Go Be Amazing - Part 47

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"Your mother is first and I am last as shows of good faith. Everyone has agreed," my father says, giving a meaningful look to Mason.

My mother touches my arm and looks into my eyes. I see the love, but also the hesitation in her aquamarine eyes. "I trust you," she says and then she pushes her power into me. I'm amazed she has so much, and I search for Mason, hoping I don't look as afraid as I suddenly feel. I close my eyes and hastily construct a box, putting all the power into it.

As each person comes up, saying the same words as my mother and pushing their power into me. I build box after box, so many that I almost feel faint with suppressed power. I keep my eyes closed, accepting one person after another until I hear a familiar voice.

"I trust you, Hannah," my father says.

I give him a soft smile, drowsy and a little drunk on power. "You're gonna be a great dad in the other realm."

He reaches up and hugs me, pushing his power into me as we embrace. I build the last box, maybe not quite as solid as the first and give myself a reminder to unpack them one at a time to funnel the power into Ryan.

I glance over at Mason, and my heart squeezes under the weight of what's about to happen. Against all odds, he's gotten me here. He's sending me home. He saunters over to me with the cocky swagger that I've come to love, and he stands toe to toe with me before whispering, "Knife." It pops into his hand: magic. He flips it around so the handle is facing me.

I reach out tentatively, grasping the hilt and then look into his eyes.

"You need to go. The power is too much for you," he says quietly so other people won't be able to hear clearly.

My voice is thick when I say, "If you go to the Ether – Ryan and I will hunt for you. We'll find a way to pull you back." A touch of desperation flutters in my chest.

I don't know if it's the power or the realization that this is it for us. Tears are starting to blur my vision, and my throat is stopped up by a dam of emotion so big I think I might drown in my sorrow. I envy him the ability to turn off his emotions. If I wasn't so full of magic, I'd be doing that now. I'm not sure I can do this. I look at his face - one I've come to love so much - I'm sure I can't do this.

"You have to let me go, Hannah." He steps a little closer, his blonde hair is blowing in the gentle breeze. He pulls my hand up so the tip of the dagger is pressed against his chest. "I'm going to lean forward to kiss your forehead, okay? Just keep your hand steady – don't let go of the dagger until I'm gone." He tips my chin up to meet his green gaze one last time. I think of everything we've been through, both what I remember and what I can't. I don't think I can do this.

"I love you." His voice is gentle but full of emotion. "I love you so much – go be amazing."

The dam breaks, and I sob so hard that I can hardly breathe. My hand holding the dagger trembles. I have to bring a second hand up to keep the dagger steady as he steps forward, and his lips connect with my forehead. I close my eyes, breathing in the scent of pine and fields of grass. The pressure on the hilt of the knife increases, and I clutch the knife harder.

Then I hear the explosion, and my eyes pop open to see the black void sucking out the last of his remains. I collapse to the ground, numb. My parents, Rocco, Clara and Riven all surround me, but it's like I can't see them. I'm blind. The portal starts to snake open making a hissing sound, but all I can think about is Mason. Where has he gone? My soul howls and I can't breathe. I can't breathe.

Rocco kneels down and takes the dagger gently from my hand. He pulls me up into his arms and kisses my temple. The darkness starts to recede, replaced by a sharp, piercing ache.

"He's gone." I cry into Rocco's shoulder. "How could I do that, Rocco? I don't know where he's gone."

He squeezes me tighter and whispers words of comfort in my ear over and over until they finally start to seep into my consciousness. Journeyers are slowly moving through the portal, and I want to go back to Ryan but I'm not sure how I let go of this place. I can't imagine this realm without Mason in it.

Rocco pulls back a little and watches me wipe the tears from my face. "You're always welcome in my dreams, my Queen," Rocco murmurs before stepping back. "We have a saying when we go into battle here, in case we don't survive and I'm honored to say it to you now. If our souls ever meet again, I will remember you with fondness."

When Rocco moves back, Clara steps forward, and I crouch down. She hugs me around the shoulders and whispers in my ear, "You'll find him again. You can do extraordinary things; I know it. I've seen it."

Finally, Riven approaches as I try to wipe my tears, but the sadness is all consuming. It's almost like a part of me disappeared into that black hole, too. His brown eyes are kind like they always are and he says, "he told me once that when he finally died, he wanted to die a hero. I'm glad he got his wish." He kisses the side of my temple and joins Rocco and Clara at the edge of the crowd.

The portal is big enough now that more of the Journeyers are stepping through tentatively, unsure if this is all a trick. I can't blame them; it's been an odd life so far.

I stand with my parents as each person goes through the portal and I worry that it won't be open long enough. But, there must be some sort of magical interference or counter because it's still open when it's just me and my parents left. My dad hugs me and steps through, but my mom takes my hand and looks me in the eyes.

"I've never been prouder of anyone. I can't wait to see what you'll do next."

I half turn to Rocco, Riven, and Clara, feeling a little more stable, even if worry is like a constant drum at the back of my brain. The power coursing through me feels volatile and strange; I wonder if Mason gave me some of his power, too. A parting gift. The desire to collapse hits me again in the chest. He's gone. I push all those thoughts out of my head; I can't help what's done, I can only make the best of what's left.

"Thank you!" I call to Rocco, Riven, and Clara. "In this life and in any life to come, I hope we meet again." Then my mother is pulling me into the portal, and we're falling in the dark. My scar flares and I hope we're not too late.

Author's Note:

Do you agree with how Mason handles his death? How does he, even at the end, try to make things easier for Hannah? Where do you think he ends up? What clues are in the text about where he's most likely gone? What do you think Hannah will find on the Third Realm?

Vote. Comment. Follow. I'd love to hear from you. :)

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