The Final Task - Part 45

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Quiet falls over the clearing and Mason stands up beside me. We turn to face all the people left behind. The rebels who are still alive seem as though they are coming out of a trance, dropping their weapons and looking around in bewilderment. It appears none of them were willing participants in Grayson's game either. In groups, they wander off into the woods, and the only people left are the remains of the Journeyers: some alive, some injured, some dead. Those Journeyers who are able to seem to be going around healing people.

I look to the tree, and against all odds, Clara managed to close the crack while the fighting was happening. My heart swells with gratitude, and I look at Mason as I gesture towards the tree. He nods his head, but considering the victory we just accomplished, he seems grim.

"Check your sequence," he says.

I pull it out of the front of my dress one last time and turn it so it catches the faint light streaming through the cloudy sky.

Sacrifice what you're most afraid to lose.

My breath leaves me, deflating me, and I turn haunted eyes to Mason. "What does this mean?" What I'm most afraid to lose?

Rocco, Riven, Clara and my parents have all gathered around us and are reading the line over my shoulder. But, I can't tear my eyes from Mason. If this means what I think it means, I'm not sure I can do it.

Mason's green eyes are pained when he looks at me. But he doesn't answer. Instead, he turns to my parents and says, "The Fourth Realm will only allow all the Journeyers to return to the Third Realm if every one of you funnels your magic into Hannah. She'll then give half of that to Ryan when she gets to the Third Realm to restore the balance of power. You'll all be back in the Third Realm, but it'll take the Journeyers generations to rebuild their powers." Mason pushes out the explanation in a rush. "We need you to go convince them to make your daughter their Queen and to be satisfied. If you can't convince them, I'll kill anyone who doesn't agree."

So much for plan A and then plan B. I can't help a brief smile even as my heart feels so heavy. I want to erase the list or pretend it doesn't exist. I want to scrub out the last line on the page and replace it with something that doesn't have this outcome.

My parents agree and disappear into the crowd, starting to gather people, and I can already hear their voices being raised over the complaints and uncertainty. I'm not sure what I'd do if I was in a Journeyer's place.

Mason pulls Rocco over to the side and shows him the dagger. He points to areas on Rocco's body, and he uses a stick to draw a pattern on the ground. Rocco's eyes are hooded, heavy with worry, but he nods his head.

Then, he pulls Clara aside. When she starts to raise her voice, he drags her further away. I'm sure I heard the word Ether, and my heartbeat picks up again. I want to run over and demand answers, but my feet feel like cement blocks, too heavy to move. I re-read the line on the list, letting my brain swirl. What am I most afraid to lose? I look up and see Mason watching me, while Clara talks at him, and he gives his head a little shake. I don't know if it's for me or her. I want to lie on the ground and sob. I won't do it.

I have to do it.

The fight in the clearing is escalating, and I know that I need to handle the Journeyers. I can't fall apart. I tuck the sequence into my dress one last time and head into the fray of jostling bodies.

"Everyone! Everyone!" I shout into the chaos of voices. Growing impatient and already frustrated, I shoot a burst of light into the air above our heads, illuminating the darkening sky. "Enough!" I scream, letting all my emotions funnel into that one word. I'm so tired of fighting.

The clearing quiets apart from a few mumbles from people who think I'm just some teenage girl pretending at being the Queen. One of those men who doesn't believe me steps forward out of the crowd and my father places a hand on his chest. I didn't even see my father come up beside me.

"Say your piece Enrique, but don't come any closer," his voice is full of warning.

"How do we know you're the Queen?" Enrique asks, doubt clouding his voice. "Any powerful Journeyer can funnel magic."

I yank down the top of my dress and when my fingers brush against the scar, it burns the back of my fingers. I gasp and look down, vaguely horrified. It's never felt this hot before, and I look back at Mason, aghast.

He comes forward immediately and takes over without a word from me.

"All that power, Enrique came from the current ruler, Ryan. They've been separated for far too long and we have to get Hannah back to the Third Realm before Ryan becomes too weak to keep a handle on all the rebels protesting the absence of Journeyers," Mason's tone is bored but solid as stone.

That's how I know that something is really wrong; his bored tone only comes out when he's trying to shield his emotions. I watch him, but half my brain is still on my scar, at the heat pouring off it. Ryan.

Mason continues, "I don't know what all the fuss is about up there; you all seem just fine to me. And, you will be fine, provided you funnel all your magic into Hannah. You go back to the Third Realm and live a perfectly normal life, reunited with friends and extended family."

"Except we'll be powerless," Enrique clarifies, anger tingeing his voice.

"I can kill you now if you'd prefer," Mason says, raising his eyebrows in challenge. "That goes for anyone here. Each of you lines up to give your power to Hannah; she takes it all, then the portal opens."

"How is she going to open the portal?" Enrique asks, still not willing to back down.

"All you need to know is that it'll open," Mason says.

I'm pretty sure in any other life, at any other time, Enrique would have been sent to the Ether by now. I can see Mason's patience wearing thin.

"Enrique, Autumn – Hannah – is our daughter. The flesh of our flesh – the bone of our bone. If she has agreed to this, I am confident that it's the only way." My father uses his voice to project across the clearing. "I am confident that this is the right way."

A murmur spreads across the clearing and a voice at the back calls out, "It's too much power. She'll never be the same."

And there it is, my greatest fear. Without a word, Mason puts his hand on the small of my back to steady me.

"She knows how to build mental walls and boxes. She's very skilled at it; she won't be overwhelmed," Mason shouts into the crowd. His voice is almost loud enough to quell my fear.

I look at him, and his green eyes are the colour of the field I love so much. I feel the ache of tears behind my eyes, but I swallow them back and blink my eyes rapidly. There will be time for tears.

Another wave of quiet talking sweeps through the crowd.

My father touches my shoulder. "I need a moment. I think we're close, just step back, and I'll see if I can close the deal."

Author's Note:

How would you interpret the last piece of Hannah's sequence? What do you think has happened to Ryan in the other realm? Do you think the increase in power will ruin Hannah?

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