts to a young female with dark coloured hair and eyes. Ryoko... "So it is true. Your hairs going white" she sat in the booth. "So how are you you know with everytjing thats going on?"
"..." you didnt know how to reply.
After everything thats what she leads with? Well its good to know she hasnt changed. Shes still the extroverted girl who pityed you a little introvert with no friends. "Y/n are you even listening?!" "huh?" "dont you think that guy on the screen is cute not for me but for you. I know your freaky enough to get down with a ghoul." you werent amused by her jokes but you turned anyways to face the small screen projecting kanekis face covered by his familiar mask.
You started crying beads. You put your head on the table. I cant let ryoko see me like this! "Y/n im sorry... I know this is hars for you i just want you to be happy you know the pld Y/n that i knew! What woild it take?.. Still not talking huh? Guess the rumors were right. You havent talked since you found out he was gone have you?"
"I-I cant find the words to say theres no point in it anymore." you say looking up trying to hold back tears that were already streaming down your face. "Y/n..." "I-I have to go!" you ran out of the coffee shop into uncoming traffic. Unknowingly into an uncoming truck. Then into a hospital bed.
You woke up to someone tugging at the strands of your hair. "Your awake!" it was hinami. You fell back asleep quickly though. It was like your eyes hadnt even opened. Soon you did wake up to touka looking at you surprised. "W-what di you expect me not to wake up." you said jokingly. Touka just stared. "Y-your eye!" "what?"
Touka handed you a compact. You looked in the small refle tion not seeing your self but a half ghoul witn braided hair that resembled you. What the hell?! My eye?! "Do you like your brai-" hinami dropped the plate of hospital food hse had brought for you. "Touka chan her eye!" she whispered into toukas ear.

Time skip

It had been about a month. You havent eaten yet. You were so stressed you only had about half a head of black hair at this point. What am I? Whos kagune is this? Who am I? How will kaneki love me if I dont even know who I am? Oh yeah kaneki doesnt love me...
You fell asleep in a cold bed with a puddle of cold tears hugging you. You woke up to the sweet sound of glass breaking. To most this eould be terrifying considering it was 3:00 AM. But there was only one thought racing through your mind. Kaneki? Is that you? Please be kaneki? I miss you!
You walk into the kitchen that was once filled with the scent of coffee and a drowsy kaneki. To see a light hair colour. It scared you at first but then you remebered. Kanekk has white hair now. The sillouette of the mysterious male stood by your wall. A dark low voice projected from the man.
"I knew I smelled a half ghoul." that former thought was replaced with one that terrified you to think. Thats not Kaneki..
Where the hell am I?! Why am I here?! Kaneki where the hell are you?! Please protect me! You then noticed the chains that locked you to your seat. Not that you were jumping for joy anytime soon.
A white suited man entered the room. He looked so prefessional he could have been a cop here to save you! "Thank god! Help me! Some crazy man kidnapped me!" "do you really think im a crazy man?" you recognized that voice. I knew I smelled a half ghoul
You cried in terror. "Aw dont cry y/n!" "who the hell are you how do you know my name!" you managed to get in between sobs. "aw you dont know me? He didnt mention me on his little visit?" "what?"
"You precious kaneki betrayed me. And now he must pay. Hes devoted his life to protect you from the pain hes endured. So I wonder. What will he do if he fails?"
"What are you talking about! He doesnt even love me!" "aw do you really think that? Your all he talked about after saving me" the male rubbed his wrists were there were marks from what looked like chains. "Who are you?!" "nice to meet you y/n im Naki your murderer but dont worry we'll have fun before I kill you!"
You cried harder. "Dont cry Y/N you'll be tortured just how you kaneki was tortured by Yamori! Except you wont kill me!" he cracked his knuckles. "No please... Cant we work something out. Im sure we can please... Naki!"
Eventually you passed out. You woke to white. "Am... Am I dead?" "no"you jumped at the voice. "Y-youre voice its so familiar?" your blindfold fell. "Kyoko?!" "yes?" "it cant be you! M-mom said your-y -you.."
"Died? Whats the disease she came up with?" "car accident. I dont understand what happened." "well mom lied.. As usual.. My father was a ghoul.. You didnt know that did you? Well he was. So was my mother. My real mother... And mom and dad.. They took me in when my parents died. " "so.. Your a ghoul?" "yes. Cool I know" she smiled at her sarcastic comment. "Y/n do you still do that thing?" "what thing?" "you blame yourself for everything." "n- what are you talking about?!" "you decide to blame yourself so your not mad with anyone else. You think I didnt pick that up while I was alive?" you sat silently. "You know you dont have to do that. If you do you'll lose everyone. You'll just blame yourself for kaneki leaving and you being a ghoul. Then you'll seperate yourself from everyone. When they know why they'll be mad you didnt tell them. You wont be able to warn them of the danger that you are. They'll die."
A image appeared infront of you. It was kaneki. "Y/n why didnt you tell me your a ghoul?" you cried. "Y/n! I never want to see you again!" "wait! Watch out! Naki hes after you!" you screamed but nothing came out. Kaneki came flying towards you. While naki impaled him and he layed at your feet. "Why... Didnt you tell me... I I should have never loved you..." "n-no dont say that!" kanekis face molded into kyokos.
"You see? Do you want to watch him rot?" "n-no! But I cant defend him.. Im weak. Im just a meer human..." "but your not a human.. Your a monster"
You cried out in pain as you felt your toes being pulled at then squished through. You looked down to see your toeless foot. What the hell?! Naki stared back at you smiling holding a bucket of your toes. "It took a long time for you to wake up I was about to eat you." he took your hand. "You sure do need a manicure. Oh well." he ripped off your fingers. Aa he pulled a red headed chinese centipede from a bucket. "Now its the real playtime!"
  "Do you know what the mukake is? Its a gigantic centipede the biggest native to japan." He cracked his knuckles as he pulled one from his pocket "I wonder how a himan ear will react to it" "Please Naki! No NO NO NAKI GAET AWAY FROM ME! GET THAT AWAY FROM ME!" he laughed as you squirmed around. You slammed your feet on the marble screaming. "Beg me to kill you! Let me put you out of your misery!" "please kill me!" you screamed in pain. "I wont give you the satisfaction."
You passed out again. "Hm" "what?" "your still blaming your self." "I dont care!" "well thats the reason your here anyways."
"I dont care I just want to die" "maybe if you hadnt felt like that you wouldnt be to blame. You see your not to blame its that dumb ass philosophy. Its the reason your a ghoul. The reason your bestfriends worried. The reason your parent marrige ended." "..." "you think im kidding? Take a look"
You saw your mother and father fighting. "Its not my job to worry if that child is happy or not! I have to put money onthe table!" your father screamed at your mother. "She has anxiety she needs the thearpy!" "No!" he slapped her. Thats the night they split. You were the reason your parents werent together.
You were now next to your besfriend.
"Y/n I miss her so much she probably hates me..." "I dont hate you.." she couldnt hear you. "Why does everyone hate me and the people I love hate me!" she cried out. She looked at the desk. On it layed a gun. "Just one shot." she held the gun to her head. "No! Please I dont hate you! I didnt leave!" she pulled the trigger her blood splattered onto you. "Please..."
"Do you get the point..?" "yes" "you have to protect them naki will take them away" "I wont let him I'll kill him before he gets the chance. I have to. For Mom, Airi, Touka Hinami, Ryoko, kaneki "
"How can you your a weak human arent you?"
"Then what are you?"
"I Am A Ghoul.".
You woke up.
Your hair was now fully white as Naki aproached. "Kaneki is leaving the ward in a bit so I have to hurry up and kill you so I can send him you head, its been fun but you know" he cracks his knuckle a blue kagune apears from his arm.
"Can I make one last request" "No" he swung at you but you lifted your foot so his kagune would cut your chains. "Im going to kill you!" you cracked your knuckles. "Bring it." you launch at the male. He swings as you kick him multiple times. He grabs you by the leg. "Ive vot you now!" you twist your leg. "After everything ive been through you think that would hurt?" you stabbed him with your kagune.
   you pulled the centipede from you ear. "This is what your equal to your not even close to yamori"

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