2016's Funeral

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We are gathered here today in remembrance of the year of 2016 ACE/AD, a year of many things to remember, some more pleasant than others. The things that I will remember this rather interesting year for is:

1. How much I truly despise humanity and wish that I was dead a long time ago.

2. The year that I was diagnosed with clinical depression.

3. How much your closest friends can turn to people whom you question how they can live with themselves and how people can like them period.

4. How there is always someone who is better than you in every way.

5. The year Donald Trump got elected.

6. Pokemon Sun and Moon, and that was awesome.

7. The possibility of a 5 year long relationship ending permanently because they pretended like you didn't exist.

If anyone else has anything else to say about this past year, please, step forward and state your memories and condolences.

If not, then let us step out to the graveyard, and lay 2016 down to it's final resting place.

May 2017 live up to it's father's legacy and maybe surpass it. Here's to a bleaker (or brighter) tomorrow.


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