Chapter 8: The special guest

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I woke up to a light shining on me, I let my eyes adjust to the light and looked around. One side I saw gifts, balloons, and other stuff. On the other side I saw a sleeping Jack with tears still rolling down his cheek. Then a nurse came in I signalled her to be quiet. She smiled and nodded her head. "So how are you feeling?" she whispered. "A little bit in pain but I can handle it." I whispered back. "Would you like something to eat or drink?" she asked quietly. "No thank you." I replied. "Ok." she said then left. Jack started to wake up so I quickly lied down acting like I was sleeping. He came up to me and held my hand and lent his head on our hands. How sad he looked made me want to cry. Then Liam, Harry, Niall, Louis, and Zayn walked in, they all looked like they were crying. I still acted as if I was sleeping. "Hey man it's ok she'll wake up she has to." said Liam he sounded as if he has been crying a lot. Then Black Veil Brides came in with tear stained eyes. When Ashley saw I wasn't awake yet he started crying. The rest of the guys started to comfort him seeing all this made me want to cry. I then accidentally moved my hand Jack was holding "Shit." I cursed in my head. "Hey guys she moved." Jack said. "Really she must be waking up." said Liam. "Actually I was awake the whole time." I said with my eyes still closed. "Kristine!" Jack yelled and hugged me, actually they all hugged me. "Stop you guys, you are making me cry." I said and started to cry. "Miss there is someone here to see you." said a nurse. "Send them in." I said. "Ok." she replied. Then that someone came in and I was frightened half to death. "I came here to finish what I started." my dad said. He pulled out a gun and shot me in the stomach, arm, and leg. "I hope you fucking die." he said. Then next thing I know Jack and Ashley are beating the crap out of them. I saw Liam crying again actually everyone was crying. I was trying hard to stay alive it was really hard. The security guards came in and took my dad away. I was having trouble breathing Jack was holding my hand now crying. The doctors rushed in and took me away. "Get her on oxygen now." the doctor ordered. Then a nurse put an oxygen mask on my face. "Kristine stay with us you can do it." Said the nurse. I looked up at her "I'll...try." I managed to choke out. They got me to the surgery room and started immediately. They then put me to sleep.

After Surgery

I woke up in the same room with even more gifts. I looked to my right and saw Jack crying and Zack trying to comfort him. "Man she made it through last time there's no doubt she will make it again." said Zack. "Yeah there's no doubt I'll make it again." I said. Jack looked up "Never do that to me again." he said and ran up to me and hugged me. "Did you really think I was going to die?" I asked. "Kind of. You know how you love that show the vampire diaries?" he asked. "Uh yeah why?" I asked getting suspicious. "Well um we weren't sure if you were going to wake up. Right now there with Shelby." he said. "So what I'm hearing is that the whole cast is here?" I questioned. "Uh yeah." he said then there was a knock on the door. "I'll be right back." he said. "Ok. So how much was Jack crying?" I asked. "Lets just say he didn't stop, even when the doctors came in to check on you." he said. "Awe my Jack was that sad. So tell me how many scarring our silhouettes fans are here?" I asked. "Look outside yourself." said Zack. I looked outside the window to see signs that say please get better soon Kristine & Shelby. "Awe they love us that much." I said. "How could they not what's there not to love about you?" Jack asked as he kissed my cheek and held my hand. "Well I don't know everyone has there own flaws." I said and looked at him. "True you can come in now." he said. Just then the whole vampire diaries cast walked into my room. "Did you do this Jack?" I asked. "No but I helped." he said. "That's a good enough reason to hug you." I said and then hugged him. "Oww!" I shrieked. "Jack that's to tight my wounds still hurt." I said. "Oh my bad." he said. "No shit." I said and turned my head away from him. "You can't stay mad at me." he said. "You would be surprise how long we Klassen's can keep a grudge." I said. "Oh really. But you wouldn't keep a grudge against me now would you?" he asked. "No but that's besides the point. We are completely ignoring everyone from my favourite show." I said. "OH MY GOD IT'S KRISTINE FROM SCARRING OUR SILHOUETTES!!!" a girl more like a fan screamed. She ran in my room and hugged me a bit to tight. "Oh fuck that's to tight let go I can't even breath, your pressing against my wounds." I said she still didn't let go. "Jack a little help I can't bare the pain any longer." I said. "Ok let go, my girlfriend is not in shape to be hugged so tightly." he said as he pulled her off me and put her outside my room. "Thanks Jacky." I said. "Anything for you." he said. "Ok as you might have heard I'm Kristine so tell me who called you?" I asked. "I'm Ian..." I cut him off. "I asked who called you?" I said. "Someone named Liam Payne." said Ian Somerhalder. "I should of known." I said just then all the boys (one direction & black veil brides) came in. "KRISTINE!!!" Ashley, CC, Andy, Jinxx, & Jake yelled. "I swear if you hug me to tight I'll kill you." I threatened. They all came up and one by one hugged me Andy & Ashley hugged me the longest. "Hi boys. Hey you all did your make up." I said happily. "Yeah we were hoping you were going to wake up today." said Andy. "I swear if she's not awake I will make her wake up." I heard a familiar voice say, its non other then my best friend Shelby. "I don't think that's necessary." I said. "My niggas alive!" She yelled. "Quiet down people are going to think your crazy." I said. "So let them know." she said. "Ok. Liam when can I get out of this place?" I asked. "Later on tonight." he answered. "Well this is bullshit. Ok so let me get pictures with my favourite tv show casts." I said. "Well and get to know them." I said. "Babe shouldn't you introduce yourself fully first?" asked Jack. "Oh yeah um... my full name is Kristine Payne, Liam adopted me and Shelby, I play bass and am the lead singer of scarring our silhouettes, my favourite colour would have to be black, I like to draw, and my birthday is on August 17. Oh and this is my boyfriend Jack. Your guys turn." I said. "Well as you might know I'm Ian Somerhalder." "I'm Nina Dobrev." "I'm Paul Wesley." "I'm Steven R McQueen." "I'm Kat Graham."

A few more actors later

"And I'm Joseph Morgan." "Well that took longer then I expected. Ok why's the peasant here I never said he could come." I said referring to Bryan. "Why do you keep calling me peasant?" he asked. "Cause I'm the mother fucking queen." I said. "Pardon my language." I said to the cast. "Hey Kris how are you feeling?" Shelby asked. "Pretty good why?" I asked. "You wanna preform for the people in the hospital?" she asked. "I don't have my bass." I said. Just as I said that she showed me that she had it with her. I looked down to see I'm wearing black skinny jeans with rips in them, a black tank top that says peace in silver cursive letters. I looked down to see my favourite pair of war boots with spikes on them. I got up the doctor took out the IV I put my boots on. "Where's my god damn Purdy jacket!? I practically yelled. "Here." Shelby said and tossed it to me. "I figured you would want to do your make up so here." said Skye. "Thanks Skye." I said and grabbed my make up bag. I went into the bathroom and did my make up which consisted of, cover up, mascara, liquid eyeliner which formed into a flick, and black eyeshadow which I did lightly. I went back into my room with my head down grabbed my black beanie went back into the washroom, and fixed my hair and put my beanie on. I walked into my room and put my jacket on. "Ok I'm done. Wait nigga give me my bass." I said and then Shelby handed me my bass. "Ok now I'm done." I said as I put my bass on. "You look amazing as usually." Jack said. "Shut up you just want a kiss." I joked. "But babe..." he said I cut him off with a kiss. "I was kidding." I said. "Wait what about Skye and her drums?" I asked. "They are set up already." Skye said. "Ok. Let's go you guys are aloud to watch." I said to the cast. "Sure." they all agreed. We started to head to the cafeteria where they had everyone go for our performance. I plugged in my bass and tuned it. Once the other 2 were ready I was to. The whole cafeteria was full of patience who were healthy enough to come. "Right now we would be in the States. But nope I had to get badly injured twice. But we love performing for anyone we love our fans and everyone who's not a fan unless they hate us well that's just cold. I think we are ready to start." I said. "1..2..1 2 3 4." Skye said. We all started playing my arm kind of hurt but not to much to affect our performance. We played 3 songs and I decided that was as much as I could handle for today. "So who liked that I would love to do more but I kinda got shot in the arm to." I said. They all clapped I unhooked my bass and went towards everyone else. "So?" we asked the cast. "Your amazing." they said. "That's what I like to hear." I said. "Ok girls you are free to go." said the doctor. "WOAH!!!" me and Shelby yelled and ran down the hallway and out the hospital, to see all our fans out there. "You guys waited just for us!?" I yelled. They all just screamed loudly. I smiled then soon enough Shelby was beside me.

Sorry I had to do another cliffhanger.

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