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A new year a new couple

Mitch's POV
I wake up and see her asleep on my chest. I smile at the beauty sleeping on me i carefully and quitely get out of bed without waking her up. I get my clothes back on and head towards out the door. Once im out im greeted by scott of course and he says "last night was fun huh mitch?" He says and raises an eyebrow to me. I then say "shut up and between you and me. It was fun for both of us" scott then says "well lets go stuff our faces. I made breakfast" we head into the kitchen get our food and beverage to wash it all down.

I wake up and notice that i am not in my room and then my vision gets better and i see that i am in mitch's room. I then look and see me not dressed just naked frame i look all over the floor and i dont see my clothes so im pursuing that either scott or mitch took my clothes and got it clean. I see his shirt on the floor so i put it on. I then hear the door open and see mitch come in.

Mitch's POV
I come in the room and see the beauty in my shirt and all i do is just smile. She looks so perfect in my clothes. And the only thing that comes out of my mouth is "you look good in my shirt. You should wear it more often" good one mitch and say something else. "I brought breakfast to you cause i thought you were still asleep" she says "awe your so sweet!! Thank you" she sits and eats and i just stand there and stare at her not like stocking stareing im just seeing everything beautiful and i smile and i get into my train of thought. Her smile, her lips, her hair, her body and her body frame just everything about her is so perfect i am just so amzed
I then get out of my train of thought when she comes to me and puts her arms around my waist and kisses my jawline i tilt my head down a little bit and kiss her lips. We part and i say

"you make me the happiest man in the world. You mean so much to me khia. Ever since you came here and you and i getting to know each other. We connected just like that we have the same likes and dislikes. You get along great with scott, avi, kevin and kirstin perfectlly. I love you a lot and you the same to me. You mean so much to me and i plan to never let you go" i pull out a necklace with a 'M' in the middle which means in this case means mine. I continue "promise to be mine forever and always and to have and to hold and never see another" as i finished i see tears wait no i see waterfalls falling from her eyes i wipe them away and she says sobbing "i-i- i love you t-t- too with all my heart. I promise with all my h-h- heart" i put the necklace on her we kiss and hug. Scott comes in with her clothes and she takes them and before she goes to take her shower she says "i love you" she blows me a kiss i catch it and put it on my heart. She goes off and on her way.

I cried while writing this and btw i didn't know i was such a romantic well anyways enjoy

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