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Dan's tearful eyes widened, "What? Oh my god, what's wrong?!"

"I-I n-need y-you," Phil stuttered, sobbing still.

"Where are you?! How can I get there?" Dan asked, not feeling sad for himself anymore. He was worried, not even minding if the boy saw him today. He needed to help him.

Dan didn't hear a reply, except for some tears, but then he got a text.

It was from P.
A location.

"I'm coming!" Dan said, grabbing his jacket and sprinting down the stairs with the phone still up to his ear, "Shhhh, P, I'm coming."

Dan ignored his parents calls at him as he ran through the front door. He had to leave now.

P lived only a few streets away from him.

He kept on the phone with P, heart breaking more everytime he heard him sniffle, but it encouraged him to run faster, even if he wasn't used to the exercise.

He got to the address, not paying any mind to the actual house as he knocked on the door.

No one answered, so he opened up the unlocked door, walking into an older house with the TV going but seeming completely silent otherwise.

Dan ran up the stairs, deciding to check there first,"P!" he called, opening up the door to the bathroom and quickly closing it when he saw no one was there. Then he heard a soft "Hello?" from the room to his left.

He opened the door, to find someone on the floor injured and hurting, tears in their eyes. They were sat up, holding their arm and staring right at him sadly.

It was Phil Lester.

"Phil?" He said, shocked at him and hurt at the image in front of him.

Phil couldn't answer, though surprised at who he saw. He didn't know his name, but he knew that face. He was the pretty boy he had ran into, twice now. And he was crying too, brown eyes staring empathetically at him.

Dan ran over to Phil, hugging him tightly and minding the seemingly hurt arm with his body. Phil was shocked at first, but he accepted the attention, wishing he could hug him back. He cried, because he felt loved. He just let it all out. The boy hugging him tighter the more he did.

"Oh, Phil," Dan whispered, tears falling down his face as he put their foreheads together, hands on Phils face, "Phil, what happened to you?"

Dan didn't have time to focus on the shock of who it was anymore. He didn't care. All that mattered, is that this boy that meant so much to him, was okay.

"It was my dad," Phil said, cheeks stained and sounding so tiny, "And I'm sorry for bothering you about this."

Dan looked at him confusedly, "Don't ever feel sorry for needing help," he said, "I love you, and I'm going to help you, okay?"

Phil nodded, more tears in his eyes too, entranced by the wonderful brown haired boy in front of him. He was even better than Phil thought.

"What's your name?" He whispered, as the boy checked the bruises on his body.

"I'm Dan," he said, voice cracking a bit from sobs earlier.

Phil nodded, and winced as Dan touched his arm, "Is this where it hurts the most?" Dan said, looking at Phil sympathetically.

"Yeah," Phil murmured, everything hurt.

Dan nodded, "I think it's broken," he examined, and maybe your nose too."

Phil nodded this time, eyes scanning Dan and all of his loving ways.

"You're beautiful," Phil whispered, Dan's eyes suddenly meeting with his at the words.

And somehow, there were even more tears in Dan's eyes as he hugged him again, racking sobs out of his body. No one treated Dan like P.

Who knew how two boys could cry so much? Dan was so in love with the boy in his arms and it was hitting him all at once. They were finding a way to cry in silence, hearts on their sleeves.

He pulled away, looking at Phil's watery blue eyes, feeling at home. This was his best friend.

He thought of kissing him, bringing together what belonged. And Phil was just so in need of comfort.

But instead Dan pulled him closer, hugging him again as Phil continued to cry on his shoulder.

And he cried, and he cried.


Dan called his parents, and asked them to pick him and his friend up and drive him to the emergency room.

The whole two minutes until his family got there Dan held Phil, and the whole ride to the hospital, Dan held Phil.

His parents had questions of course. Who was this boy? Why was he hurt? Where are his parents?

But they decided to save them for the hospital, because he looked so in pain, physically and mentally, it just felt wrong to interrogate him.

The nurses had questions too. Which were a lot of the same ones that the Howells had.

"Who are you?" One of the nurses asked as she gave Phil a routine check up.

"I'm Phil L-Lester," he stammered.

She nodded, "Where and who are your parents?"

"Maurice Lester is my father," Phil said.

"Okay, then. I'll go find and call him, and we'll have a doctor-"

"NO!" Phil accidentally shouted a bit too loudly, scaring the nurse, "No, please don't call my father," he said.

"Why not?" She asked.

"Can you just please not call my dad? Please?" Phil begged.

She stared at him as if figuring him out, "Did your father do this to you?" She asked.

She was smart. Smarter than Phil would've wanted her to be. How should he answer? His father would kill him if he told, and where would he even live? He'd have to leave again, and Phil didn't want to leave again. He had a reason to stay.

"Just please don't call him," Phil tried, putting every ounce of pain into the please again.

The nurse sighed, "Alright, honey. But you're going to have to tell the doctor if not me. And the police might have to get involved with this too."

Phil flinched, "I-I know."

She nodded, looking sympathetically at him, before leaving him alone on the hospital bed.

Phil lost himself in the surroundings, wondering what Dan was doing.

Was he worried too?



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