Chapter 5: Jealousy

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"SHE'S HERE! SHE'S ALIVE!!!" Louis ran around yelling that. "Who's here?" I heard Jack say. "Me." I said. "KRISTINE!!!" He yelled and ran towards me. He then embraced me in a tight hug and kissed me. "Kristine!?" I heard Ashley say. "Yes. It's me." I said in the verge of tears. "HEY EVERYONE COME HERE SHE'S BACK!!!" Niall yelled. "Really!?" I heard them all yell. Jack still hasn't let go of me. They all ran in with happy expressions on their face. They all ran up to me and hugged me very tightly to. "I won't be alive if you keep on hugging me like this." I said. "Oh sorry we were all just really sad that you were gone. Everyone in black veil brides was crying and Jack and well Shelby she cried to but almost died to." said Oliver."Where is she?" I asked. "Upstairs in your room. She has been in there since that day. And hasn't left since." said Oliver. "Thanks." I said and started to go upstairs. I knocked on the door. "Who's there?" I heard Alex. I just opened the door and stood there in shock at when I saw Shelby. "Shelby?" I asked. "Kristine!?" she yelled. "Yeah." she got off the bed and ran towards me. She then hugged me and cried. "Hey it's ok I'm here now." I said softly. "Who kidnapped you?" she asked. "My dad." I said quietly. "KRISTINE!" I heard Jack yell. "I'm up here." I said. He came in my room and came up behind me, & hugged me from behind, & rested his chin on my head. "You guys are so cute." Shelby said in awe. "So are you two." I said. "I've missed you so much." said Jack. "I think we all did." said Shelby. "Hey you haven't took me on a date before." I said. "Well why don't we go on a double date with the other 2?" Jack asked. "Sure." I said. "When?" Shelby asked. "We leave at 7:30pm." said Jack. "Ok well it's 5:30 so Shelby lets get ready." I said. "Ok."

1hr later

"Ok I'm done lets go downstairs." Shelby said. She was wearing a black sexy but classy dress that was tight in all the right places, and black stilettos with spikes on the back, with a black over the shoulder vintage purse, black nail polish, and dark red lipstick. I was wearing a long beige dress with a beaded belt, with a beautiful double beaded high heal shoes, and a gold purse.

We headed downstairs and got a lot of comments from the rest of the boys. Ashley, CC, and surprisingly Andy and Niall looked jealous when they found out me and Jack were going on a date. So did Jaime, Vic, Mike, Tony, and Oliver when they found out Shelby and Alex were to. "You girls fix up nicely." both Alex and Jack said. "Why thank you. You do to." I said Jack came up to me and kissed me. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Definitely." Shelby and I both said. "Well let's get going." said Alex. "Take care of them. I swear if you don't come home with them I will kill you both." said Liam. "Liam don't worry they will, we will probably have to take care of them anyways." I said. "True." said Shelby. "Bullshit, we're more mature then you 2." said Jack. "Oh yeah sure." I said sarcastically. "Ok go on your date." said Zayn. "Ok ok." said Shelby.

At the restaurant

"Omg your Liam's daughter, Kristine." A girl said as she walked up to us with her friends. "Uh yeah that's me." I said. "You are so pretty can we take a picture with you?" one of her other friends ask. "Of course." I said. I was in the middle, 2 girls on each side of me. "Jack babe can you take the picture?" I asked. "The Jack Barakat is your boyfriend!?" she almost yelled. "Shh quiet I don't need the pops to find us. And yes he is and Alex Gaskarth is dating Liam's other daughter also known as my best friend Shelby." I said. "Omg you two are both gorgeous we need a picture with both of you." the other one said. "Ok just one cause we need to get back to our date." I said. "Ok say All Time Low." said Jack. We all said "All Time Low" and smiled he took the picture and gave the girls their camera back. "Thank you." they all said. "Your welcome girls." Shelby and I both said.

After supper

We were walking on the beach, me and Shelby were carrying our heels in one hand, and in the other I had Jack's hand, and in Shelby's other hand is Alex's hand. They both gave us their jackets to wear cause we were starting to get cold. "We should get going before Liam starts to freak out." I said. "Then we should watch a movie once we get home." said Shelby. "I agree." I said.

At Home

"Where were you guys?" asked Liam. "We were walking on the beach." I answered. "Oh ok." he said. "Well me and Jack will be in my room." I said. Me and Jack went upstairs to watch a movie, we decided to watch the dark knight rises. A few minutes later Andy walks in. "Your watching Batman!" he yelled. "Uh yeah." said Jack. "Move over bitches!" he yelled again. "Andy we are trying to have some time alone with each other." I said. "But I wanna watch batman." he said. I got up took the movie out and put it in it's case and handed it to Andy. "Go and watch it somewhere else." I said. "Ok." he said and left. "Come back to bed babe." Jack said. "Ok." I said. I walked back to the bed and lied down next to him, he then wrapped his arm around my waist, & pulled me closer. "Goodnight babe." he mumbled against my neck. "Goodnight." I said back.

Shelby's POV

"Lets go upstairs to my room." I said. "Yes let's go." Alex said. We walked upstairs to my room and he put a movie in, which was planet terror. A few hours later it ended he then cuddled up against me with his arm around my waist. We then fell asleep me in his arms peacefully falling asleep.

I woke up around 11:00pm to screaming and it sounded like it was coming from Kristine's room. I got up and walked to her room. "Hey Kristine shh it's ok it was just a nightmare it wasn't real." I heard Jack say. By this time everyone was outside her room. They were all wondering what was wrong. "Ok out of my way." Liam said. He then opened the door and walked in I followed behind him. If anyone can comfort her it's me. "Kristine what happened?" I asked. "She had a nightmare." said Jack. "I thought it was real, my dad was in it and he was raping & torturing me." she said. "Hey Kris it's ok it was just a nightmare." I said and hugged her. "Ok guys I got this I'll take care of her now shoo go to bed." Jack said. Me and Liam walked out "Ok everyone go back she's ok." said Liam. They all left and went back to their rooms. "Liam just wondering why are all the bands still here?" I asked. "They asked if they could stay so the lads and I discussed it and we said yes." he answered. "Ok." I said and went back to my room. "Good your back now come back to bed." Alex said. I lied back down and cuddled with Alex again and fell asleep.

Kristine's POV

I woke up and went downstairs I decided to go for a walk I put on my black converses on, and my leather jacket. I opened the door and walked outside. As I was walking I saw someone walking towards me. I decided to turn around and walk the other way but before I could the person grabbed me, and covered my mouth with a damp cloth. Then I became unconscious. I woke up in a dark room tied to a bed. I tried to get up but I couldn't even move. Then someone came down the stairs it was... my dad. He went up to this dresser and pulled out a knife. He came up to me and cut off my shirt. I started to cry which earned me a slap. "This is what you get for not dying." he said creepily. He cut off my pants to he then pressed the knife against me skin and carved in band names and lyrics. I started to scream in pain. He stopped and put the knife back. He ripped off my panties and he took of his pants. He started to go on top of me but I begged him to stop which he just slapped me again. "You brought this onto yourself." he said. He then slammed into me... "KRISTINE WAKE UP!!!" I heard Jack yell. I then sat up. I woke up noticing it was just a dream but started crying. "Hey shh it's ok it was just a dream." Jack said. Then Liam and Shelby walked in. "What happened?" "She had a nightmare." Jack said. A few minutes later Jack told them to leave. He lied me down and wrapped his arm around me and kissed my cheek. "Hey no more bad dreams think about happy things." Jack whispered. "Ok I will." I said. Then we fell asleep.

Ok I'm sorry if this chapter was short, but hey at least it wasn't a cliffhanger like last time.

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