Chapter 4: Why Me?

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So today was the day that Shelby was going to be adopted by Liam as well. "Ok so lets get all the paperwork done and you can take her home." Said the head of the foster home. "I'm gonna go outside to get some fresh air." I said. "Ok." said Liam. I went outside and looked around. I noticed a tour bus, I went closer to get a better look. Which was a bad idea. "Hello useless bitch." said someone behind me. I turned around to come face to face with my dad. "St-stay a-away ff-ffrom m-me." I stuttered in fear. "Now why would I want to do that?" he questioned. He then grabbed me and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream. He brought me in his car and knocked me out.

Liam's POV

I was done signing the papers so me and Shelby started to head out. I started to search for Kristine but I didn't see her. I then saw a bus so I told Shelby to just stay here, she just said ok. I went up to it and knocked on the door. A few minutes later someone finally answered the door. "Um hi have you seen a girl fairly tall, brown straightish hair around?" I asked. "No I'm sorry I would love to help but we have to go." said the guy and then he closed the door. "Shelby did you see any sign of her?" I asked. "No." she said sadly the poor girl I adopt her, and then her best friend goes missing. "Well lets get home." I said worry in my voice.

Back at my flat

"Where's Kristine?" asked Louis. Right after that Shelby broke down crying. "What's going on in here... Why's Shelby crying?" said Zayn. Which gets me to cry as well. Hey she was my daughter sort of don't blame me. "Kristine... someone... took... her..." Shelby said in between sobs. Just then Jack and Alex came up from the basement. "Where's Kristine?" Jack asked his voice full of worry and sadness. "SOMEONE TOOK HER!!!" Shelby screamed and ran up to I'm guessing Kristine's room. "What!?" Jack yelled. Just then all the bands came up. "What happened?" some of them asked. "Someone took Kristine." said Zayn. Honestly everyone loved Kristine she was kind, loving, sweet, and she sure knew how to cook and bake. Alex ran up after Shelby "OPEN THE DOOR!" yelled Alex.

Shelby's POV

"OPEN THE DOOR!" I heard Alex yell. But I wouldn't open it. I found a pack of razors and opened it. I took one out and slid it across my wrist. Why couldn't she have waited till Liam was done this wouldn't have happened. Before I knew it my vision became blurry. I looked down to see a big pool of blood. And then the door broke down to. "Oh my god Shelby we need to get you to a hospital!" Alex freaked out. He picked me up and carried me downstairs. "What happened?" asked Liam. "She cut herself a lot we need to get her to a hospital." said Alex then everything went black.

Kristine's POV 2hrs later

I woke up chained against a wall someone then came down it was my dad. He started to beat me up cut me then police broke in. I couldn't make anything out because of what he did to me. I then became unconscious when they started to get me on the ambulance.

In the hospital

"Where am I?" I asked the nurse who was in my room. "Your in the hospital sweety." she said kindly. "You have visitors who would like to see her." another nurse said. "Ok." I said. Then I saw Dahvie and Jayy walked in. "How did you know I was here?" I questioned. "Well Jayy sprained his wrist and then you were rushed past us while we were waiting, and you looked terrible all those cuts and bruises." Dahvie said. "Yeah they still hurt." I said. "I bet." Jayy said. "Liam Payne is her foster dad. I already called him and he's on his way." the doctor said to the nurse. "Thank God." I said. "KRISTINE!!!" I heard Liam yell. "Oh my god Liam!" I yelled. He came in and hugged me. "I was so worried." he said almost crying. "I know." I said crying. "Did everyone else come with?" I asked. "No I wanted it to be a surprise. When can she go home?" he asked. "Whenever." said the doctor. "Well then what are we waiting for let's go." I said getting up. We then left.

At Home

"You ready?" Liam asked. "Yeah." I said. We got out of the car and walked up to the door. Liam opened it "Where were you!?" I heard Niall ask really loudly. Liam didn't answer he just stepped to the side so Niall could see me. "OH MY GOD KRISTINE!!!..." he yelled.

Haha cliffhanger suckas.

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