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It's the first day that Brooklyn goes to my school and I wake up to her waking me up.

"Heather wake up come on wake up!" She said exactly happy.

"Go away I'm trying to sleep," I said grabbing my pillow and putting it on my face.

"Wake up or you'll be late," she said still excited but getting annoyed by me.

"Fine," I said jumping out of my bed.

I quickly get ready because Brooklyn made me but it was hard because she played really good music to dance to. But after I was all ready to go to school I realized some things why am I excited again oh yeah. One my best friend is going to school with me and two I get to see kyle. I run downstairs the thought of him made me excited I get to the bottom of the stairs, to then hear Brooklyn running to the top of the stairs singing her favorite Disney song "I am Moana" from Moana.

"Oh gosh Brooklyn why you sing that song to much," I said in a joking way.

"Oh yes girl I AM MOANA!" She said and sang.

"I'm going to eat," I said walking away from the stairs.

"FOOD!" She said running down.

"Yes food want some or not?" I said a little annoyed because she does this every time but that what I get for her and my mom both loving food.

"No I just yelled out food because it's fun, YES! I want food you dumb?" She said joking around.

I just laugh and cook up some eggs. Time pasted and it was time to go so we hop into my jeep and head to school. But on the way there all I could think about was my dad and who was he? Like what the fuck I just found out I'm this thing. Like what am I supposed to think? Before I knew it we were at school what the f- you know what that's what I get for getting to sidetracked. Soon I hear this big sound I look out my window to see cj face pressed against the glass looking like a idiot.

"Is he a idiot or just brain less?" Brooklyn said looking at him with a little eyebrow raise.

" I can't hear you, you know?" Cj said pointing to his ears.

"I know," she said pointing to her head.

But that just made cj confused like normal but I quickly opened the door hitting Cj's head I hopped out looking at him.

"Aww is the little puppy hurt?" I said joking and laughing.

He started to growl at me oh great he's trying to be badass.

"Cj I was joking but whatever," I said walking away.

Brooklyn runs up to me and looks around she sees Ashley.

"Who's that she looks like a bitch," she said looking at Ashley and her minions.

"They are more like helpers to the devil himself," I said laughing.

I look over to Ashley and sees walking over to us with her little minions.

I thought I was human Where stories live. Discover now