Shourtney: Early to Work

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Courtney's POV

I pulled into the surprisingly empty parking lot. I looked at my phone, noticing the time.

"I forgot to put my clock back an hour!" I yelled, annoyed with myself.

Man, I hate the end of daylight saving time. I always seem to forget to change me clock.

I notice another car in the parking lot, pulling up next to me.

I slumped back into my seat.

I was on my phone when I got a text from Shayne.

'You @ work?' It read.

'Yeah... why?' I responded, confused.

'Look to your left' he said.

I turn my head, and he's sitting in his car, waving at me.

I roll my window down, and he does the same.

"Forgot to change your clock?" I ask.

"Yep. You did the same?" He replies.

"Yep." I said.

"Do you wanna grab your stuff and sit in my car, so we aren't talking through open windows?" He asks.

"Yes." I said, relieved I didn't have to ask that awkwardly.

I turn my car off, grab my stuff for work, lock my car, and go into the passenger seat of Shayne's car.

"Looks like we're stuck here for the hour." Shayne says as I shut the car door.

I nod. "I know I'm the one that usually forgets to change her clock. How did you forget?"

"Honest mistake." Shayne replies. "We all do it once."

"People like me, more than once." I say, which causes us both to laugh.

"Are you ready for he video shoot today?" Shayne asks.

We were shooting an 'Every [Blank] Ever', this one being about food shows. It was going to be really funny.

"I am so ready to be Guy Fieri." Shayne said, which made me laugh really hard.

"You're gonna look hilarious in that wig." I say, still laughing

"Oh you bet I am." He said, doing finger guns.

"I'm sure you are." I replied, running my hand through my hair.

"You're going to be great with all of your characters." Shayne said. "You have all the best parts in the script, except for Guy Fieri."

We both laugh for a while.

I check the time. We'd been sitting here for a while, and yet there was still 20 minutes until we could get into the building.

"So, what do we do now?" Shayne asks.

"We could read through each other's Instagram comments?" I suggest. "Looking for the funny ones."

"That sounds fun." Shayne said, smiling.

We spend the next 20 minutes scrolling through each other's comments. It was especially funny when it was full squad pictures and they would put comments about the rest of the squad to.

Unsurprisingly, I saw plenty of Shourtney comments. I did kind of like Shayne, but it wasn't a huge crush. But if he asked me out, I'd definitely say yes.

Finally, the office was open, and we could go in. There was nobody here yet, but it was better than being stuck in the car.

We got to the Squad office and sat on the couch.

"Man, I'm actually kind of tired." Shayne said, yawning and stretching his arms out.

When he brought his arms back down, he put the one closest to me behind me on the couch, slightly wrapping his arm around me. I was a bit sunrises, but didn't protest. I laid back a bit more on the couch.

I turn on the TV in the office turning on a show with Guy Fieri just to mess with Shayne.

When Guy Fieri showed up on the screen, Shayne went, "Hey, it's me!"

We both laughed at that, and we continued to watch the show.

At one point, a put my head on his shoulder. He didn't seem to care, which I thought was a good thing.

"So, Courtney, what are you doing after work today?" Shayne asks as we're still just sitting.

"Nothing really." I said, thinking. "I just have to go grocery shopping."

"Any plans after that?" Shayne questions.

"Nope. My schedule is pretty free." I say.

"Do you want to go out to dinner with me?" He suggests, a hint of happiness in his voice.

"Of course!" I say happily. "Is anyone else coming?"

"No, it would be just you and me." He says, smiling.

"I'm still totally up for it." I say, holding in my excitement.

"Can I pick you up at 7:30?" He asks me.

"Sounds perfect." I say, hugging him from the position I was in.

Right then, Shayne looked me in the eyes and kissed me. And of course, I kiss back.

"Umm... am I interrupting something?" A voice says from the doorway.

We stop the kiss and look over to see Noah, shielding his eyes awkwardly in the doorway. His face is red.

"We can continue that later." Shayne whispers.

We both get off the couch, I turn off the TV, and we go to our desks.

What a good early morning this turned out to be.

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