-Waiting For You-

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Dan was pacing the waiting room, his parents watching his steps and seeming to get more worried at his worry.

"Dan," his mum said.

"Yeah," he answered, continuing to pace with obvious signs of crying present all over his face.

"Who is that boy we just gave to the nurse?"

Dan took a deep breath, "He's uh, my...friend, Phil."

"I didn't know you had friends," Dan's dad said, making Dan's mum elbow him lightly and whisper shout, "Harry!"

"I mean, yes, he's your friend, how nice," Harry corrected with a smile.

"Is he the one you've been texting everyday for hours?" Dan's mum, Karen, asked.

"Uh, yeah," Dan said.

Karen looked at Harry and then started to whisper to him a bit, giggling at something.

"What? What's so funny?" Dan asked, pausing on his pacing.

"Oh, nothing, dear," his mum said, making his dad laugh a bit.

Dan narrowed his eyes at them suspiciously, "Alright, then."

"Oh, Dan," his mum said, "I was just wondering...do you love that Phil boy?"

If Dan had a drink in his mouth he would've spit it out. He completely tensed up, but tried to play cool. Dan stared at her quizzically, "W-why are y-you asking?"

"It just seemed like you did. I mean, look at you. A complete mess ever since you ran out that door," Dan's mum says, smiling a bit.

"I, uh, am not inclined to answer that," Dan blushed, coughing awkwardly.

"What's wrong with loving someone? I love you."

"It's different," Dan said.

"Oh?" She tested, grinning ear to ear, "Are you implying...that you love him...in a different way?"

"No!" Dan said, "That's not...that's not what I meant."

"I think he has a crush, honey," Dan's dad said, "Or maybe he's in love with him."

"I think so too, Harry," Dan's mum agreed.

"I feel very attacked," Dan said, "I only like him...a little."

"He admits it!" Harry exclaimed, giving Karen a high five, "Our son is gay!"

"Please, stop, you already knew that," Dan said, looking at the other confused people in the waiting room apologetically.

"But it's better to hear it again," Dan's mum said, "Danny is GAYYYY."

Before Dan could reply, a nurse came by and tapped him on the shoulder, "Are you Dan?" She asked.

"Yes, I am," Dan answered.

"Phil's doctor would like to talk to you," she informed.

"Okay," Dan agreed. He turned to his mum and dad, "I'll be back soon. Wait here."

They nodded, still smiling, as Dan followed the nurse.

The doctor had his notes out, and was sitting on a stool when Dan walked in. The walls were strangely colorful, and made the room seem more comfortable than it actually was.

"Hello, Dan," the doctor said, "Excuse me, but what is your last name? Phil didn't seem to know."

"Uh, Howell," Dan answered.

The Doctor smiled, "Pleased to meet you, Dan Howell. I'm Dr. Rotini, and I have some questions for you."

"Okay," Dan said.

"Phil told us that you picked him up from his house with your parents and drove him here, is that correct?"


"Phil also said that he called you over because his father wasn't home, and you were the closest thing to help he could get, is that correct?"

Dan looked down at the floor, "Um, yeah, I guess."

Dan didn't know how to feel about that. Phil had said that his father had beat him, and the thought of that made Dan angry. Phil had called him because there really was no one else on his side.

"Dan, Phil said he acquired his injuries by falling down the stairs, is that true?"

Dan stared at him, at a loss for words. Phil had lied? Didn't he want his father locked up? Didn't he want it all to end? Was Dan expected to lie too?

"I don't believe that that's the truth either, Dan," the doctor said with sincere eyes. "Depending on how it happens, falling down the stairs might kill you, or leave you with a few little bruises, but Phil had bruises old and new all over his body, and a broken arm and nose. I doubt that came from one incident on the stairs."

Dan winced. Should he tell him? Will Phil hate him forever? God no, he didn't want to lose Phil.

"Dan," the doctor started, speaking again, "You don't have to lie to keep him happy. You should always tell the truth if it meant keeping him safe."

Just tell him, Dan. Keep Phil safe.

"His dad..." Dan begins, "His dad h-hurts him, sometimes," Dan said in a small voice, feeling guilty.

The doctor nodded, "I know," he paused an evil glint in his eye, "I am his father."


AN: Ever since the rain

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