Confessions - Part 10

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We're nearing the colony and tension starts to float across Mason's shoulders, coming and going. His jaw hardens more and more as we approach civilization. Whatever's about to happen, whatever I'm about to learn is clearly pulling at the edges of his composure, threatening to unravel our comfortable truce.

I kept my word and other than comments on logistics, I was silent. As we crest the last big hill, the outline of some low buildings and the bustle of people and various animals come into view, none of which I recognize from our earlier adventures. It resembles an old world farming community. I want to pause, to drink in the sight of more people, but I know that will set off red flags everywhere. Worry is like a dim light in the back of my brain as I look at Mason's tense frame. He's done the bulk of the heavy lifting over the last few miles and he doesn't seem even remotely tired.

"Hold up." Mason stops pulling and looks at Rocco and Riven. "I think it's probably best if the two of you lead us in."

Rocco and Riven exchange glances and move to the front. Rocco turns back to us and says, "We can manage it from here." The firmness in his voice is surprising and I think Mason might balk at his lack of gratitude for the help we gave thus far.

Instead, Mason holds up his hands and steps back. I stand beside him. We can't accomplish my next task if we don't even enter the colony.

Rocco takes over Mason's pulling position and Riven grabs hold beside him. We watch them struggle in silence for a few moments and then Rocco reluctantly lets go of the beast, having moved it only a few feet. He looks at Mason. "It appears we may need your help after all."

Mason absorbs his words without comment and nods to me to get behind the quillore again. I expected him to be a little smug at their need for help and again I am struck by how uneasy he seems.

When Mason moves to start pushing, Rocco speaks again but he isn't looking at either of us. "I'm not prepared to vouch for either of you."

Mason avoids looking at me, but his knuckles go white and his face seems to lose some color. "Understood."

Riven stops pulling and stands taller, moving around so that we can see him better. "I'll vouch for both of you."

Rocco's voice shakes with anger. "That's a death sentence."

"If he hadn't healed my legs, I'd already be dead." Riven's jaw is set and while he looks tenser, Mason looks slightly more relaxed.

I'm sure that if my next task didn't have something to do with this colony that Mason and I would leave them to drag the beast in themselves. I take up my position beside him in silence and start pushing again. We start off at a good pace and roll into the colony.

I can't see over the sleek black body of the quillore, but I hear the roar of the community as the beast makes its entrance with the two colony members alive, well and fully intact. People are speaking to Rocco and Riven in excited voices. Mason turns his back so that it rests against the quillore.

"Ah, Queenie. The shit is about to hit the fan." He grabs my hand.

He inhales deeply and steps around the quillore, dragging me behind him. There's a stunned silence and then Rocco and Riven look at us, stunned, as though we were forgotten in the rush of congratulations.

Riven quickly moves over beside us, clearly indicating his acceptance of our presence. "These two travelers helped us to bring the beast back."

An angry voice from the back of the crowd yells out, "He's no traveler! We don't want him here. He can't enter the colony's gates."

Riven takes a deep breath and sways a little on his feet. I put a reassuring hand around his waist and leave my other hand securely in Mason's.


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