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Yo, I have a question.


Do you know Phil Lester?

Phil suddenly panicked, his heart rate quickening. This person didn't know who he was, right? Yet, it's odd for them to bring him up.

Um I think, why?

He's so hot.

Phil's eyes widened at that. Someone thought he was hot?

Like I know this is really random, but like we're friends, we can talk about hot people, right?


Good. My favorite rn is the hottie Phil Lester.

Phil giggled, shaking his head. This was so weird. The person on the other end knew who he was(well, more like knew of him), but didn't know that that was who he was texting.

Phil's alright, I guess.


Phil eyes widened at the sudden outburst and almost angry thought bubble with the dots on the bottom of the screen.

Phil is so pretty with his bright blue eyes, and jet black hair that contrasts well with his pale skin. And he's got the most adorable smile I've ever seen, and I don't even know him, but I love how he is. Everything about Phil Lester is attractive. He just radiates happiness for everyone to soak up. The first time I saw him I couldn't get his eyes out of mind. They're just so calming.

Phil was blushing like crazy. He could use everything this boy was telling him to figure out his identity by asking him questions and things, but he knew it'd be best if he left it alone. He had to respect the boys privacy. If he didn't want him to know him, Phil wasn't going to dig until he found out.


Anyway, hbu?


Who have you been watching carefully? Looking for dat ASS!

No one really. I mean I saw a hot guy yesterday but I don't know his name. And I ran into him another time once and he's cute, but whatevs.

You run into people a lot don't you?

It's because IM CLUMSY

It's okay, P. Me too.

This reminds me of you

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This reminds me of you.😊

Is that Brendon Urie?




AN: You're welcome.

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