Tattooed Heart

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I need a big long nap and food

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I need a big long nap and food. Once Steve, Bucky, and I found the other soldiers we started to make our way back to camp base and it was a long trip, but thats okay Dum Dum, Jones, Morita, Jacques, and Falsworth kept me entertained when I wasn't walking with Bucky. They would actually tell you that I was actually entertaining them with my telekinesis and throwing a pebble at Bucky or Steve's arse. Can you blame me though? I mean have you seen their arse's? And now, it is the reason of I begin stuck in between the two as we were almost at base, not that I am complaining. Wink wink.

The moment soldiers saw us walking in you could tell they didn't believe their own eyes, but soon they started a commotion and circling around us. I soon saw Colonel Phillips and Peggy pushing their way through the front.

"Sir, I'll take whatever consequences for my actions, but some of these men are injured and need medical action," Steve said holding his head up high like the righteous man he is taking full responsibility. Looking between Steve and the Colonel I said, "Well I don't, I refuse it and for your information I think-" but was cut off by Bucky putting his hand over my mouth. Coloned Phillips eyed Bucky and I before turning back to Steve, "That wont be necessary," smiled and turned to walk away

Lick. "Ew, did you just lick my hand short stuff?" Bucky asked wiping his hand on his pants. Before I could respond,"NICO! NICOLETTE!" I turned around to see my brother yelling pushing his way through the crowd of soldiers and stood next to Peggy who was talking to Steve.

"Howard," I whispered running into his arms hugging him. He kissed my forehead and examined me, "You okay? You weren't hurt were you? Oh shit, maybe I shouldn't have let you go and then you wouldn't have gotten hurt and-" I placed my hand over his mouth to shut him up. "Howard, shut up I'm fine. I didn't get hurt at all, I promise. Now, when I remove my hand nod to promise to not say a word?" He nodded, but before that he licked my hand. Gross. He smirked, then I smirked wiping his germs on his shirt causing him to frown.

"HEY, LETS HEAR IT FOR CAPTAIN AMERICA AND MISS. AMERICA," Bucky yelled making all the soldiers cheer for Steve and I, not before winking at me causing me to turn a bit pink. "Is that the-" "Shut up," I said to Howard before he could finish that sentence.
As Steve went to show Peggy and Colonel Phillips where the other hydra bases where, while I went to go and finish a last minute song that I wrote for a special person, at least he was special to me. Steve helped out a little after we got back and reassured me that all will go well. And also to make sure I do not back out. I just hope I don't look a little school girl and everything goes left.

3rd Person POV
As Peggy Carter exited the bar, Nicolette Stark was in the backstage as she watched two men she grown close to talk, waiting for the signal.

"I'm invisible, I'm turning into you. It's a horrible dream," James Barnes said after Peggy Carter didn't even knowledge him there.
"Don't worry, maybe she's got a friend," Steve Rogers reassured his best friend and looking over to where Nicolette Stark was hiding and nodded at her. Thats the signal, Nicolette thought to herself. She nodded at the piano man.
/Play video here and listen during rest of the chapter\
As young Nicolette came out from backstage singing everyone stopped what they were doing and watched her in awed, especially one James Buchanan Barnes.

"You are one lucky man Barnes, don't let her get away," DumDum said walking up to James and Steve with the rest behind him to get a better look of Nicolette Stark singing. James Barnes smiled up at Nicolette Stark, the girl of his dreams, "Trust me, I won't let her get away even if it's the last thing I do." Steve Rogers smiled at his best friend,"See, told you'll meet her one day," he said grinning at his best friend who couldn't take his eyes off of Nicolette Stark.

As she was singing, Nicolette looked over and smiled at James while singing the last verses she wrote just for him. Nicolette Stark realized has she was writing to him that James Buchanan Barnes knew more about her than she did herself and would do anything to make sure she knew she was more than a pretty face. And when seeing him after Steve pulled him out of the room where he was kept, that's when Nicolette Stark realized that she has indeed fallen for James Buchanan Barnes.

When young Nicolette was done singing she walked over to her fellow howling commandos not taking her eyes off of James Barnes," Barnes," she nodded at him. "Stark," he nodded back. Noticing the somewhat sexual tension between the two Steve walked away not bothering to bid the two a goodnight, but smiled at the pair before going home.

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