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How is your new school?

It's nice!! I made a lot of new friends like Pj and Sophie and stuff. You don't know them, but I think you'd like them!

That's nice😊 I'm glad you're happy! I am too!

Yeah, it's nice here, but it's missing something.



Was that supposed to be cute?


You failed

Aw 😢

I'm kidding, I miss you too.

K Brb

Where are you going?

Read 4:23 pm

Phil I swear if you leave me on read

Read 4:24 pm


Read 4:24 pm

Phil you little shit you can't just leave me

Read 4:25 pm

I hate you

Read 4:25 pm

I'm going to get a new boyfriend



Read 4:26 pm

Joe Sugg has been looking good lately, like he has such a nice jawline, damn. Have you ever just looked at his eyes, and his hair, and his abs, and my god I wonder if he'll date me.


That's what I thought.

Would you really leave me for Joe?

I mean...


😂 You know I'm joking. I love you too much. But if you leave me on read I'll drop your ass.

It was for good reason

What would that be?

Open your front door.

Why? Is my package finally here from Amazon?


What could possibly be better?


Okay bossy, damn.

Dan had been walking down his stairs as he texted Phil, and he rolled his eyes when he got to his front door. He knew it was probably just going to be Phil or something with this huge smile on his face, and flowers.

Though that would be the most beautiful thing Dan had ever seen.

But when he opened his door with a "Hello, babe," already falling out of his mouth, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion when no one was there.

"What the fuck?" He thought out loud.

Then he noticed a little note on his door mat, folded delicately and labeled, 'D-slice.'

Dan picked it up, opening it immediately and narrowing his eyes at the message.

Get shrekt scrub


Dan laughed at the note, hating that Phil was in town but only left him a stupid note on his doorway. That nerd.

Phil wtf is that note

Turn it over

Dan did as he suggested, seeing another message on the back:

Climbing out the back door,
didn't leave a mark

"What?" Dan exclaimed, even more confused then when he first got the note.

Then he heard a happy "Surprise!" That made him drop the note(and his phone) in fright as he screamed and whipped around.

There behind him was Phil, laughing at Dan's girly scream and clutching flowers in his hand. He looked as good as the last time he saw him, and God he had missed him so much. But that didn't stop him from yelling at him.

"Jesus fucking Christ, Phil, you gave me a heart attack!" Dan yelled, hand on his chest.

"Sorry, Dan," Phil giggled softly.

"You're not sorry, you're such a prick," Dan said, crossing his arms.

But Phil only smiled, engulfing Dan in a hug and leaving him kisses all over his face, "I missed you, Dan, don't be rude!"

Dan's face scrunched up at the kisses that he secretly enjoyed, but he kept his arms crossed, "I can do whatever I want."

Phil stopped kissing him and stuck out his bottom lip, "So you're not going to give me any lovings?"

"Nope," Dan said, turning away.

Phil sighed, "Well, alright then I'll just head back home..." he said, setting the flowers down gently on a nearby table. And then Phil started to slowly walk away, sighing loudly again and dragging his feet.

Dan rolled his eyes and turned him back around, "Oh, get back here, you spork," Dan said, as he pulled Phil back to him and kissed him, making Phil smile.

"I missed you," Dan said against his lips.

"I missed you too," Phil grinned.

"I'm so glad I met you," Dan said, "And I'm so glad that you're safe."

Phil hummed amusedly and booped Dan's nose, "That's good, because we're going on a date today."


"I mean, surprise, babe, we're going on a date!"

"But you're already my boyfriend," Dan said.

"I never asked you," Phil stated, eyebrows rasied.

"Well then, Phil will you be my boyfriend?" Dan asked.

"Nope," Phil said, shaking his head.

Dan's mouth dropped open and Phil laughed at his reaction, "What the fuck do you mean by 'NOPE?'"

"You're going on this date with me today, and then maybe I'll reconsider my answer. We're starting over. We're not going to forget everything that happened, because that's part of us forever, but we can get one thing right. And that's this date, a real day with each other like we just met. Not a day spent in a hospital, or while I'm hurt on the floor. This day is going to be happy."

Dan smiled, "Okay, that sounds perfect."

And it was.

The End


AN: Oh fuck.

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