Welcome Home, Chara.

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Asriels POV: 
I'm so happy I agreed to come take a walk with Frisk, never, not even in my wildest dreams would I dreamed of meeting my best friend again. No words can explain how happy I am right now. But why can't I seem to stop crying? I really want to tell mom, after all, she misses Chara just as much as I did.

''Hey! We should probably tell mom and dad that Chara is back!'' - I suggested, I really wanted to tell both mom, and dad too, even though he no longer lives with us, he loved Chara, he would love to see them, I'm sure!

''W-wait! No!'' - Chara raised their voice trembling. 

''What do yo mean no? They miss you Chara, we all miss you...Dad even has his sweater you knitted for him, you know, the pink one that says ''Mr. Dad Guy'', don't you remember?'' - I tried to convince them to come home. They didn't respond, they just kept staring at the ground.  Frisk turned to me tilting their head. I know I probably shouldn't have said that. 

You see, Chara was always the only one who understood me, I could talk to them about everything, and they would understand. I just hope they feel the same about me. 

''Chara, don't be scared, mom and Asriel love you a lot...'' - I heard Frisks voice as they approached Chara; ''...Ever since I fell down Mt. Ebott and came across Toriel, she has always said all the best about you. She loves you. They all love you, Chara.'' 

- - - 

Charas POV:

I got really scared when Asriel said he wants to take me back home to mom. I love mom and dad a lot, but I don't know if I'll be able to face them, not after when we accidentally poisoned dad while baking butterscotch-cinnamon pie, when we used buttercups instead of butterscotch for the pie. I feel like they are both blaming me for almost killing dad. I don't want to scare mom or dad or Asriel away. I think it's more than enough that my biological parents were scared of me. I really do wish to return back home with Asriel, but I'm afraid mom won't really be glad to see me, after when I poisoned myself and committed suicide right in front of my whole family. 

I just started at the ground, when I felt someone's hand softly rubbing my shoulder. I looked up and I saw  Frisk giving me a warm smile, comforting me. Maybe they are right, I have nothing to worry about, after all, mom and dad only filled me with love. I haven't felt love from anyone else besides them and Asriel, but somehow, Frisks warmth fills me with....love?

I sighed - ''S-Sorry, I didn't mean to over react, I'll go, I want to see mom and dad.'' 

Child and the goat boy seemed to change expressions, they chuckled softly and they both took me by the hand. We walked all over from the Waterfall to the Snowdin, strangely, no one was there, it didn't change a lot since I was here the last time. Grillby's is still here, and so are Sans' and Papyrus's house. 

It took us a while 'till we got to the ruins. I tried to sync my breath, since I could've felt my heart pounding faster than before. This is it. I'm finally standing in front of the huge brickyard house with two piles of bright red flowers. I'm finally standing in front of the house I used to call my home. 

Suddenly something squeezed my hand gently, no, wait, someone. It was Frisk, they were gazing at me the whole time, offering me a warm smile. I tried to look away, but my eyes couldn't focus on anything but them. So I smiled back in return.

''Don't worry, Asriel and I will be there to hold your hand, even if you're falling''- Frisk whispered softly. Asriel nodded and looked at me full of confidence.

Asriel went to lower the handle and open the door. I could feel my body tingling and my pulse getting faster, but I felt the hand squeeze again by no one other than Frisk. I was so thankful that they were here. Here we go now..

''Mom! Mom!'' - Asriel shouted with an excitement and happiness, I could've seen the sparkle in his eyes as he ran up to our mother, Toriel.

''Now, now, my child, what's that excitement all about?'' - Toriel didn't seem to notice me yet, she just smiled towards Asriel. 

''You would never guess who we found on the way home mom!'' - Asriel chuckled as he looked back at Frisk and I. 

''H-Hi mom...'' - I said nervously. 

Mom's  pupils suddenly became really small, as her tears slowly filled her eyes she covered her mouth. She was in a shock. I didn't expect any other reaction to be honest. She was whimpering, she seemed like she wanted to say something but tears just rolled down her cheeks. She slowly approached us, my heart was pounding even faster. Frisk held me tight in their arms, they saw how terrified I was. Toriel came to hug me, she hugged me so tight, yet so soft, I could feel her tears through my shirt. 

''My child...I missed you so much'' - She whispered as she whimpered; ''Don't ever leave us like that again...I can't describe how much it hurt to lose you and Asriel in the same night, thank goddess you're alive.'' 

''Mom?'' - I asked shyly.

''Yes, my child, what is it?'' 

''I love you mom...'' 

''I love you too Chara, don't ever scare me like that again.'' 

''Is it okay if I stay here, I have nowhere else to go, I'm sorry if I'm asking for too much...'' - I said nervously. 
Toriel let go of me and placed her paws on my shoulders as she smiled. 

''Welcome home, Chara.'' 

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