-You and I-

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Dan can't remember the last time he was truly happy. With anxiety eating at his brain, and depression weighing on his heart, happiness was a rare emotion that he encountered. But he knows the feeling, because every time his phone dings and it's a text from P, his entire empty shell of a soul, lights up like a billion stars.

And his parents are worried. Dan Howell never really smiles anymore.

"Dan, honey," his mum said as they were sat at dinner, Dan smiling at his phone and his mind clear of negative thoughts.

"Yeah," he answers, looking up at her with a bit of a smile still on his lips.

"Are you okay?" She asks, sending his dad a worried look, and then shifting her eyes back to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Dan replied with a shrug.

"You just seem," his mum started with her eyebrows furrowed, "Well, you seem...happier."

Dan smiled slightly, "I am."

"Care to tell us why?" Dan's dad asked, taking a sip of his drink.

Dan got a text again, and he read it real quick before he threw his head back and laughed at it.

Yo, I just tried to text you a meme while walking down the stairs, and I tripped and fell down each stair on my butt like from some wipe out video...and now I can't stop laughing, help.

"I think that's the reason why he's happier," Dan's mum said, pointing to his phone.

Dan rolled his eyes, "May I be excused?"

Dan's mum smiled, "If it's to go text whoever you're texting that's making you smile so much, then yes, of course."

Dan nodded, "Thanks."

He ran up into his room, plopping down on the bed.

You're such a dork sometimes, oml you made me laugh at dinner

I bet you have a beautiful laugh

Ew, no, it's really loud with a lot of clapping and I look like a damn seal. And idk I don't do it much, so I'm out of practice.

But why don't you laugh? Why are you depriving the world of laughter from a fantastic person?

There's few reasons for me to laugh, P.

But I made you laugh

You're one of those few reasons 🙃


AN: I wonder when they will meet. Will they ever meet? Why would they do that? Would it be to finally see each other? Would it be because of conflict? Will they just become friends irl? Idk, find out on the next episode of I Don't Need To Know Your Face, by the infamous phanfiction writer, imsh00k.

Wth was that? Lol, I'm tiiiiirrreeeddd.

Edit: I'm at a band contest on a Saturday wish me luck.

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