The celebration party started and let me say it was awesome. "Kristine! Come here we have something to tell you!" I heard Liam yell. "Ok!" I yelled back. "So what is it?" I asked. "You and Perrie are going shopping at 8 in the morning ok?" he asked. "Why?" "She wants to have some girl time with you." "Ok. Audios amigos." I said then went back with the rest of the guys who were playing truth or dare. "Kristine truth or dare?" asked Jinxx. "Um dare." "I dare you to make out with Ashley for 1 minute." I went up to Ashley sat on his lap and started to make out with him. It's a good thing he's drunk. A minute passed, that was one of the best kiss I ever had. I saw the look in Ashley's eyes which kinda scared me. I went back to my spot and sat down. "Ashley truth or dare?" "Truth." "Did you like it when I kissed you?" "No I loved it just to tell you I'm not drunk yet." he said. "Anyways Oli truth or dare?" Asked Ashley. "Dare." "I dare you to run down the street nude." "Ok." he got up stripped out of all his clothes and ran down the street. Then I saw Harry coming back with Shelby. The look on Shelby's face was priceless when she saw Oli. "Did anyone else just see Oli running down the street naked?" Shelby asked. "Yep it was a dare oh and here he comes running back, well you wanna play truth or dare?" I asked. "Sure." she said we sat down and then Oli came back with his clothes on. "Uh Jack truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to make out with Kristine for 2 minutes." "Ok." He came up to me and put one hand on the back of the couch, and the other is holding the back of my head. He then started to make out with me I could tell he was enjoying it so was I. The 2 minutes was up but he didn't stop. "Ok Jack that's enough." I heard Alex say. But he still didn't stop so they had to pull him off me, not that I wanted them to, god Jack's a good kisser. "Oli truth or dare?" "Dare." "I dare you to make out with both Shelby and Kristine both, each 2 minutes then say which ones better." "Ok." He went up to me and started making out with me for two minutes. Then he went up to Shelby and did the same position as Jack did with me. And started to make out with her. When the 2 minutes went by he didn't stop just like Jack did to me. They had to pull him off as well. "So which one was better?" Jack asked. "No offence Kristine but it was Shelby." When he said that I saw Shelby blush. "Alex truth or dare?" Oli asked Alex. "Dare." "I dare you to make out with Shelby for 2 minutes." "Ok." He went up to Shelby and started to make out with her and he didn't stop just like Jack wouldn't when he was kissing me. They had to pull him off. "Kristine truth or dare?" Alex said. "Dare." "I dare you to make out with both Ashley and Jack and then say who you liked better." "Ok." I first went up to Ash and made out with him for a minute. Then I went up to Jack and started making out with him. After like 3 minutes they pulled me off. "Ok it's kinda obvious but who did you like better." "Sorry Ash but I like Jack better." Just as I said that Jack got up and brought me up to my room. "Kristine I have a question." he said. "Ok what is it." "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Yes!" I shrieked. He then wrapped his arms around my waist then whispered. "I'm not drunk so don't think that I'll forget in the morning." I bit my lip, when he saw that he started to make out with me. He bit my bottom lip asking for entrance which I gladly allow. Our tongues battled for dominance which he won. We made out for a good 5 minutes. Then we both decided to go to sleep cuddled up with each other. His arms around my waist. I think Ashley was sad that I chose Jack. Oh well he was probably drunk anyway.
"Awe look at them." I heard someone say. "They look so cute." another person said. "Go away." I heard Jack say tiredly it sounded so cute. "Kristine get ready Shelby is coming shopping with us." I heard Perrie say. "Ok." I said into Jack's chest. They then left I was going to get up but then Jack said "Stay a few more minutes babe." "Ok." I laid all the way back down with him. A few minutes passed he let me get up to get ready I went in the bathroom to take a shower I locked the door behind me. I got undressed and hopped into the shower. I got out dried my hair and my body. I put my bra and panties on and wrapped the towel around me. I went into the closet. I chose a pair of black skinny jeans, an all time low T-shirt, a pair of black converses, and a leather jacket. I got dressed and blowed dried my hair all the way. I turned on the straightener and straightened my hair and put most of it on one side. I did my make which consisted of cover up, black eye liner and did a flick on each eye perfectly, a light shade of grey eye shadow, and I also put perfume on. I came out of the bathroom and saw Jack sitting on my bed waiting for me. "You look absolutely stunning." he said and got up and kissed me. "Well I better get going." I said. As I stood on my tippy toes and pecked his lips. Then Shelby came in "You ready?" "What does it look like?" "True you look amazing." "Why thank you. I'm just gonna grab my purse." "Come on hurry up." I went into the closet and grabbed my purse which had like $10,000 in it. God Liam spoils me. "Ok now I'm ready." "Ok good lets go." She said and grabbed my hand and pulled me downstairs. A lot of the guys (from the other bands) stared at me. A lot of them said 'Wow you look great' or 'You look pretty or like Ashley says you look purdy'. "You girls ready?" Asked Perrie. "Yep." we said in unison.
At the mall
"Hi gorgeous you wanna go get something to eat?" said the really cute guy. "No I have a boyfriend." "Oh sorry." "It's ok." That's like the 10th guy who came up to me and flirted with me. "Ok let's go grab lunch." said Perrie. "Ok." Me and Shelby both said. As we were walking to the food court I saw Dahvie and Jayy. "Oh look who it is." said Dahvie as they walked towards us. "Hey." I said. "How are you?" Jayy asked hugging me. "A lot better now." "That's good to hear." Dahvie said hugging me. We all talked for a bit until I decided that we should go eat so we did. We went up to A&W and got our food and ate. Then we went back home.
At home
"Ok let's go inside." Said Perrie. We got out of the car. They were behind me I got up the door. When I walked in it was dark and it look like no one was here. "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTINE!!!" All the bands and all my aunts, uncles, and cousins yelled. "You all came just for me." I said in the verge of tears. Then I felt strong arms wrap around my waist. I looked up to see Jack. "Why wouldn't they?" he said then kissed me. I heard a lot of "awes" and "yuks" the last one was probably from my younger cousins. "PRESENT TIME!!!" I heard Ronnie yell. "Sit down." I heard my aunts say. So I sat down with jack beside me. "Ok so this is from all of falling in reverse." Ronnie said and handed me a fairly big box. I opened it and saw a lot of candy and falling in reverse merch. "Awe thanks guys." I said and hugged them all. "Just keep to your promise." Ronnie said. "I'll try my best." I said. "Ok this is from us sleeping with sirens." said Kellin. He handed me a box. I opened and found a lot of converses I haven't seen before. "Thank you so much." I said and hugged them all to. "Here from all of Motionless In White." Said Chris Motionless. I opened the box to find a whole bunch of art stuff it's just perfect. "How did you know I liked to draw?" I asked them. "Shelby." "Of course. Well thank you guys." I said as I hugged them and they all hugged back. "This is from all of us from bring me the horizon." said Oli. I opened the box to find everything thing from there band merch one of each thing. "Thank you guys." I said and hugged them they all kissed my cheek.
After a few more bands only 2 left
"Ok this is from all of us in pierce the veil." said Vic. He handed me a box with holes in it. I opened and found a black cat. "He shall be called Lucifer." I said and hugged him. "We also got a kitty litter box, a bag of kitty litter, kitten food, cat toys, a black collar with diamonds on it, and cat treats." Jaime said as he handed me a big box. I opened it to find exactly what he said. "Thank you guys." I said and hugged them. "Ok this is from everyone from all time low except Jack he wanted to get his own gift for you." said Alex as he handed me a box. I opened it to find more art stuff. "Thanks guys." I said and hugged them. "Sorry we're late, what did we miss?" I heard Austin Carlile say as he bursted through the door. "Nothing really." I said. "Ok good." he said. "Ok this is from everyone in of mice & men." He said and handed me a box. I opened it to find hair stuff like a brand new straightener and hair curler, hairspray, hair dye, and other stuff. "Thanks guys." I said and hugged them. "Ok Kristine this is my gift." said Jack and whistled and just then a little Samoyed with 2 little boxes attached to its collar. "Awe Jack." I said. "Kristine this is Bruno I bought him for you." he said and then took the 2 boxes off he opened one and it had a necklace in it, a beautiful one, he then put the necklace on me. Then he opened another box which had a ring in it he placed it on my left hand. He then kissed me softly. "Awe." I heard everyone say. "Ok this is from all your cousins, me, and your uncle Nico." My aunt Tina said from my dads side. She then handed me a kind of small box and a card. I opened the card and found $100 in it. It said 'Happy birthday Kristine hope you'll have fun being 18 (p.s you are growing up to fast). I opened the box to find cute outfits. "Awe thanks guys group hug only this family." I said and hugged them. "Ok this is from me and your uncle Frank." My aunt Michelle said. She handed me a box with a jewellery box in it. she also gave me card. I opened it, it had $200 in it. And it said 'You are growing up to fast for us hope you enjoy living with your new family, Love aunt Michelle and uncle Frank.' "Awe thanks guys." I said and hugged them.
8 gifts later
"Ok this is from me and John." My sister Rebecca said. She said handing me a box with a card on it. I opened the card 'Kristine, I would like you to be one of my bridesmaids for my wedding next month, you are just growing up to fast well I hope you like your gift, Love Rebecca and John.' I opened the box to find a beautiful light blue dress in my size. "So what do you say?" Rebecca asks. "Yes I will be one of your bridesmaid." I said. "Great oh and open this box to." She said as she handed me another box. I opened it and found a matching pair of heels in my size. "Thanks guys." I said and hugged them. "Kristine make sure he treats you right or else I'll kill him." she said referring to Jack. "Don't worry he will." I said. "Ok this is from all of the kids, Cali, and me." My sister Helen said. She handed me a box and a card. I opened the card it had $50 in it and it said 'Dear Kristine, I hope you like your gift, knowing that you might have a boyfriend soon, kinda makes me feel old, your just growing up so fast, Love Josiah, Samantha, Marcus, Calisandra (Cali, or Spunky), and Helen.' I opened the box to find more hair dye, make up and other stuff. "Thanks guys." I said and hugged them. "Ok Ashley wanted to get you something himself so we go you this, since you got your licences and all, just look outside." said Andy. I look outside to find a black Lamborghini. "Omg I love it. Thank you so much." I said and hugged them. "Kristine this is all from me." Ashley says. He hands me a bass guitar from his clothing line. And a box to me with the latest clothes in it. "Awe thanks Ash." "Your welcome Kristine." he says and hugs me. "Ok this is from all of us and Perrie, and Shelby." Niall says. "Go get her." I hear Louis say. I then see a pure white Siberian husky puppy with bright blue eyes, running towards me. It then pushes me down and started licking me. "I'm gonna name you Sapphire." I said then laughed. "Can some people help bring all of this stuff up to my room?" I asked. "I will." said Jack. "I wasn't going to give you a choice." I said. Other then Jack my 2 older sisters volunteered, and my aunt Mary, and my aunt Tina, and Shelby. "Come on Bruno and Sapphire." I said carrying Lucifer upstairs.
After bringing everything up
"Ok try on the dress and shoes." Rebecca said. "Ok." I went into my bathroom and tried my dress on and shoes and fixed me hair. I walked out into my bedroom. "So?" I asked. "Your absolutely stunning." said Jack. "I think we are all with your boyfriend." said Rebecca. "Awe thanks guys." I said. "Feel free to look around my room. Closets there bathrooms here but you can't go in the bathroom I'm getting changed." I said I went back into the bathroom and changed back into my clothes from before. I walked out of the bathroom with the dress and shoes in my hand. "So what do you think of my new room?" I asked. "Its amazing you have a walk in closet a big bed, and big room." said Rebecca. "Go check out the washroom." I said she did and then came back. "And a huge bathroom to yourself with a walk in shower and a separate bath tub. You've got everything." she said. "I guess well let's go downstairs." I said placing the sleeping cat onto my bed where Bruno and Sapphire were sleeping, Lucifer then crawled over to Bruno and curled up into him. "Ok." And with that we walked downstairs.
As soon as we walked downstairs Niall yelled "CAKE TIME!!!" I can always count on Niall to yell something about food. Everyone went in the kitchen. Once I saw the cake I was amazed it was big. "Ok sit down while we sing happy birthday to you." said Jack then they started singing. It sounded amazing the fact that professional singers were singing it as well. "Ok make a wish." said Jack as he kissed my cheek. I blew the candles out as I made my wish, which I wished that Shelby could stay. "What did you wish for?" asked Andy. "Well if I told you it wouldn't come true." I simply said. "Kris I know this is a bad time to say this, but my aunt put me in a foster care centre." said Shelby. "This is great Liam you need to be her foster dad to." I said. "Why?" he asked. "Cuz I wished that she could stay." I said. "Awe Kris." Shelby said and hugged me. "Alright then it's settle we will be heading to the foster home tomorrow." said Liam. "Yes!" I heard Alex whisper yell. "Is there something you would like to say Alex?" I ask. "Uh... um... yeah. Imdatingshelby." he said really fast. "Sorry I didn't hear that." I said sarcastically. "I'm dating Shelby." he said. "I know I heard you the first time." I said. "Seriously and then yet you say you didn't hear me." he whined. "Yup." I said popping the 'p'. "But anyways I'm so happy for you Shelbs!" I shrieked and embraced her with a big hug. "I swear he hurts you I kill him, I don't care if it means the end of all time low, I want my best friend happy." I said. "All time low can never end you can't kill me I'm to beautiful to die." said Alex as he held his hand against his heart.

A Whole New Life
FanfictionKristine got adopted by one direction, and as they were at hot topic shopping, her favourite band Black Veil Brides walked in. Soon after she becomes famous in her own band.